- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/629/A23
- Title:
- HLock01-LAB 2D spectrum
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/629/A23
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the discovery of HLock01-LAB, a luminous and large Ly{alpha} nebula at z=3.326. Medium-band imaging and long-slit spectroscopic observations with the Gran Telescopio Canarias reveal extended emission in the Ly{alpha} 1215{AA}, CIV 1550{AA}, and HeII 1640{AA} lines over ~100kpc, and a total luminosity L(Ly{alpha})=(6.4+/-0.1)x10^44^erg/s. HLock01-LAB presents an elongated morphology aligned with two faint radio sources contained within the central ~8kpc of the nebula. The radio structures are consistent with faint radio jets or lobes of a central galaxy, whose spectrum shows nebular emission characteristic of a type-II active galactic nucleus (AGN). The continuum emission of the AGN at short wavelengths is however likely dominated by stellar emission of the host galaxy, for which we derive a stellar mass M*~2.3x10^11^M_{sun}_. Our kinematic analysis shows that the ionized gas is perturbed almost exclusively in the inner region between the radio structures, probably as a consequence of jet-gas interactions, whereas in the outer regions the ionized gas appears more quiescent. The detection of extended emission in CIV and CIII] indicates that the gas within the nebula is not primordial. Feedback may have enriched the halo at at least 50kpc from the nuclear region. Using rest-frame UV emission-line diagnostics, we find that the gas in the nebula is likely heated by the AGN. Nevertheless, at the center of the nebula we find extreme emission line ratios of Ly{alpha}/CIV~60 and Ly{alpha}/HeII~80, one of the highest values measured to date, and well above the standard values of photoionization models (Ly{alpha}/HeII ~30 for case B photoionization). Our data suggest that jet-induced shocks are likely responsible for the increase of the electron temperature and, thus, the observed Ly{alpha} enhancement in the center of the nebula. This scenario is further supported by the presence of radio structures and perturbed kinematics in this region. The large Ly{alpha} luminosity in HLock01-LAB is likely due to a combination of AGN photoionization and jet-induced shocks, highlighting the diversity of sources of energy powering Ly{alpha} nebulae. Future follow-up observations of HLock01-LAB will help to reveal the finer details of the excitation conditions of the gas induced by jets and to investigate the underlying cooling and feedback processes in this unique object.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/361/1079
- Title:
- HNCO in massive galactic dense cores
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/361/1079
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We surveyed 81 dense molecular cores associated with regions of massive star formation and Sgr A in the J_(K_-1_K_1_)=5_(05)-4_(04)_ and 10_(010)-9_(09)_ lines of HNCO. Line emission was detected towards 57 objects. Selected subsamples were also observed in the 1_(01)-0_(00)_, 4_(04)-3_(03)_, 7_(07)-6_(06)_, 15_(015)-14_(014)_, 16_(016)-15_(015)_ and 21_(021)-20_(020)_ lines, covering a frequency range from 22 to 461 GHz. HNCO lines from the K_(-1)=2,3 ladders were detected in several sources. Towards Orion-KL, K_(-1)=5 transitions with upper state energies E_u/k~1100 and 1300K could be observed. The tables contain the source lists and the results of these SEST observations.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/602/A77
- Title:
- HOBYS: 46 MDCs found in NGC 6334
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/602/A77
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- To constrain models of high-mass star formation, the Herschel-HOBYS key program aims at discovering massive dense cores (MDCs) able to host the high-mass analogs of low-mass prestellar cores, which have been searched for over the past decade. We here focus on NGC 6334, one of the best-studied HOBYS molecular cloud complexes. We used Herschel/PACS and SPIRE 70-500{mu}m images of the NGC 6334 complex complemented with (sub)millimeter and mid-infrared data. We built a complete procedure to extract ~0.1pc dense cores with the getsources software, which simultaneously measures their far-infrared to millimeter fluxes. We carefully estimated the temperatures and masses of these dense cores from their spectral energy distributions (SEDs). We also identified the densest pc-scale cloud structures of NGC 6334, one 2pcx1pc ridge and two 0.8pcx0.8pc hubs, with volume-averaged densities of ~10^5^cm^-3^. A cross-correlation with high-mass star formation signposts suggests a mass threshold of 75M_{sun}_ for MDCs in NGC 6334. MDCs have temperatures of 9.5-40K, masses of 75-1000M_{sun}_, and densities of 1x10^5^-7x10^7^cm^-3^. Their mid-infrared emission is used to separate 6 IR-bright and 10 IR-quiet protostellar MDCs while their 70{mu}m emission strength, with respect to fitted SEDs, helps identify 16 starless MDC candidates. The ability of the latter to host high-mass prestellar cores is investigated here and remains questionable. An increase in mass and density from the starless to the IR-quiet and IR-bright phases suggests that the protostars and MDCs simultaneously grow in mass. The statistical lifetimes of the high-mass prestellar and protostellar core phases, estimated to be 1-7x10^4^yr and at most 3x10^5^yr respectively, suggest a dynamical scenario of high-mass star formation. The present study provides good mass estimates for a statistically significant sample, covering the earliest phases of high-mass star formation. High-mass prestellar cores may not exist in NGC 6334, favoring a scenario presented here, which simultaneously forms clouds, ridges, MDCs, and high-mass protostars.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/560/A73
- Title:
- Horsehead H2CO and CH3OH 30m and PdBI maps
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/560/A73
