- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/844/171
- Title:
- Ly{alpha} profile in 43 Green Pea galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/844/171
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We studied Lyman-{alpha} (Ly{alpha}) escape in a statistical sample of 43 Green Peas with HST/COS Ly{alpha} spectra. Green Peas are nearby star-forming galaxies with strong [OIII]{lambda}5007 emission lines. Our sample is four times larger than the previous sample and covers a much more complete range of Green Pea properties. We found that about two-thirds of Green Peas are strong Ly{alpha} line emitters with rest-frame Ly{alpha} equivalent width >20{AA}. The Ly{alpha} profiles of Green Peas are diverse. The Ly{alpha} escape fraction, defined as the ratio of observed Ly{alpha} flux to intrinsic Ly{alpha} flux, shows anti-correlations with a few Ly{alpha} kinematic features-both the blue peak and red peak velocities, the peak separations, and the FWHM of the red portion of the Ly{alpha} profile. Using properties measured from Sloan Digital Sky Survey optical spectra, we found many correlations-the Ly{alpha} escape fraction generally increases at lower dust reddening, lower metallicity, lower stellar mass, and higher [OIII]/[OII] ratio. We fit their Ly{alpha} profiles with the HI shell radiative transfer model and found that the Ly{alpha} escape fraction is anti-correlated with the best-fit N_HI_. Finally, we fit an empirical linear relation to predict f_esc_^Ly{alpha}^ from the dust extinction and Ly{alpha} red peak velocity. The standard deviation of this relation is about 0.3dex. This relation can be used to isolate the effect of intergalactic medium (IGM) scatterings from Ly{alpha} escape and to probe the IGM optical depth along the line of sight of each z>7 Ly{alpha} emission-line galaxy in the James Webb Space Telescope era.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/504/3662
- Title:
- Lya-UV Offsets in Galaxies at z~6
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/504/3662
- Date:
- 22 Feb 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We study the projected spatial offset between the ultraviolet continuum and Lya emission for 65 lensed and unlensed galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization 5<=z<=7, the first such study at these redshifts, in order to understand the potential for these offsets to confuse estimates of the Lya properties of galaxies observed in slit spectroscopy. While we find that ~40% of galaxies in our sample show significant projected spatial offsets, |Delta_Lya-UV_|, we find a relatively modest average (median) projected offset of |Delta_Lya-UV_|=0.61+/-0.08 proper kpc for the entire sample. A small fraction of our sample, ~10%, exhibit offsets in excess of 2 proper kpc, with offsets seen up to ~4 proper kpc, sizes that are considerably larger than the effective radii of typical galaxies at these redshifts. An internal comparison and a comparison to studies at lower redshift yielded no significant evidence of evolution of Delta_Lya-UV with redshift. In our sample, UV-bright galaxies (with a median L_UV_/L*_UV_=0.67) showed offsets a factor of three greater than their fainter counterparts (median L_UV_/L*_UV_=0.10), 0.89 +/-0.18 vs. 0.27+/-0.05 proper kpc, respectively. The presence of companion galaxies and early-stage merging activity appeared to be unlikely causes of these offsets. Rather, these offsets appear consistent with a scenario in which internal anisotropic processes resulting from stellar feedback, which is stronger in UV-brighter galaxies, facilitate Lya fluorescence and/or backscattering from nearby or outflowing gas. The reduction in the Lya flux due to offsets was quantified. It was found that the differential loss of Lya photons for galaxies with average offsets is not, if corrected for, a limiting factor for all but the narrowest slit widths (<0.4"). However, for the largest offsets, if they are mostly perpendicular to the slit major axis, slit losses were found to be extremely severe in cases where slit widths of <=1" were employed, such as those planned for James Webb Space Telescope/NIRSpec observations.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/498/13
- Title:
- Lyman-{alpha} emitters from redshifts z~2-3
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/498/13
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Narrow-band surveys to detect Ly{alpha} emitters are powerful tools for identifying high, and very high, redshift galaxies. Although samples are increasing at redshifts z=3-6, the nature of these galaxies is still poorly known. The number of galaxies detected at redshifts below z~3 are also small. We study the properties of z=2.25 Ly{alpha} emitters and compare them with those of z>3 Ly{alpha} emitters We present narrow-band imaging made with the MPG/ESO 2.2m telescope and the WFI (Wide Field Imager) detector. Using this data, we have searched for emission-line objects. We find 170 candidate typical Ly{alpha} emitters and 17 candidates that we regard as high UV-transmission Ly{alpha} emitters. We have derived the magnitudes of these objects in 8 photometric bands from u* to K_s_, and studied whether they have X-ray and/or radio counterparts.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/883/11
- Title:
- Magellan/IMACS spectra of Crater II & Hercules
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/883/11
- Date:
- 21 Jan 2022 09:25:05
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We investigate the possibility that the dwarf galaxies Crater II and Hercules have previously been tidally stripped by the Milky Way. We present Magellan/IMACS spectra of candidate member stars in both objects. We identify 37 members of Crater II, 25 of which have velocity measurements in the literature, and we classify three stars within that subset as possible binaries. We find that including or removing these binary candidates does not change the derived velocity dispersion of Crater II. Excluding the binary candidates, we measure a velocity dispersion of {sigma}_Vlos_=2.7_-0.4_^+0.5^km/s, corresponding to M/L=47_-13_^+17^M_{sun}_/L_{sun}_. We measure a mean metallicity of [Fe/H]=-1.95_-0.05_^+0.06^, with a dispersion of {sigma}_[Fe/H]_=0.18_-0.08_^+0.06^. Our velocity dispersion and metallicity measurements agree with previous measurements for Crater II, and confirm that the galaxy resides in a kinematically cold dark-matter halo. We also search for spectroscopic members stripped from Hercules in the possible extratidal stellar overdensities surrounding the dwarf. For both galaxies, we calculate proper motions using Gaia DR2 astrometry, and use their full 6D phase space information to evaluate the probability that their orbits approach sufficiently close to the Milky Way to experience tidal stripping. Given the available kinematic data, we find a probability of ~40% that Hercules has suffered tidal stripping. The proper motion of Crater II makes it almost certain to be stripped.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/779/87
- Title:
- MAGIICAT. III. Virial masses
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/779/87
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In Churchill et al. (2013ApJ...763L..42C), we used halo abundance matching applied to 182 galaxies in the MgII Absorber-Galaxy Catalog (MAGIICAT) and showed that the mean MgII{lambda}2796 equivalent width follows a tight inverse-square power law, W_r_(2796){prop.to}(D/R_vir_)^-2^, with projected location relative to the galaxy virial radius and that the MgII absorption covering fraction is effectively invariant with galaxy virial mass, M_h_, over the range 10.7<=logM_h_/M_{sun}_<=13.9. In this work, we explore multivariate relationships between W_r_(2796), virial mass, impact parameter, virial radius, and the theoretical cooling radius that further elucidate self-similarity in the cool/warm (T=10^4^-10^4.5^K) circumgalactic medium (CGM) with virial mass. We show that virial mass determines the extent and strength of the MgII absorbing gas such that the mean W_r_(2796) increases with virial mass at fixed distance while decreasing with galactocentric distance for fixed virial mass. The majority of the absorbing gas resides within D=~0.3R_vir_, independent of both virial mass and minimum absorption threshold; inside this region, and perhaps also in the region 0.3<D/R_vir_<=1, the mean W_r_(2796) is independent of virial mass. Contrary to absorber-galaxy cross-correlation studies, we show there is no anti-correlation between W_r_(2796) and virial mass. We discuss how simulations and theory constrained by observations support self-similarity of the cool/warm CGM via the physics governing star formation, gas-phase metal enrichment, recycling efficiency of galactic scale winds, filament and merger accretion, and overdensity of local environment as a function of virial mass.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/776/114
- Title:
- MAGIICAT. I. MgII Absorber-Galaxy Catalog
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/776/114
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We describe the MgII Absorber-Galaxy Catalog, MAGIICAT, a compilation of 182 spectroscopically identified intermediate redshift (0.07<=z<=1.1) galaxies with measurements of MgII {lambda}{lambda}2796,2803 absorption from their circumgalactic medium within projected distances of 200kpc from background quasars. In this work, we present "isolated" galaxies, which are defined as having no spectroscopically identified galaxy within a projected distance of 100kpc and a line of sight velocity separation of 500km/s. We standardized all galaxy properties to the {Lambda}CDM cosmology and galaxy luminosities, absolute magnitudes, and rest-frame colors to the B- and K-band on the AB system. We present galaxy properties and rest-frame MgII equivalent width, W_r_(2796), versus galaxy redshift. The well-known anti-correlation between W_r_(2796) and quasar-galaxy impact parameter, D, is significant to the 8{sigma} level. The mean color of MAGIICAT galaxies is consistent with an Sbc galaxy for all redshifts. We also present B- and K-band luminosity functions for different W_r_(2796) and redshift subsamples: "weak absorbing" [W_r_(2796)<0.3{AA}], "strong absorbing" [W_r_(2796)>=0.3{AA}], low redshift (z{<}<z>), and high redshift (z{>=}<z>), where <z> = 0.359 is the median galaxy redshift. Rest-frame color B-K correlates with M_K_ at the 8{sigma} level for the whole sample but is driven by the strong absorbing, high-redshift subsample (6{sigma}). Using M_K_ as a proxy for stellar mass and examining the luminosity functions, we infer that in lower stellar mass galaxies, MgII absorption is preferentially detected in blue galaxies and the absorption is more likely to be weak.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/857/145
- Title:
- MagLiteS Carina II and Carina III spectroscopy
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/857/145
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present Magellan/IMACS, Anglo-Australian Telescope/AAOmega+2dF, and Very Large Telescope/GIRAFFE+FLAMES spectroscopy of the Carina II (CarII) and Carina III (CarIII) dwarf galaxy candidates, recently discovered in the Magellanic Satellites Survey (MagLiteS). We identify 18 member stars in Car II, including two binaries with variable radial velocities and two RR Lyrae stars. The other 14 members have a mean heliocentric velocity v_hel_=477.2+/-1.2km/s and a velocity dispersion of {sigma}_v_=3.4_-0.8_^+1.2^km/s. Assuming Car II is in dynamical equilibrium, we derive a total mass within the half-light radius of 1.0_-0.4_^+0.8^x10^6^M_{sun}_, indicating a mass-to-light ratio of 369_-161_^+309^M_{sun}_/L_{sun}_. From equivalent width measurements of the calcium triplet lines of nine red giant branch (RGB) stars, we derive a mean metallicity of [Fe/H]=-2.44+/-0.09 with dispersion {sigma}_[Fe/H]_=0.22_-0.07_^+0.10^. Considering both the kinematic and chemical properties, we conclude that CarII is a dark-matter-dominated dwarf galaxy. For CarIII, we identify four member stars, from which we calculate a systemic velocity of v_hel_=284.6_-3.1_^+3.4^km/s. The brightest RGB member of CarIII has a metallicity of [Fe/H]=-1.97+/-0.12. Due to the small size of the Car III spectroscopic sample, we cannot conclusively determine its nature. Although these two systems have the smallest known physical separation ({Delta}d~10kpc) among Local Group satellites, the large difference in their systemic velocities, ~200km/s, indicates that they are unlikely to be a bound pair. One or both systems are likely associated with the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), and may remain LMC satellites today. No statistically significant excess of {gamma}-ray emission is found at the locations of Car II and Car III in eight years of Fermi-LAT data.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/159/114
- Title:
- Magnetic CVs spectra & other variable objects II.
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/159/114
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This is the second paper of a series presenting our search for magnetic cataclysmic variables (mCVs) among candidates selected mostly from the Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey. We present the identification spectra, obtained at the SOAR Telescope, as well as magnitudes and Gaia distances for 45 objects. Of these, 39 objects are identified as CVs, from which 8 targets show observational characteristics of mCVs, being 7 polars and 1 intermediate polar. The remaining 31 CVs in our sample are probably non-magnetic systems, in low (22 systems) or high (9 systems) accretion states. Six targets of the sample are not CVs (5 active galactic nuclei and 1 T-Tauri star). Among the 8 objects with mCV spectra, 6 are new classifications. Three polars were observed in low-accretion state, either revealing photospheric features of the secondary star and allowing the estimation of their spectral type, or presenting H{beta} Zeeman components associated to the white dwarf (WD) magnetic field. In addition to the results obtained in the first paper of the series, and depending on the confirmation of these classifications by observational follow-up, our results would increase the sample of known polars by about 9%.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/755/154
- Title:
- Mass accretion rates from HST in the ONC
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/755/154
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The present observational understanding of the evolution of the mass accretion rates (dM/dt_acc_) in pre-main-sequence stars is limited by the lack of accurate measurements of dM/dt_acc_ over homogeneous and large statistical samples of young stars. Such observational effort is needed to properly constrain the theory of star formation and disk evolution. Based on Hubble Space Telescope/WFPC2 observations, we present a study of dM/dt_acc_ for a sample of ~700 sources in the Orion Nebula Cluster, ranging from the hydrogen-burning limit to M*~2M_{sun}_. We derive dM/dt_acc_ from both the U-band excess and the H{alpha} luminosity (L_H{alpha}_), after determining empirically both the shape of the typical accretion spectrum across the Balmer jump and the relation between the accretion luminosity (L_acc_) and L_H{alpha}_, which is L_acc_/L_{sun}_=(1.31+/-0.03).L_H{alpha}/L_{sun}_+(2.63+/-0.13). Given our large statistical sample, we are able to accurately investigate relations between dM/dt_acc_ and the parameters of the central star such as mass and age.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/597/A22
- Title:
- Massive O- and B-type stars velocities
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/597/A22
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The term macroturbulent broadening is commonly used to refer to a certain type of non-rotational broadening acting the spectral line profiles of O- and B-type stars. It has been proposed to be a spectroscopic signature of the presence of stellar oscillations; however, we still lack a definitive confirmation of this hypothesis. We aim to provide new empirical clues about macroturbulent spectral line broadening in O- and B-type stars to evaluate its physical origin. We used high-resolution spectra of 430 stars with spectral types in the range O4-B9 (all luminosity classes) compiled in the framework of the IACOB project. We characterized the line broadening of adequate diagnostic metal lines using a combined Fourier transform and goodness-of-fit technique. We performed a quantitative spectroscopic analysis of the whole sample using automatic tools coupled with a huge grid of FASTWIND models to determine their effective temperatures and gravities. We also incorporated quantitative information about line asymmetries into our observational description of the characteristics of the line profiles, and performed a comparison of the shape and type of line-profile variability found in a small sample of O stars and B supergiants with still undefined pulsational properties and B main-sequence stars with variable line profiles owing to a well-identified type of stellar oscillations or to the presence of spots in the stellar surface.