- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/155/206
- Title:
- Search for rings around Kepler planet candidates
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/155/206
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We perform a systematic search for rings around 168 Kepler planet candidates with sufficient signal-to-noise ratios that are selected from all of the short-cadence data. We fit ringed and ringless models to their light curves and compare the fitting results to search for the signatures of planetary rings. First, we identify 29 tentative systems, for which the ringed models exhibit statistically significant improvement over the ringless models. The light curves of those systems are individually examined, but we are not able to identify any candidate that indicates evidence for rings. In turn, we find several mechanisms of false positives that would produce ringlike signals, and the null detection enables us to place upper limits on the size of the rings. Furthermore, assuming the tidal alignment between axes of the planetary rings and orbits, we conclude that the occurrence rate of rings larger than twice the planetary radius is less than 15%. Even though the majority of our targets are short-period planets, our null detection provides statistical and quantitative constraints on largely uncertain theoretical models of the origin, formation, and evolution of planetary rings.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/162/84
- Title:
- Searching for Small Circumbinary Planets. I. STANLEY
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/162/84
- Date:
- 16 Mar 2022 11:40:27
- Publisher:
- Description:
- No circumbinary planets have been discovered smaller than 3R{Earth}, yet planets of this small size comprise over 75% of the discoveries around single stars. The observations do not prove the nonexistence of small circumbinary planets; rather, they are much harder to find than around single stars because their transit timing variations are much larger than the transit durations. We present Stanley, an automated algorithm to find small circumbinary planets. It employs custom methods to detrend eclipsing binary light curves and stack shallow transits of variable duration and interval using N-body integrations. Applied to the Kepler circumbinaries, we recover all known planets, including the three planets of Kepler-47, and constrain the absence of additional planets of similar or smaller size. We also show that we could have detected <3R{Earth} planets in half of the known systems. Our work will ultimately be applied to a broad sample of eclipsing binaries to (hopefully) produce new discoveries and derive a circumbinary size distribution that can be compared to that for single stars.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/159/124
- Title:
- Searching Kepler data. I. 17 new planets
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/159/124
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of an independent search of all ~200000 stars observed over the four year Kepler mission (Q1-Q17) for multiplanet systems, using a three-transit minimum detection criterion to search orbital periods up to hundreds of days. We incorporate both automated and manual triage, and provide estimates of the completeness and reliability of our vetting pipeline. Our search returned 17 planet candidates (PCs) in addition to thousands of known Kepler Objects of Interest (KOIs), with a 98.8% recovery rate of already confirmed planets. We highlight the discovery of one candidate, KIC-7340288b, that is both rocky (radius=<1.6R_{Earth}_) and in the Habitable Zone (insolation between 0.25 and 2.2 times the Earth's insolation). Another candidate is an addition to the already known KOI-4509 system. We also present adaptive optics imaging follow-up for six of our new PCs, two of which reveal a line-of-sight stellar companion within 4".
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/651/A71
- Title:
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/651/A71
- Date:
- 22 Feb 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In recent decades, direct imaging has confirmed the existence of substellar companions (exoplanets or brown dwarfs) on wide orbits (>10 au) around their host stars. In striving to understand their formation and evolution mechanisms, in 2015 we initiated the SPHERE infrared survey for exoplanets (SHINE), a systematic direct imaging survey of young, nearby stars that is targeted at exploring their demographics. We aim to detect and characterize the population of giant planets and brown dwarfs beyond the snow line around young, nearby stars. Combined with the survey completeness, our observations offer the opportunity to constrain the statistical properties (occurrence, mass and orbital distributions, dependency on the stellar mass) of these young giant planets. In this study, we present the observing and data analysis strategy, the ranking process of the detected candidates, and the survey performances for a subsample of 150 stars that are representative of the full SHINE sample. Observations were conducted in a homogeneous way between February 2015 and February 2017 with the dedicated ground-based VLT/SPHERE instrument equipped with the IFS integral field spectrograph and the IRDIS dual-band imager, covering a spectral range between 0.9 and 2.3m. We used coronographic, angular, and spectral differential imaging techniques to achieve the best detection performances for this study, down to the planetary mass regime. We processed, in a uniform manner, more than 300 SHINE observations and datasets to assess the survey typical sensitivity as a function of the host star and of the observing