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Theoretical models and laboratory experiments show that CH_3_OH is efficiently formed on cold grain surfaces through the successive hydrogenation of CO, forming HCO and H_2_CO as intermediate species. In cold cores and low UV-field illumination photo-dissociation regions (PDRs) the ices can be released into the gas-phase through nonthermal processes such as photodesorption, which considerably increases their gas-phase abundances. We investigate the dominant formation mechanism of H_2_CO and CH_3_OH in the Horsehead PDR and its associated dense core.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/707/1417
- Title:
- HST view of YSOs in the LMC
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/707/1417
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have used archival Hubble Space Telecope (HST) H{alpha} images to study the immediate environments of massive and intermediate-mass young stellar object (YSO) candidates in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The sample of YSO candidates, taken from Gruendl & Chu (2009, Cat. J/ApJS/184/172), was selected based on Spitzer IRAC and MIPS observations of the entire LMC and complementary ground-based optical and near-infrared observations. We found HST H{alpha} images for 99 YSO candidates in the LMC, of which 82 appear to be genuine YSOs. More than 95% of the YSOs are found to be associated with molecular clouds. YSOs are seen in three different kinds of environments in the H{alpha} images: in dark clouds, inside or on the tip of bright-rimmed dust pillars, and in small HII regions. Comparisons of spectral energy distributions for YSOs in these three different kinds of environments suggest that YSOs in dark clouds are the youngest, YSOs with small HII regions are the most evolved, and YSOs in bright-rimmed dust pillars span a range of intermediate evolutionary stages. This rough evolutionary sequence is substantiated by the presence of silicate absorption features in the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph spectra of some YSOs in dark clouds and in bright-rimmed dust pillars, but not those of YSOs in small HII regions. We present a discussion on triggered star formation for YSOs in bright-rimmed dust pillars or in dark clouds adjacent to HII regions. As many as 50% of the YSOs are resolved into multiple sources in high-resolution HST images.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/642/A87
- Title:
- Hub-filament candidates
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/642/A87
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Star formation takes place in giant molecular clouds, resulting in mass-segregated young stellar clusters composed of Sun-like stars, brown dwarves and massive O-type (50-100M_{sun}_) stars. To identify candidate hub-filament systems (HFS) in the Milky-Way and examine their role in the formation of the highest mass stars and star clusters. Filaments around ~35000 HiGAL clumps that are detected using the DisPerSE algorithm. Hub is defined as a junction of three or more filaments. Column density maps were masked by the filament skeletons and averaged for HFS and non-HFS samples to compute the radial profile along the filaments into the clumps. ~3700~(11%) are candidate HFS of which, ~2150~(60%) are pre-stellar, ~1400~(40%) are proto-stellar. All clumps with L>10^4^L_{sun}_ and L>10^5^L_{sun}_ at distances respectively within 2kpc and 5kpc are located in the hubs of HFS. The column-densities of hubs are found to be enhanced by a factor of ~2 (pre-stellar sources) up to ~10 (proto-stellar sources). All high-mass stars preferentially form in the density enhanced hubs of HFS. This amplification can drive the observed longitudinal flows along filaments providing further mass accretion. Radiation pressure and feedback can escape into the inter-filamentary voids. We propose a 'filaments to clusters' unified paradigm for star formation, with the following salient features: a) low-intermediate mass stars form in the filaments slowly (10^6^yr) and massive stars quickly (10^5^yr) in the hub, b) the initial mass function is the sum of stars continuously created in the HFS with all massive stars formed in the hub, c) Feedback dissipation and mass segregation arise naturally due to HFS properties, and c) explain age spreads within bound clusters and formation of isolated OB associations.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/465/559
- Title:
- IC 63 and IC 59 magnetic field structure
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/465/559
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Bright-rimmed clouds (BRCs) are formed at the periphery of HII regions as the radiation from the central star interacts with dense gas. The ionization and resulting compression of the clouds may lead to cloud disruption causing secondary star formation depending on the stellar and gas parameters. Here we use R-band polarimetry to probe the plane-of-the sky magnetic field for two nearby BRCs, IC 59 and IC 63. Both nebulae are illuminated by {gamma} Cas with the direction of the ionizing radiation being orientated parallel or perpendicular to the local magnetic field, allowing us to probe the importance of magnetic field pressure in the evolution of BRCs. Because of the proximity of the system (~200pc), we have acquired a substantial sample of over 500 polarization measurements for stars that form the background to the nebulae. On large scales, the magnetic field geometries of both clouds are anchored to the ambient magnetic field. For IC 63, the magnetic field is aligned parallel to the head-tail morphology of the main condensation, with a convex morphology relative to the direction of the ionizing radiation. We estimate the plane-of-the-sky magnetic field strength in IC 63 to be ~90{mu}G. In IC 59, the projected magnetic field follows the M-shape morphology of the cloud. Here, field lines present a concave shape with respect to the direction of the ionizing radiation from {gamma} Cas. Comparing our observations to published theoretical models, we find good general agreement, supporting the importance of magnetic fields in BRC evolution.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/603/A68
- Title:
- Images of molecular and ionized gas around Sgr A*
