- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AN/341/645
- Title:
- AE Aur and iota Ori runaway stars RV curves
- Short Name:
- J/AN/341/645
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of our spectroscopic monitoring observations of the late O-type runaway stars AE Aur and iota Ori, carried out between September 2016 and May 2018 using the Echelle spectrograph FLECHAS at the University Observatory Jena. For both stars, we obtained current radial velocity (RV) measurements with better precision than before. These results can be used for further advanced calculations of their space motion, needed to determine, for example, their place of origin in our Galaxy. In this paper, we describe the observations and the data reduction, as well as the analysis of all spectral data. We find a stable RV for AE Aur and confirm iota Ori as a double-lined spectroscopic binary and derive its current Keplerian orbital elements.
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- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/636/A67
- Title:
- ALMA maps of 6 sources of star forming regions
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/636/A67
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- As a building block for amino acids, formamide (NH_2_CHO) is an important molecule in astrobiology and astrochemistry, but its formation path in the interstellar medium is not understood well. We aim to find empirical evidence to support the chemical relationships of formamide to HNCO and H_2_CO. We examine high angular resolution (~0.2") Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) maps of six sources in three high-mass star-forming regions and compare the spatial extent, integrated emission peak position, and velocity structure of HNCO and H_2_CO line emission with that of NH_2_CHO by using moment maps. Through spectral modeling, we compare the abundances of these three species. In these sources, the emission peak separation and velocity dispersion of formamide emission is most often similar to HNCO emission, while the velocity structure is generally just as similar to H_2_CO and HNCO (within errors). From the spectral modeling, we see that the abundances between all three of our focus species are correlated, and the relationship between NH_2_CHO and HNCO reproduces the previously demonstrated abundance relationship. In this first interferometric study, which compares two potential parent species to NH_2_CHO, we find that all moment maps for HNCO are more similar to NH_2_CHO than H_2_CO in one of our six sources (G24 A1). For the other five sources, the relationship between NH_2_CHO, HNCO, and H_2_CO is unclear as the different moment maps for each source are not consistently more similar to one species as opposed to the other.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/383/580
- Title:
- BV polarimetric variability of 3 O-type stars
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/383/580
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Polarimetric data associated with multi-parameter observational campaigns of selected bright O-type stars and their variable winds, are analysed in relation to the outcomes of the UV and optical spectroscopic studies. For the stars {xi} Per and {lambda} Cep, individual measurement uncertainties are {Delta}p~+/-0.0002 with nightly mean uncertainties of {Delta}p~+/-0.00007. Although variability is apparent on a night-to-night basis, with differences in {Delta}p~0.0002, no correlations are found between these and the periodic behaviours associated with the stellar SiIV and H{alpha} lines.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/658/A198
- Title:
- CHIPS II. O stars in Trumpler 14 CHIPS-Tr14
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/658/A198
- Date:
- 25 Feb 2022 07:07:49
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Most massive stars belong to multiple systems, yet the formation process leading to such high multiplicity remain insufficiently understood. To help constrain the different formation scenarios that exist, insights on the low-mass end of the companion mass function of such stars is crucial. However, this is a challenging endeavour as (sub-)solar mass companions at angular separations {rho} below 1" (corresponding to 1000-3000au in nearby young open clusters and OB associations) are difficult to detect due to the large brightness contrast with the central star. With the Carina High-contrast Imaging Project of massive Stars (CHIPS), we aim to obtain statistically significant constraints on the presence and properties of low-mass companions around massive stars at a previously unreachable observing window ({Delta}mag>=10 at {rho}<= 1"). In this second paper in the series, we focus on the Trumpler 14 cluster, which harbours some of the youngest and most massive O-type stars in the Milky Way. We obtained VLT-SPHERE observations of seven O-type objects in Trumpler 14 using the IRDIFS_EXT mode. These allow us to search for companions at separations larger than 0.15" (~360au) and down to magnitude contrast >10 mag in the near-infrared. We used angular and spectral differential imaging along with PSF fitting to detect sources and measure their flux relative to that of the central object. We detected 211 sources with near-infrared magnitude contrast in the range of 2 to 12. The closest companion, at only 0.26", is characterised as a 1.4M_{sun}_ stars with an age of 0.6Myr, in excellent agreement with previous age estimates for Tr14. The mass function peaks at about 0.4M_{sun}_ and presents a dearth of stars in the 0.5 to 0.8M_{sun}_ mass range compared to previous estimates of the initial mass function in Tr14.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/533/A4
- Title:
- CoRoT photometry of three O-type stars
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/533/A4
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The detection of pulsational frequencies in stellar photometry is required as input for asteroseismological modelling. The second short run (SRa02) of the CoRoT mission has provided photometric data of unprecedented quality and time-coverage for a number of O-type stars. We analyse the CoRoT data corresponding to three hot O-type stars, describing the properties of their light curves and we search for pulsational frequencies, which we then compare to theoretical model predictions. We determine the amplitude spectrum of the data, using the Lomb-Scargle and a multifrequency HMM-like technique. Frequencies are extracted by prewhitening, and their significance is evaluated under the assumption that the light curve is dominated by red noise. We search for harmonics, linear combinations and regular spacings among these frequencies. We use simulations with the same time sampling as the data as a powerful tool to judge the significance of our results. From the theoretical point of view, we use the MAD non-adiabatic pulsation code to determine the expected frequencies of excited modes. A substantial number of frequencies is listed, but none can be convincingly identified as being connected to pulsations. The amplitude spectrum is dominated by red noise. Theoretical modelling shows that all three O-type stars can have excited modes but the relation between the theoretical frequencies and the observed spectrum is not obvious. The dominant red noise component in the hot O-type stars studied here clearly points to a different origin than the pulsations seen in cooler O stars. The physical cause of this red noise is unclear, but we speculate on the possibility of sub-surface convection, granulation, or stellar wind inhomogeneities being responsible.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/550/A27
