- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/510/A98
- Title:
- ^12^C^18^O(3-2) map of rho Oph A
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/510/A98
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The large submillimetre map of rho Oph A in the ^12^C^18^O(3-2) line, obtained with the APEX 12m telescope, covers 10' in RA by 5' in DE, sampled on a rectangular grid, aligned with the equatorial coordinate system and with regular 20" spacings (548 spectra). An inner ^12^C^18^O(3-2) map, extending over 200" by 200" (462 spectra) is sampled at the Nyqvist frequency.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
102. CO maps in Serpens
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/519/A27
- Title:
- CO maps in Serpens
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/519/A27
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Serpens North cluster is a nearby low mass star forming region which is part of the Gould belt. It contains a range of young stars thought to correspond to two different bursts of star formation and provides the opportunity to study different stages of cluster formation. This work aims to study the molecular gas in the Serpens North cluster to probe the origin of the most recent burst of star formation in Serpens. Transitions of the C^17^O and C^18^O observed with the IRAM 30m telescope and JCMT are used to study the mass and velocity structure of the region while the physical properties of the gas are derived using LTE and non-LTE analyses of the three lowest transitions of C^18^O.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/592/A54
- Title:
- Combined ArTeMiS+SPIRE 350um image of NGC6334
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/592/A54
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Herschel observations of nearby molecular clouds suggest that interstellar filaments and prestellar cores represent two fundamental steps in the star formation process. The observations support a picture of low-mass star formation according to which filaments of ~0.1pc width form first in the cold interstellar medium, probably as a result of large-scale compression of interstellar matter by supersonic turbulent flows, and then prestellar cores arise from gravitational fragmentation of the densest filaments. Whether this scenario also applies to regions of high-mass star formation is an open question, in part because the resolution of Herschel is insufficient to resolve the inner width of filaments in the nearest regions of massive star formation. In an effort to characterize the inner width of filaments in high-mass star-forming regions, we imaged the central part of the NGC 6334 complex at a resolution higher by a factor of >3 than Herschel at 350microns. We used the large-format bolometer camera ArTeMiS on the APEX telescope and combined the high-resolution ArTeMiS data at 350microns with Herschel/HOBYS data at 70-500microns to ensure good sensitivity to a broad range of spatial scales. This allowed us to study the structure of the main narrow filament of the complex with a resolution of 8" or <0.07pc at d~1.7kpc. Our study confirms that this filament is a very dense, massive linear structure with a line mass ranging from ~500M_{sun}_/pc to ~2000M_{sun}_/pc over nearly 10pc. It also demonstrates for the first time that its inner width remains as narrow as W~0.15+/-0.05pc all along the filament length, within a factor of <2 of the characteristic 0.1pc value found with Herschel for lower-mass filaments in the Gould Belt. While it is not completely clear whether the NGC 6334 filament will form massive stars in the future, it is two to three orders of magnitude denser than the majority of filaments observed in Gould Belt clouds, and has a very similar inner width. This points to a common physical mechanism for setting the filament width and suggests that some important structural properties of nearby clouds also hold in high-mass star-forming regions.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/PASJ/60/1297
- Title:
- CO molecular clouds in Carina flare supershell
- Short Name:
- J/PASJ/60/1297
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a catalogue of ^12^CO(J=1-0) and ^13^CO(J=1-0) molecular clouds in the spatio-velocity range of the Carina Flare supershell, GSH287+04-17. The data cover a region of ~66 square degrees and were taken with the NANTEN 4m telescope, at spatial and velocity resolutions of ~2.6' and 0.1km/s. Decomposition of the emission results in the identification of 156 ^12^CO clouds and 60 ^13^CO clouds, for which we provide observational and physical parameters.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/PASJ/53/1081
- Title:
- CO molecular clouds in Lupus
- Short Name:
- J/PASJ/53/1081
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Lupus star-forming region has been surveyed for molecular clouds in ^12^CO with the NANTEN radio telescope, and a cloud mass of 1.7x10^4^M_{sun}_ has been revealed. We were able to detect 105 molecular clouds, most of which are relatively small and of low mass. The members of the Sco OB 2 association and the X-ray detected pre-main-sequence stars (PMSs) are distributed all around this region. The OB stars and the molecular clouds show exclusive distributions. Large fractions of the PMSs are located away from the molecular clouds, and are thus isolated. The origin of the isolated PMSs is discussed. About 40% of the PMSs have candidates of their parent clouds less massive than 20M_{sun}_ within 4pc, which suggests in-situ star formation in the small clouds and their rapid dissipation. The separations from the PMSs to the clouds are typically larger than those in the Chamaeleon region, probably because of coexisting OB stars. From the cloud structures and the distributions of the OB stars, PMSs, and H I expanding shell, it is suggested that the molecular clouds have been effectively dissipated by the OB stars and a shock wave, which may also have triggered star formation in Lupus and the {rho} Oph clouds.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/PASJ/57/917
- Title:
- CO molecular clouds in southern Galactic Warp
- Short Name:
- J/PASJ/57/917
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We made an unbiased search for molecular clouds in the Galactic Warp. This survey, covering an area of 56 square degrees at l=252{deg} to 266{deg} and b=-5{deg} to -1{deg}, revealed 70 molecular clouds, while only 6 clouds were previously known in this sector at R>~14.5kpc.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/855/33
