- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/892/23
- Title:
- Pa-beta, Ha and attenuation in NGC5194 & NGC6946
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/892/23
- Date:
- 19 Jan 2022 08:58:18
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We combine Hubble Space Telescope Paschen {beta} (Pa{beta}) imaging with ground-based, previously published H{alpha} maps to estimate the attenuation affecting H{alpha}, A(H{alpha}), across the nearby, face-on galaxies NGC 5194 and NGC 6946. We estimate A(H{alpha}) in ~2000 independent 2" ~75pc diameter apertures in each galaxy, spanning out to a galactocentric radius of almost 10kpc. In both galaxies, A(H{alpha}) drops with radius, with a bright, high-attenuation inner region, though in detail the profiles differ between the two galaxies. Regions with the highest attenuation-corrected H{alpha} luminosity show the highest attenuation, but the observed H{alpha} luminosity of a region is not a good predictor of attenuation in our data. Consistent with much previous work, the IR-to-H{alpha} color does a good job of predicting A(H{alpha}). We calculate the best-fit empirical coefficients for use combining H{alpha} with 8, 12, 24, 70, or 100{mu}m to correct for attenuation. These agree well with previous work, but we also measure significant scatter around each of these linear relations. The local atomic plus molecular gas column density, N(H), also predicts A(H{alpha}) well. We show that a screen with magnitude ~0.2 times that expected for a Milky Way gas-to-dust value does a reasonable job of explaining A(H{alpha}) as a function of N(H). This could be expected if only ~40% of gas and dust directly overlap regions of H{alpha} emission.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/139/2269
- Title:
- P Cyg H{alpha} squared visibility
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/139/2269
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- High spatial resolution observations of the H{alpha}-emitting wind structure associated with the luminous blue variable star P Cygni were obtained with the Navy Prototype Optical Interferometer. These observations represent the most comprehensive interferometric data set on P Cyg to date. We demonstrate how the apparent size of the H{alpha}-emitting region of the wind structure of P Cyg compares between the 2005, 2007, and 2008 observing seasons and how this relates to the H{alpha} line spectroscopy. Using the data sets from 2005, 2007, and 2008 observing seasons, we fit a circularly symmetric Gaussian model to the interferometric signature from the H#-emitting wind structure of P Cyg.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/141/120
- Title:
- P Cygni H{alpha} measurements
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/141/120
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- P Cygni is a prototype of the luminous blue variables (or S Doradus variables), and the star displays photometric and emission line variability on a timescale of years (known as the "short S Doradus-phase" variations). Here we present new high-resolution H{alpha} spectroscopy of P Cyg that we combine with earlier spectra and concurrent V-band photometry to document the emission and continuum flux variations over a 24 year time span.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/658/A188
- Title:
- PHANGS-MUSE sample HII regions catalog
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/658/A188
- Date:
- 02 Mar 2022 06:10:18
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We use an unprecedented sample of about 23000 HII regions detected at an average physical resolution of 67pc in the PHANGS-MUSE sample to study the extragalactic HII region H{alpha} luminosity function (LF). Our observations probe the star-forming disk of 19 nearby spiral galaxies with low inclination and located close to the star formation main sequence at z=0. The mean LF slope in our sample is =1.73 with a {sigma} of 0.15. We find that {alpha} decreases with the galaxy's star formation rate surface density {SIGMA}_SFR_ and argue that this is driven by an enhanced clustering of young stars at high gas surface densities. Looking at the HII regions within single galaxies we find that no significant variations occur between the LF of the inner and outer part of the star-forming disk, whereas the LF in the spiral arm areas is shallower than in the inter-arm areas for six out of the 13 galaxies with clearly visible spiral arms. We attribute these variations to the spiral arms increasing the molecular clouds arm-inter-arm mass contrast and find suggestive evidence that they are more evident for galaxies with stronger spiral arms. Furthermore, we find systematic variations in {alpha} between samples of HII regions with high and low ionization parameter q and argue that they are driven by the aging of HII regions.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/483/209
- Title:
- Photometry of a stellar cluster near IRAS 07141-092
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/483/209
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- High-resolution optical UBVRI and H{alpha} images obtained with ALFOSC mounted on the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT), near-infrared JHK_S_ images obtained with NOTCam at the Nordic Optical Telescope, and VLT/ISAAC images obtained through the H_2_ (2.12{mu}m) filter were all used to make photometric and morphological studies of the point sources and the nebula seen towards Sh2-294. Identification of PMS members was done using three different methods: comparison with isochrones in optical colour-magnitude diagrams and detection of either near-IR excess or H{alpha} emission.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/II/25
- Title:
- Photometry of orange-red CaI triplet in Late-Type Stars
- Short Name:
- II/25
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Calcium absorption lines were measured using narrow-band photometry on 296 high and low velocity G8-K5 stars of all luminosity classes. Because the blue-violet region of the stellar spectra is too crowded for narrow-band photometry, this investigation of abundance involved measurements of the orange-red CaI triplet 4(3)P-5(3)S, with wavelengths 6102.7, 6122.2 and 6162.2{AA}. "Calcium triplet ratio" is defined as "the measured light intensity ratios, comparison/central regions, calibrated in terms of a standard lamp as described in previous Cambridge papers". The catalog (table I of paper) includes HD number, (B-V) color index, Mg b ratio, H{alpha} ratio, Calcium triplet ratio, and a running number.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/639/A23
- Title:
- Photometry & spectroscopy of EE Cep: 2014-15
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/639/A23