conditions. The median detection performance reached 5-contrasts of 13mag at 200mas and 14.2mag at 800mas with the IFS (YJ and YJH bands), and of 11.8mag at 200mas, 13.1mag at 800mas, and 15.8mag at 3as with IRDIS in H band, delivering one of the deepest sensitivity surveys thus far for young, nearby stars. A total of sixteen substellar companions were imaged in this first part of SHINE: seven brown dwarf companions and ten planetary-mass companions. These include two new discoveries, HIP 65426 b and HIP 64892 B, but not the planets around PDS70 that had not been originally selected for the SHINE core sample. A total of 1483 candidates were detected, mainly in the large field of view that characterizes IRDIS. The color-magnitude diagrams, low-resolution spectrum (when available with IFS), and follow-up observations enabled us to identify the nature (background contaminant or comoving companion) of about 86% of our subsample. The remaining cases are often connected to crowded-field follow-up observations that were missing. Finally, even though SHINE was not initially designed for disk searches, we imaged twelve circumstellar disks, including three new detections around the HIP 73145, HIP 86598, and HD106906 systems. Nowadays, direct imaging provides a unique opportunity to probe the outer part of exoplanetary systems beyond 10au to explore planetary architectures, as highlighted by the discoveries of: one new exoplanet, one new brown dwarf companion, and three new debris disks during this early phase of SHINE. It also offers the opportunity to explore and revisit the physical and orbital properties of these young, giant planets and brown dwarf companions (relative position, photometry, and low-resolution spectrum in near-infrared, predicted masses, and contrast in order to search for additional companions). Finally, these results highlight the importance of finalizing the SHINE systematic observation of about 500 young, nearby stars for a full exploration of their outer part to explore the demographics of young giant planets beyond 10au and to identify the most interesting systems for the next generation of high-contrast imagers on very large and extremely large telescopes.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/486/5867
- Title:
- Simulated Transit depths of 12 Hot Jupiters
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/486/5867
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of a study of synergies between space telescopes (HST, CHEOPS, TESS, JWST, PLATO) in the photometric characterization of the atmospheres of Hot Jupiters. We analyze a set of planetary systems hosting a Hot Jupiter for which an atmospheric template is available in literature. For each system, we simulate the transit light curves observed by different instruments, convolving the incoming spectrum with the corresponding instrumental throughput. For each instrument, we thus measure the expected transit depth and estimate the associated uncertainty. Finally, we compare the transit depths as seen by the selected instruments and we quantify the effect of the planetary atmosphere on multi-band transit photometry.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/624/A68
- Title:
- 47 single-line eclipsing binaries BEBOP velocities
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/624/A68
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We introduce the BEBOP radial velocity survey for circumbinary planets. We initiated this survey using the CORALIE spectrograph on the Swiss Euler Telescope at La Silla, Chile. An intensive four year observing campaign commenced in 2013, targeting 47 single lined eclipsing binaries drawn from the EBLM survey for low mass eclipsing binaries. Our specific use of binaries with faint M dwarf companions avoids spectral contamination, providing observing conditions akin to single stars. By combining new BEBOP observations with existing ones from the EBLM programme, we report on the results of 1519 radial velocity measurements over timespans as long as eight years. For the best targets we are sensitive to planets down to 0.1 Jupiter masses, and our median sensitivity is 0.4 Jupiter masses. In this initial survey we do not detect any planetary mass companions. Nonetheless, we present the first constraints on the abundance of circumbinary companions, as a function of mass and period. A comparison of our results to Kepler's detections indicates a dispersion of planetary orbital inclinations less than ~10{deg}.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/156/277
- Title:
- Sixty validated planets from K2 campaigns 5-8
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/156/277
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a uniform analysis of 155 candidates from the second year of NASA's K2 mission (Campaigns 5-8), yielding 60 statistically validated planets spanning a range of properties with median values of R_p_=2.5 R_{Earth}_, P=7.1 days, T_eq_=811 K, and J=11.3 mag. The sample includes 24 planets in 11 multiplanetary systems, as well as 18 false positives and 77 remaining planet candidates. Of particular interest are 18 planets smaller than 2 R_{Earth}_, five orbiting stars brighter than J=10 mag, and a system of four small planets orbiting the solar-type star EPIC 212157262. We compute planetary transit parameters and false-positive probabilities using a robust statistical framework and present a complete analysis incorporating the results of an intensive campaign of high-resolution imaging and spectroscopic observations. This work brings the K2 yield to over 360 planets, and by extrapolation, we expect that K2 will have discovered ~600 planets before the expected depletion of its onboard fuel in late 2018.
368. SOAR TESS survey. I.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/159/19
- Title:
- SOAR TESS survey. I.
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/159/19
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is finding transiting planet candidates around bright, nearby stars across the entire sky. The large field of view, however, results in low spatial resolution; therefore, multiple stars contribute to almost every TESS light curve. High angular resolution imaging can detect the previously unknown companions to planetary candidate hosts that dilute the transit depths, lead to host star ambiguity, and, in some cases, are the source of false-positive transit signals. We use speckle imaging on the Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) telescope to search for companions to 542 TESS planet candidate hosts in the southern sky. We provide correction factors for the 117 systems with resolved companions due to photometric contamination. The contamination in TESS due to close binaries is similar to that found in surveys of Kepler planet candidates. For the solar-type population, we find a deep deficit of close binary systems with projected stellar separations less than 100 au among planet candidate hosts (44 observed binaries compared to 124 expected based on field binary statistics). The close binary suppression among TESS planet candidate hosts is similar to that seen for the more distant Kepler population. We also find a large surplus of TESS planet candidates in wide binary systems detected in both SOAR and Gaia DR2 (Cat. I/345) (119 observed binaries compared to 77 expected). These wide binaries almost exclusively host giant planets, however, suggesting that orbital migration caused by perturbations from the stellar companion may lead to planet-planet scattering and suppress the population of small planets in wide binaries. Both trends are also apparent in the M dwarf planet candidate hosts.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/162/192
- Title:
- SOAR TESS survey. II. Impact of stellar companions
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/162/192
- Date:
- 14 Mar 2022 06:53:02
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of the second year of exoplanet candidate host speckle observations from the SOAR TESS survey. We find 89 of the 589 newly observed TESS planet candidate hosts have companions within 3", resulting in light-curve dilution, that, if not accounted for, leads to underestimated planetary radii. We combined these observations with those from PaperI to search for evidence of the impact binary stars have on planetary systems. Removing the one-quarter of the targets observed identified as false-positive planet detections, we find that transiting planets are suppressed by nearly a factor of seven in close solar-type binaries, nearly twice the suppression previously reported. The result on planet occurrence rates that are based on magnitude-limited surveys is an overestimation by a factor of two if binary suppression is not taken into account. We also find tentative evidence for similar close binary suppression of planets in M-dwarf systems. Last, we find that the high rates of widely separated companions to hot Jupiter hosts previously reported was likely a result of false-positive contamination in our sample.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/615/A175
- Title:
- Solar system analogs with HARPS
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/615/A175
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The assessment of the frequency of planetary systems reproducing the solar system's architecture is still an open problem in exoplanetary science. Detailed study of multiplicity and architecture is generally hampered by limitations in quality, temporal extension and observing strategy, causing difficulties in detecting low-mass inner planets in the presence of outer giant planets. We present the results of high-cadence and high-precision HARPS observations on 20 solar-type stars known to host a single long-period giant planet in order to search for additional inner companions and estimate the occurence rate f_p_ of scaled solar system analogues - in other words, systems featuring lower-mass inner planets in the presence of long-period giant planets. We carried out combined fits of our HARPS data with literature radial velocities using differential evolution MCMC to refine the literature orbital solutions and search for additional inner planets. We then derived the survey detection limits to provide preliminary estimates of f_p_. We generally find better constrained orbital parameters for the known planets than those found in the literature; significant updates can be especially appreciated on half of the selected planetary systems. While no additional inner planet is detected, we find evidence for previously unreported long-period massive companions in systems HD 50499 and HD 73267. We finally estimate the frequency of inner low mass (10-30M_{earth}_) planets in the presence of outer giant planets as f_p_<9.84% for P<150-days. Our preliminary estimate of f_p_ is significantly lower than the literature values for similarly defined mass and period ranges; the lack of inner candidate planets found in our sample can also be seen as evidence corroborating the inwards-migration formation model for super-Earths and mini-Neptunes. Our results also underline the need for high-cadence and high-precision followup observations as the key to precisely determine the occurence of solar system analogues.