- Title:
- Compact clouds in a sensitive GBT HI survey
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/855/33
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of a new sensitive survey of neutral hydrogen above and below the Galactic Center with the Green Bank Telescope. The observations extend up to Galactic latitude |b|<10{deg} with an effective angular resolution of 9.5' and an average rms brightness temperature noise of 40mK in a 1km/s channel. The survey reveals the existence of a population of anomalous high-velocity clouds extending up to heights of about 1.5kpc from the Galactic plane and showing no signature of Galactic rotation. These clouds have local standard of rest velocities |V_LSR_|<~360km/s, and assuming a Galactic Center origin, they have sizes of a few tens of parsec and neutral hydrogen masses spanning 10-10^5^M_{sun}_. Accounting for selection effects, the cloud population is symmetric in longitude, latitude, and VLSR. We model the cloud kinematics in terms of an outflow expanding from the Galactic Center and find the population consistent with being material moving with radial velocity V_w_~330km/s distributed throughout a bicone with opening angle {alpha}>140{deg}. This simple model implies an outflow luminosity L_w_>3x10^40^erg/s over the past 10Myr, consistent with star formation feedback in the inner region of the Milky Way, with a cold gas mass-loss rate <~0.1M_{sun}_/yr. These clouds may represent the cold gas component accelerated in the nuclear wind driven by our Galaxy, although some of the derived properties challenge current theoretical models of the entrainment process.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/722/395
- Title:
- Compact H I clouds from the GALFA-H I survey
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/722/395
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Galactic Arecibo L-band Feed Array H I (GALFA-H I) survey is mapping the entire Arecibo sky at 21 cm, over a velocity range of -700 to +700 km/s (LSR), at a velocity resolution of 0.18 km/s, and a spatial resolution of 3.5 arcmin. The unprecedented resolution and sensitivity of the GALFA-H I survey have resulted in the detection of numerous isolated, very compact H I clouds at low Galactic velocities, which are distinctly separated from the H I disk emission. In the limited area of ~4600 deg^2^ surveyed so far, we have detected 96 such compact clouds. The detected clouds are cold with a median T_k,max_ (the kinetic temperature in the case in which there is no non-thermal broadening) of 300 K. Moreover, these clouds are quite compact and faint, with median values of 5 arcmin in angular size, 0.75 K in peak brightness temperature, and 5x10^18^/cm2 in H I column density. Most of the clouds deviate from Galactic rotation at the 20-30 km/s level, and a significant fraction show evidence for a multiphase medium and velocity gradients. No counterparts for these clouds were found in other wave bands. From the modeling of spatial and velocity distributions of the whole compact cloud population, we find that the bulk of the compact clouds are related to the Galactic disk, and their distances are likely to be in the range of 0.1 to a few kpc. We discuss various possible scenarios for the formation and maintenance of this cloud population and its significance for Galactic interstellar medium studies.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/623/181
- Title:
- Compact high-velocity cloud photometry catalog
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/623/181
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the results of a photometric search for giant stars associated with the cores of four high-velocity clouds (HVCs) - two of which are compact HVCs - using the Las Campanas du Pont 2.5m and Cerro Tololo Blanco 4m telescopes in combination with a system of filters (Washington M, T_2_ + DDO51) useful for identifying low surface gravity, evolved stars.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/473/1059
- Title:
- Complete sample of Galactic clump properties
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/473/1059
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy (ATLASGAL) is an unbiased 870um submillimetre survey of the inner Galactic plane (|l|<60{deg} with |b|<1.5{deg}). It is the largest and most sensitive ground-based submillimetre wavelength Galactic survey to date and has provided a large and systematic inventory of all massive, dense clumps in the Galaxy (>=1000M_{sun}_ at a heliocentric distance of 20kpc) and includes representative samples of all of the earliest embedded stages of high-mass star formation. Here, we present the first detailed census of the properties (velocities, distances, luminosities and masses) and spatial distribution of a complete sample of ~8000 dense clumps located in the Galactic disc (5{deg}<|l|<60{deg}). We derive highly reliable velocities and distances to ~97 per cent of the sample and use mid- and far-infrared survey data to develop an evolutionary classification scheme that we apply to the whole sample. Comparing the evolutionary subsamples reveals trends for increasing dust temperatures, luminosities and linewidths as a function of evolution indicating that the feedback from the embedded protoclusters is having a significant impact on the structure and dynamics of their natal clumps. We find that the vast majority of the detected clumps are capable of forming a massive star and 88 per cent are already associated with star formation at some level. We find the clump mass to be independent of evolution suggesting that the clumps form with the majority of their mass in situ. We estimate the statistical lifetime of the quiescent stage to be ~5x10^4^yr for clump masses >1000M_{sun}_ decreasing to ~1x10^4^yr for clump masses >10000M_{sun}_. We find a strong correlation between the fraction of clumps associated with massive stars and peak column density. The fraction is initially small at low column densities, but reaching 100 per cent for column densities above 10^23^cm^x2^; there are no clumps with column densities above this value that are not already associated with massive star formation. All of the evidence is consistent with a dynamic view of star formation wherein the clumps form rapidly and are initially very unstable so that star formation quickly ensues.