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- EE Cep is one of few eclipsing binary systems with a dark, dusty disk around an invisible object similar to epsilon Aur. The system is characterized by grey and asymmetric eclipses every 5.6yr, with a significant variation in their photometric depth, ranging from ~0.5mag to ~2.0mag. The main aim of the observational campaign of the EE Cep eclipse in 2014 was to test the model of disk precession (Galan et al. 2012). We expected that this eclipse would be one of the deepest with a depth of ~2m.mag. We collected multicolor observations from almost 30 instruments located in Europe and North America. This photometric data covers 243 nights during and around the eclipse. We also analyse the low- and high- resolution spectra from several instruments. The eclipse was shallow with a depth of 0m.71 in V-band. The multicolor photometry illustrates small color changes during the eclipse with a total amplitude of order ~+0.15mag in B-I color index. The linear ephemeris for this system is updated by including new times of minima, measured from the three most recent eclipses at epochs E=9, 10 and 11. New spectroscopic observations were acquired, covering orbital phases around the eclipse, which were not observed in the past and increased the data sample, filling some gaps and giving a better insight into the evolution of the H{alpha} and NaI spectral line profiles during the primary eclipse. The eclipse of EE Cep in 2014 was shallower than expected 0.71mag instead of ~2.0mag. This means that our model of disk precession needs revision.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/154/268
- Title:
- Point & compact H{alpha} sources in the inner of M33
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/154/268
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A variety of interesting objects such as Wolf-Rayet stars, tight OB associations, planetary nebulae, X-ray binaries, etc., can be discovered as point or compact sources in H{alpha} surveys. How these objects distribute through a galaxy sheds light on the galaxy star formation rate and history, mass distribution, and dynamics. The nearby galaxy M33 is an excellent place to study the distribution of H{alpha}-bright point sources in a flocculant spiral galaxy. We have reprocessed an archived WIYN continuum-subtracted H{alpha} image of the inner 6.5'x6.5' of M33 and, employing both eye and machine searches, have tabulated sources with a flux greater than approximately 10^-15^ erg/cm^2^/s. We have effectively recovered previously mapped H II regions and have identified 152 unresolved point sources and 122 marginally resolved compact sources, of which 39 have not been previously identified in any archive. An additional 99 H{alpha} sources were found to have sufficient archival flux values to generate a Spectral Energy Distribution. Using the SED, flux values, H{alpha} flux value, and compactness, we classified 67 of these sources.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/658/A17
- Title:
- Post-common-envelope PN and mol. mass
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/658/A17
- Date:
- 21 Mar 2022 09:39:31
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Most planetary nebulae (PNe) show beautiful, axisymmetric morphologies despite their progenitor stars being essentially spherical. Close binarity is widely invoked to help eject an axisymmetric nebula, after a brief phase of engulfment of the secondary within the envelope of the Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) star, known as the common envelope (CE). The evolution of the AGB would thus be interrupted abruptly, its still quite massive envelope being rapidly ejected to form the PN, which a priori would be more massive than a PN coming from the same star, were it single. We aim at testing this hypothesis by investigating the ionised and molecular masses of a sample consisting of 21 post-CE PNe, roughly one fifth of the known total population of these objects, and comparing them to a large sample of 'regular' (i.e. not known to arise from close-binary systems) PNe. We have gathered data on the ionised and molecular content of our sample from the literature, and carried out molecular observations of several previously unobserved objects. We derive the ionised and molecular masses of the sample by means of a systematic approach, using tabulated, dereddened H-beta fluxes for finding the ionised mass, and ^12^CO J=2-1 and J=3-2 observations for estimating the molecular mass. There is a general lack of molecular content in post-CE PNe. Our observations only reveal molecule-rich gas around NGC 6778, distributed into a low-mass, expanding equatorial ring lying beyond the ionised broken ring previously observed in this nebula. The only two other objects showing molecular content (from the literature) are NGC 2346 and NGC 7293. Once we derive the ionised and molecular masses, we find that post-CE PNe arising from Single-Degenerate (SD) systems are just as massive, on average, as the 'regular' PNe sample, whereas post-CE PNe arising from Double-Degenerate (DD) systems are considerably more massive, and show substantially larger linear momenta and kinetic energy than SD systems and `regular' PNe. Reconstruction of the CE of four objects, for which a wealth of data on the nebulae and complete orbital parameters are available, further suggests that the mass of SD nebulae actually amounts to a very small fraction of the envelope of their progenitor stars. This leads to the uncomfortable question of where the rest of the envelope is and why we cannot detect it in the stars' vicinity, thus raising serious doubts on our understanding of these intriguing objects.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/794/31
- Title:
- Post-merger cluster A2255 membership
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/794/31
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The effects of dense environments on normal field galaxies are still up for debate despite much study since Abell published his catalog of nearby clusters in 1958 (1958ApJS....3..211A). There are changes in color, morphology, and star formation properties when galaxies fall into groups and clusters, but the specifics of how and where these modifications occur are not fully understood. To look for answers, we focused on star-forming galaxies in A2255, an unrelaxed cluster thought to have recently experienced a merger with another cluster or large group. We used H{alpha}, MIPS 24 {mu}m, and WISE 22 {mu}m to estimate total star formation rates (SFRs) and Sloan Digital Sky Survey photometry to find stellar masses (M_*_) for galaxies out to ~5 r_200_. We compared the star-forming cluster galaxies with the field SFR-mass distribution and found no enhancement or suppression of star formation in currently star-forming galaxies of high mass (log(M_*_/M_{sun}_)>~10). This conclusion holds out to very large distances from the cluster center. However, the core (r_proj_<3 Mpc) has a much lower fraction of star-forming galaxies than anywhere else in the cluster. These results indicate that for the mass range studied here, the majority of the star formation suppression occurs in the core on relatively short timescales, without any enhancement prior to entering the central region. If any significant enhancement or quenching of star formation occurs, it will be in galaxies of lower mass (log(M_*_/M_{sun}_)<10).