The HETE2TL database table records the pointing direction of the HETE-2 boresight camera and the roll angle of the HETE-2 spacecraft at each given time, as determined by the aspect camera/optical sub-system aboard HETE-2. HETE-2 (the High Energy Transient Explorer) is an international mission designed to help unravel the mystery of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs). The primary goal of HETE-2 is to determine the origin and nature of cosmic gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) by simultaneous observation of soft and medium X-rays and gamma-rays to provide precise localization of GRBs and identification of counterparts to these explosions. HETE-2 carries three science instruments: a set of wide-field gamma-ray spectrometers (FREGATE), a wide-field X-ray monitor (WXM, and a set of soft X-ray cameras (SXC) HETE-2 was launched on October 9, 2000, and declared fully operational on February 6, 2001. While this mission was active, this HEASARC database table was updated on a thrice-per-week basis, depending upon updates to the timeline file. The last update that was provided was in August 2006. Some duplicate entries were remove in June 2019. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .