This is a course on pyVO, an astropy-affiliated Python library
implementing client parts for many protocols in the Virtual
Observatory: Simple discovery protocols like SCS, SIAP, and SSAP as
well as the sophisticated Table Access Protocol TAP, which allows
users to send complex queries to remote tables and retrieve
metadata-rich results. There is also an interface to the VO Registry
to enable data and service discovery.
The course comes with many exercises, most of which also have
solutions. We hope it is suitable for both self-study and as lecture
notes in teacher-led situations.
The VO client Aladin offers powerful facilities of creating an
astrometrical calibration to images lacking WCS (World Coordinate
System) information. This tutorial shows how to go about doing this
for an image of the Ring Nebula in Lyr.
A form to search the VAMDC species list published on the TAP service
at Enter parts of species names or chemical
formulae here and get back matching names, inchis and inchikeys.
Extracted sources from the Bochum Galactic Disk Survey. We provide
mean photometry in U, B, V, z, r, and i bands. Note that sources in
different bands are not matched. Also, sources sitting in the regions
imaged in multiple fields have not been matched even within one band.
In i and r, BGDS light curves are available. See related services for
The Bochum Galactic Disk Survey is a project to monitor the stellar
content of the Galactic disk in a 6 degree wide stripe centered on the
Galactic plane. The data has been recorded from September 2010 to
September 2019 with the RoBoTT Telecsope at the
Universitaetssternwarte Bochum near Cerro Armazones in the Chilean
Atacama desert. It contains measurements of more than 2x10^7 stars.
The second and final data release contains follow-up observations from
January 2017 to September 2019 in Sloan r and i and intermittent
measurements in Johnson UVB, Sloan z and the narrowbands OIII, NB,
Halpha and SII.
This service exposes the light curves of stars produced by the Bochum
Galactic Disk Survey; several million light curves are provided in the
SDSS i and r bands. The lightcurves are published per-band and are
also available through obscore.
This archive collects and re-publishes third-party, mostly amateur,
images of the Gaia astrometry satellite to complemement the Ground Based
Optical Tracking (GBOT) effort.
Until Gaia passivation, there is a temporary upload facility
The overall goal of this tutorial is to become familiar with VOSpec.
For that, we are going to build the Spectral Energy Distribution (SED)
of two Herbig Ae/Be stars, compare them and categorise them as group 1
or group 2 Herbig Ae/Be stars.
This tutorial uses SPLAT-VO to search the VO registry for spectra of
galaxies and quasars. From the obtained spectra, the Hydrogen Lyman
Alpha line will be used to compute redshift and velocity