- Title:
- Cygnus OB1-OB4 O stars radial velocities
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/550/A27
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Establishing the multiplicity of O-type stars is the first step towards accurately determining their stellar parameters. Moreover, the distribution of the orbital parameters provides observational clues to the way that O-type stars form and to the interactions during their evolution. Our objective is to constrain the multiplicity of a sample of O-type stars belonging to poorly investigated OB associations in the Cygnus complex and for the first time to provide orbital parameters for binaries identified in our sample. Such information is relevant to addressing the issue of the binarity in the context of O-type star formation scenarios.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/642/A168
- Title:
- Cygnus OB2 O stars spectroscopic analysis
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/642/A168
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Cygnus OB2 provides a unique insight into the high-mass stellar content in one of the largest groups of young massive stars in our Galaxy. Although several studies of its massive population have been carried out over the last decades, an extensive spectroscopic study of the whole known O-star population in the association is still lacking. In this work, we created the most complete spectroscopic census of O stars carried out so far in Cygnus OB2 using already existing and new spectroscopy. We present the spectra for 78 O-type stars, from which we identify new binary systems, obtain the distribution of rotational velocities, and determine the main stellar parameters for all the stars in the region that have not been detected as double-line spectroscopic binaries. We also derive radii, luminosities, and masses for those stars with reliable Gaia astrometry, in addition to creating the Hertzsprung- Russell Diagram to interpret the evolutionary status of the association. This work has shown the improvement reached when using accurate spectroscopic parameters and astrometry for the interpretation of the evolutionary status of a population, revealing, in the case of Cygnus OB2, at least two star-forming bursts at ~3 and ~5Myr. We find an apparent deficit of very fast rotators in the distribution of rotational velocities. The inspection of the dynamical distribution of the sample has allowed us to identify nine O stars with peculiar proper motions and discuss a possible dynamical ejection scenario or past supernova explosions in the region.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/613/A9
- Title:
- Extinction towards Galactic O stars
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/613/A9
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- O stars are excellent tracers of the intervening ISM because of their high luminosity, blue intrinsic SED, and relatively featureless spectra. We are currently conducting the Galactic O-Star Spectroscopic Survey (GOSSS), which is generating a large sample of O stars with accurate spectral types within several kpc of the Sun. We aim to obtain a global picture of the properties of dust extinction in the solar neighborhood based on optical-NIR photometry of O stars with accurate spectral types. We have processed a carefully selected photometric set with the CHORIZOS code to measure the amount [E(4405-5495)] and type [R_5495_] of extinction towards 562 O-type stellar systems. We have tested three different families of extinction laws and analyzed our results with the help of additional archival data.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/202/17
- Title:
- Far-UV spectral atlas of O-type stars
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/202/17
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In this paper, we present a spectral atlas covering the wavelength interval 930-1188{AA} for O2-O9.5 stars using Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer archival data. The stars selected for the atlas were drawn from three populations: Galactic main-sequence (classes III-V) stars, supergiants, and main-sequence stars in the Magellanic Clouds, which have low metallicities. For several of these stars, we have prepared FITS files comprised of pairs of merged spectra for user access via the Multimission Archive at Space Telescope (MAST). We chose spectra from the first population with spectral types O4, O5, O6, O7, O8, and O9.5 and used them to compile tables and figures with identifications of all possible atmospheric and interstellar medium lines in the region 949-1188{AA}. Our identified line totals for these six representative spectra are 821 (500), 992 (663), 1077 (749), 1178 (847), 1359 (1001), and 1798 (1392) lines, respectively, where the numbers in parentheses are the totals of lines formed in the atmospheres, according to spectral synthesis models. The total number of unique atmospheric identifications for the six main-sequence O-star template spectra is 1792, whereas the number of atmospheric lines in common to these spectra is 300. The number of identified lines decreases toward earlier types (increasing effective temperature), while the percentages of "missed" features (unknown lines not predicted from our spectral syntheses) drop from a high of 8% at type B0.2, from our recently published B-star far-UV atlas (Cat. J/ApJS/186/175), to 1%-3% for type O spectra. The percentages of overpredicted lines are similar, despite their being much higher for B-star spectra.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/518/A1
- Title:
- Galactic massive stars with AstraLux
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/518/A1
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Massive stars have high-multiplicity fractions, and many of them have still undetected components, thus hampering the study of their properties. I study a sample of massive stars with high angular resolution to better characterize their multiplicity. I observed 138 fields that include at least one massive star with AstraLux, a lucky imaging camera at the 2.2m Calar Alto telescope. I also used observations of 3 of those fields with ACS/HRC on HST to obtain complementary information and to calibrate the AstraLux data. The results were compared with existing information from the Washington Double Star Catalog, Tycho-2, 2MASS, and other literature results.