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/603/A68
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report serendipitous detections of line emission with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in bands 3, 6, and 7 in the central parsec down to within 1" around Sgr A* at an up to now highest resolution (<0.5") view of the Galactic center (GC) in the submillimeter (sub-mm) domain. From the 100GHz continuum and the H39{alpha} emission we obtain a uniform electron temperature around Te~6000K for the minispiral. The spectral index (S{prop.to}{nu}^{alpha}^) of Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) is ~0.5 at 100-250GHz and ~0.0 at 230-340GHz. The bright sources in the center show spectral indices around -0.1 implying Bremsstrahlung emission, while dust emission is emerging in the minispiral exterior. Apart from CS, which is most widespread in the center, H^13^CO^+^, HC_3_N, SiO, SO, C_2_H, CH_3_OH, ^13^CS and N_2_H+ are also detected. The bulk of the clumpy emission regions is at positive velocities and in a region confined by the minispiral northern arm (NA), bar, and the sources IRS 3 and 7. Although partly spatially overlapping with the radio recombination line (RRL) emission at same negative velocities, the relation to the minispiral remains unclear. A likely explanation is an infalling clump consisting of denser cloud cores embedded in diffuse gas. This central association (CA) of clouds shows three times higher CS/X (X: any other observed molecule) ratios than the circumnuclear disk (CND) suggesting a combination of higher excitation, by a temperature gradient and/or infrared (IR) pumping, and abundance enhancement due to UV and/or X-ray emission. Hence, we conclude that this CA is closer to the center than the CND. Moreover, we find molecular line emission at velocities up to 200km/s. Apart from the CA, we identified two intriguing regions in the CND. One region shows emission in all molecular species and higher energy levels tested in this and previous observations and contains a methanol class I maser. The other region shows similar behavior of the line ratios such as the CA. Outside the CND, we find the traditionally quiescent gas tracer N_2_H^+^ coinciding with the largest IR dark clouds (IRDC) in the field. Methanol emission is found at and around previously detected methanol class I masers in the same region. We propose to make these particular regions subject to further studies in the scope of hot core, cold core, and extreme photon and/or X-ray dominated region (PDR/XDR) chemistry and consequent star formation in the central few parsecs.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/833/97
- Title:
- Infall/expansion velocities in 3 dense cores
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/833/97
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Although surveys of infall motions in dense cores have been carried out for years, few surveys have focused on mapping infall across cores using multiple spectral-line observations. To fill this gap, we present IRAM 30m telescope maps of N_2_H^+^(1-0), DCO^+^(2-1), DCO^+^(3-2), and HCO^+^(3-2) emission toward two prestellar cores (L492 and L694-2) and one protostellar core (L1521F). We find that the measured infall velocity varies with position across each core and choice of molecular line, likely as a result of radial variations in core chemistry and dynamics. Line-of-sight infall speeds estimated from DCO^+^(2-1) line profiles can decrease by 40-50m/s when observing at a radial offset >=0.04pc from the core's dust continuum emission peak. Median infall speeds calculated from all observed positions across a core can also vary by as much as 65m/s, depending on the transition. These results show that while single-pointing, single-transition surveys of core infall velocities may be good indicators of whether a core is either contracting or expanding, the magnitude of the velocities they measure are significantly impacted by the choice of molecular line, proximity to the core center, and core evolutionary state.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/638/A44
- Title:
- Infrared dark cloud G28.3 HI and CI maps
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/638/A44
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Atomic and molecular cloud formation is a dynamical process. However, kinematic signatures of these processes are still observationally poorly constrained. Identify and characterize the cloud formation signatures in atomic and molecular gas. Targeting the cloud-scale environment of the prototypical infrared dark cloud G28.3, we employ spectral line imaging observations of the two atomic lines HI and [CI] as well as molecular lines observations in ^13^CO in the 1-0 and 3-2 transitions. The analysis comprises investigations of the kinematic properties of the different tracers, estimates of the mass flow rates, velocity structure functions, a Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) study as well as comparisons to simulations. The central IRDC is embedded in a more diffuse envelope of cold neutral medium (CNM) traced by HI self-absorption (HISA) and molecular gas. The spectral line data as well as the HOG and structure function analysis indicate a possible kinematic decoupling of the HI from the other gas compounds. Spectral analysis and position-velocity diagrams reveal two velocity components that converge at the position of the IRDC. Estimated mass flow rates appear rather constant from the cloud edge toward the center. The velocity structure function analysis is consistent with gas flows being dominated by the formation of hierarchical structures. The observations and analysis are consistent with a picture where the IRDC G28 is formed at the center of two converging gas flows. While the approximately constant mass flow rates are consistent with a self-similar, gravitationally driven collapse of the cloud, external compression by, e.g., spiral arm shocks or supernovae explosions cannot be excluded yet. Future investigations should aim at differentiating the origin of such converging gas flows.