- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/455/107
- Title:
- 3D spectroscopy with VLT/GIRAFFE
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/455/107
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A precise derivation of the evolution of the Tully-Fisher is crucial to understand the interplay between dark matter and baryonic matter in cosmological models, using 15 deployable integral field units of FLAMES/GIRAFFE at VLT, we have recovered the velocity fields of 35 galaxies at intermediate redshift (0.4<z<0.75). This facility is able to recover the velocity fields of almost all the emission line galaxies with I_AB_<=22.5 and W_0_(OII)>=15{AA}. In our sample, we find only 35% rotating disks. These rotating disks produce a Tully-Fisher relationship (stellar mass or MK versus Vmax which has apparently not evolved in slope, zero point and scatter since z=0.6). The only evolution found is a brightening of the B band luminosity of a third of the disks, possibly due to an enhancement of the star formation. The very large scatters found in previously reported Tully-Fisher relationships at moderate redshifts are caused by the numerous (65%) galaxies with perturbed or complex kinematics. Those galaxies include minor or major mergers, merger remnants and/or inflow/outflows and their kinematics can be easily misidentified by slit spectroscopy. Their presence suggests a strong evolution in the dynamical properties of galaxies during the last 7Gyr.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/553/A80
- Title:
- Dust effects on photometric parameters in spirals
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/553/A80
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present results of a study made to quantify the effects of dust on the derived photometric parameters of disks (old and young stellar disks) and bulges: disk scale-lengths, axis-ratios, central surface-brightness, bulge effective radii, and Sersic indices. The changes in the derived photometric parameters from their intrinsic values (as would be seen in the absence of dust) were obtained by fitting simulated images of disks and bulges produced using radiative transfer calculations. The simulations were fitted with the GALFIT 3.0.2 data analysis algorithm and the fitted models were the commonly used infinitely thin disks described by exponential, general Sersic and de Vaucouleurs distributions.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/557/A137
- Title:
- Dust effects on photometric parameters in spirals
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/557/A137
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present results of a study to quantify the effects of dust on the derived photometric parameters of disk and bulges obtained from bulge-disk decomposition: scale-length, effective radius, Sersic index, disk axis-ratio, and bulge-to-disk ratio. The dust induced changes in these parameters were obtained by fitting simulated images of composite systems (containing a disk and a bulge) produced using radiative transfer calculations. The simulations were fitted with the GALFIT 3.0.2 data analysis algorithm. Fits were done with both a combination of an exponential plus a variable- index Sersic function as well as with a combination of two variable-index Sersic functions.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/829/78
- Title:
- Dust properties of major-merger galaxy pairs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/829/78
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present an analysis of dust properties of a sample of close major-merger galaxy pairs selected by Ks magnitude and redshift. The pairs represent the two populations of spiral-spiral (S+S) and mixed morphology spiral-elliptical (S+E). The Code Investigating GALaxy Emission (CIGALE) software is used to fit dust models to the Two Micron All Sky Survey, Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer, and Herschel flux density measurements, and to derive the parameters describing the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contribution, interstellar radiation field, and photodissociation regions. Model fits verify our previous Spitzer Space Telescope analysis that S+S and S+E pairs do not have the same level of enhancement of star formation and differ in dust composition.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/813/L15
- Title:
- Dwarf galaxies in Fornax cluster from NGFS
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/813/L15
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the discovery of 158 previously undetected dwarf galaxies in the Fornax cluster central regions using a deep coadded u-, g-, and i-band image obtained with the Dark Energy Camera wide-field camera mounted on the 4-m Blanco telescope at the Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory as part of the Next Generation Fornax Survey (NGFS). The new dwarf galaxies have quasi-exponential light profiles, effective radii 0.1<r_e_<2.8kpc, and average effective surface brightness values 22.0<{mu}_i_<28.0mag/arcsec2. We confirm the existence of ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs) in the Fornax core regions that resemble counterparts recently discovered in the Virgo and Coma galaxy clusters. We also find extremely low surface brightness NGFS dwarfs, which are several magnitudes fainter than the classical UDGs. The faintest dwarf candidate in our NGFS sample has an absolute magnitude of M_i_=-8.0mag. The nucleation fraction of the NGFS dwarf galaxy sample appears to decrease as a function of their total luminosity, reaching from a nucleation fraction of >75% at luminosities brighter than M_i_~=-15.0mag to 0% at luminosities fainter than M_i_~=-10.0mag. The two-point correlation function analysis of the NGFS dwarf sample shows an excess on length scales below ~100 kpc, pointing to the clustering of dwarf galaxies in the Fornax cluster core.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/146/104
- Title:
- Dwarf galaxies surface brightness profiles. I.
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/146/104
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Radial surface brightness profiles of spiral galaxies are classified into three types: (I) single exponential, or the light falls off with one exponential to a break before falling off (II) more steeply, or (III) less steeply. Profile breaks are also found in dwarf disks, but some dwarf Type IIs are flat or increasing out to a break before falling off. Here we re-examine the stellar disk profiles of 141 dwarfs: 96 dwarf irregulars (dIms), 26 Blue Compact Dwarfs (BCDs), and 19 Magellanic-type spirals (Sms). We fit single, double, or even triple exponential profiles in up to 11 passbands: GALEX FUV and NUV, ground-based UBVJHK and H{alpha}, and Spitzer 3.6 and 4.5{mu}m. We find that more luminous galaxies have brighter centers, larger inner and outer scale lengths, and breaks at larger radii; dwarf trends with M_B_extend to spirals. However, the V-band break surface brightness is independent of break type, M_B_, and Hubble type. Dwarf Type II and III profiles fall off similarly beyond the breaks but have different interiors and IIs break ~twice as far as IIIs. Outer Type II and III scale lengths may have weak trends with wavelength, but pure Type II inner scale lengths clearly decrease from the FUV to visible bands whereas Type III inner scale lengths increase with redder bands. This suggests the influence of different star formation histories on profile type, but nonetheless the break location is approximately the same in all passbands. Dwarfs continue trends between profile and Hubble types such that later-type galaxies have more Type II but fewer Type I and III profiles than early-type spirals. BCDs and Sms are over-represented as Types III and II, respectively, compared to dIms.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/151/145
- Title:
- Dwarf galaxies surface brightness profiles. II.
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/151/145
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In this second paper of a series, we explore the B-V, U-B, and FUV-NUV radial color trends from a multi-wavelength sample of 141 dwarf disk galaxies. Like spirals, dwarf galaxies have three types of radial surface brightness profiles: (I) single exponential throughout the observed extent (the minority), (II) down-bending (the majority), and (III) up-bending. We find that the colors of (1) Type I dwarfs generally become redder with increasing radius, unlike spirals which have a blueing trend that flattens beyond ~1.5 disk scale lengths, (2) Type II dwarfs come in six different "flavors", one of which mimics the "U" shape of spirals, and (3) Type III dwarfs have a stretched "S" shape where the central colors are flattish, become steeply redder toward the surface brightness break, then remain roughly constant beyond, which is similar to spiral Type III color profiles, but without the central outward bluing. Faint (-9>M_B_>-14) Type II dwarfs tend to have continuously red or "U" shaped colors and steeper color slopes than bright (-14>M_B_>-19) Type II dwarfs, which additionally have colors that become bluer or remain constant with increasing radius. Sm dwarfs and BCDs tend to have at least some blue and red radial color trend, respectively. Additionally, we determine stellar surface mass density ({Sigma}) profiles and use them to show that the break in {Sigma} generally remains in Type II dwarfs (unlike Type II spirals) but generally disappears in Type III dwarfs (unlike Type III spirals). Moreover, the break in {Sigma} is strong, intermediate, and weak in faint dwarfs, bright dwarfs, and spirals, respectively, indicating that {Sigma} may straighten with increasing galaxy mass. Finally, the average stellar surface mass density at the surface brightness break is roughly 1-2M_{Sun}_pc^-2^ for Type II dwarfs but higher at 5.9M_{Sun}_pc^-2^ or 27M_{Sun}_pc^-2^ for Type III BCDs and dIms, respectively.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/363/769
- Title:
- Dynamical modelling of 4 early-type galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/363/769
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We analyse long-slit spectra of four early-type galaxies which extend from ~1 to 3 effective radii: IC 1459; IC 3370; NGC 3379 and NGC 4105. We have extracted the full line-of-sight velocity distribution (in the case of NGC 3379 we also used data from the literature), which we model using the two-integral approach. Using two-integral modelling, we find no strong evidence for dark haloes, but the fits suggest that three-integral modelling is necessary. We also find that the inferred constant mass-to-light ratio in all the four cases is typical for early-type galaxies. Finally, we also discuss the constraints on the mass-to-light ratio, which can be obtained using X-ray haloes in the case of IC 1459, NGC 3379 and NGC 4105, and compare the estimated values with the predictions from the dynamical modelling.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/437/1070
- Title:
- DYNAMO. H{alpha} luminous galaxies sample
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/437/1070
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- DYNAMO is a multiwavelength, spatially resolved survey of local (z~0.1) star-forming galaxies designed to study evolution through comparison with samples at z=~2. Half of the sample has integrated H{alpha luminosities of >10^42^erg/s, the typical lower limit for resolved spectroscopy at z=~2. The sample covers a range in stellar mass (10^9^-10^11^M_{sun_) and star formation rate (0.2-100M_{sun}_/yr). In this first paper of a series, we present integral-field spectroscopy of H{alpha emission for the sample of 67 galaxies. We infer gas fractions in our sample as high as =~0.8, higher than typical for local galaxies. Gas fraction correlates with stellar mass in galaxies with star formation rates below 10M_{sun}_/yr, as found by COLDGASS, but galaxies with higher star formation rates have higher than expected gas fractions. There is only a weak correlation, if any, between gas fraction and gas velocity dispersion. Galaxies in the sample visually classified as disc-like are offset from the local stellar mass Tully-Fisher relation to higher circular velocities, but this offset vanishes when both gas and stars are included in the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation. The mean gas velocity dispersion of the sample is =~50km/s, and V/{sigma} ranges from 2 to 10 for most of the discs, similar to 'turbulent' galaxies at high redshift. Half of our sample show disc-like rotation, while ~20 percent show no signs of rotation. The division between rotating and non-rotating is approximately equal for the sub-samples with either star formation rates >10M_{sun}_/yr, or specific star formation rates typical of the star formation 'main sequence' at z=~2. Across our whole sample, we find good correlation between the dominance of `turbulence' in galaxy discs (as expressed by V/{sigma}) and gas fraction as has been predicted for marginally stable Toomre discs. Comparing our sample with many others at low- and high-redshift reveals a correlation between gas velocity dispersion and star formation rate. These findings suggest the DYNAMO discs are excellent candidates for local galaxies similar to turbulent z=~2 disc galaxies.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/401/257
- Title:
- Early-type binaries on main sequence
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/401/257
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We showed in a preceding paper based on an analysis of the observed rates of apsidal motion that synchronization in early-type eclipsing binaries continues on the main sequence, and the observed synchronization times, t_syn_, agree with the Zahn's theory (1977A&A....57..383Z) and are inconsistent with the shorter time-scale proposed by Tassoul (1987ApJ...322..856T, 1988ApJ...324L..71T). It follows from this that circularization in early-type binaries must also proceed in accordance with the Zahn's theory because the circularization times, t_circ_, in both theories are rather tightly related to tsyn via relation t_circ_~{alpha}t_syn_, where {alpha} is the orbital-to-axial momentum ratio.