This catalog combines Gaia DR1, Pan-STARRS 1, SDSS and 2MASS astrometry
to compute proper motions for 350 million sources across three-fourths of
the sky down to a magnitude of mr≈20. Positions of galaxies from Pan-STARRS 1
are used to build a reference frame for PS1, SDSS, and 2MASS data.
Gaia DR1 is adapted to that reference frame by exploiting that locally,
proper motions are linear.
GPS1 has a characteristic systematic error of less than 0.3 mas/yr, and
a typical precision of 1.5−2.0 mas/yr. The proper motions have been
validated using galaxies, open clusters, distant giant stars and QSOs. In
comparison with other published faint proper motion catalogs, GPS1's
systematic error (<0.3 mas/yr) is about 10 times better than that of PPMXL
and UCAC4 (>2.0 mas/yr). Similarly, its precision (~1.5 mas/yr) is
an improvement by ∼ 4 times relative to PPMXL and UCAC4 (∼6.0 mas/yr).
For QSOs, the precision of GPS1 is found to be worse (∼2.0−3.0 mas/yr),
possibly due to their particular differential chromatic refraction (DCR).
The GAVO puzzlers are little training problems solvable by standard
VO techniques (data discovery, SIAP, Cone Search, TAP). They assume
some familiarity with common astronomical concepts (they were
originally given out during meetings of the German Astronomische
Gesellschaft) but are designed to be solvable using common, standard
tools and in reasonable time. Solutions are also given.
This is the Henry Draper catalog (HD, Cannon & Pickering 1918-1924)
as distributed by the Astronomical Data Center in 1989 (Vizier
III/135A), with Gaia DR2 source_ids and positions added. The link to
modern Gaia DR2 was done through Fabricius et al's match between HD
and Tycho 2 (Vizier IV/25), TGAS to match Tycho 2 and Gaia DR1, and
Gaia DR2 to match against Gaia DR1.
This tutorial employs the Aladin VO client to explore neutral
hydrogen shells around the SMC; it demonstrates using image servers,
catalog servers, and advanced overplotting within Aladin.
HSOY is a catalog of 583'001'653 objects with precise astrometry based on
PPMXL and Gaia DR1. Typical formal errors at mean epoch in proper motion are
below 1 mas/yr for objects brighter than 10 mag, and about 5 mas/yr at the
faint end (about 20 mag). South of -30 degrees, astrometry is significantly
worse. HSOY also contains, where available, USNO-B, Gaia, and 2MASS
photometry. HSOY's positions and proper motions are given for epoch J2000.
The catalog becomes severely incomplete faintwards of 16 mag in the G-band.
The mean epochs are typically very close to Gaia's J2015.
HSOY still contains about 0.7% spurious close
"binaries" (non-matched stars) from the original USNO-B (marked with non-NULL
clone). Also, failed matches within Gaia DR1 contribute another 1.5% spurious
pairs (marked with non-NULL comp). In both cases, astrometry presumably is
More information is available at
The LIFE Target Star Database contains information useful
for the planned `LIFE mission`_ (mid-ir, nulling
interferometer in space). It characterizes possible
target systems including information about stellar,
planetary and disk properties. The data itself is mainly
a collection from different other catalogs.
Note that LIFE's target database is living
data. The content – and to some extent even structure – of these
tables may change at any time without prior warning.
.. _LIFE mission:
A catalogue of 541 nearby (within 10pc of the sun) stars, brown
dwarfs, and confirmed exoplanets in 336 systems, as well 21
candidates, compiled from SIMBAD and several other sources. Where
available, astrometry and photometry from Gaia eDR3 has been inserted.
This tutorial is a dense course through the advanced functions of
TOPCAT and STILTS. It covers detailed information of how to use TOPCAT
and STILTS to find data in the VO, access them, perform crossmatches
and how to do visualisations.
The Ultracool Dwarf Companion Catalogue consists of 278 multiple
systems, 32 of which are newly discovered, each with at least one
spectroscopically confirmed Ultracool Dwarf, within a 100 pc
volume-limited sample. This catalogue is compiled using the Gaia
Catalogue of Nearby Stars for stellar primaries and the Gaia Ultracool
Dwarf Sample for low-mass companions and includes 241 doubles, 33
triples, and 4 higher-order systems established from positional,
proper motion, and parallax constraints.
This is a course on using the Virtual Observatory (VO), an
international research data infrastructure in Astronomy and
Astrophysics. Starting with a brief discussion of some general
concepts, it introduces some of the major client programs like TOPCAT
and Aladin, together with some simple discovery protocols. A first
focus topic is the query language ADQL, which is treated within the
equivalent of three lectures. The second major focus of the course is
the premier Python interface to the VO, pyVO, which is used to also
more deeply investigate the topics treated before. The course is
complemented by a number of side tracks, brief discussions of more
fundamental or more specialised VO topics.
The course comes with many exercises, most of which also have
solutions. We hope it is suitable for both self-study and as lecture
notes in teacher-led situations. In the latter case, it is designed to
work as a semester-long course with two hours of lectures and lab work
each per week.