- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/161/87
- Title:
- Gaia data for members of {epsilon}Cha
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/161/87
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The precise parallax, proper motion, and photometric measurements contained in Gaia Data Release 2 (DR2) offer the opportunity to reexamine the membership and ages of nearby young moving groups (NYMGs), i.e., loose groups of stars of age <~100Myr in the solar vicinity. Here, we analyze the available DR2 data for members and candidate members of the {epsilon}Cha Association ({epsilon}CA) which, at an estimated age of ~3-5Myr, has previously been identified as among the youngest NYMGs. The several dozen confirmed members of {epsilon}CA include MPMus and TCha, two of the nearest stars of roughly solar mass that are known to host primordial protoplanetary disks, and the Herbig Ae/Be star HD104237A. We have used Gaia DR2 data to ascertain the Galactic positions and kinematics and color-magnitude diagram positions of {epsilon}CA members and candidates so as to reassess their membership status and thereby refine estimates of the distance, age, multiplicity, and disk fraction of the group. Our analysis yields 36 bona fide {epsilon}CA members, as well as 20 provisional members, including 3 new members identified here as comoving companions to previously known {epsilon}CA stars. We determine a mean distance to {epsilon}CA of 101.0{+/-}4.6pc and confirm that, at an age of 5_-2_^+3^Myr, {epsilon}CA represents the youngest stellar group within ~100pc of Earth. We identify several new photometric binary candidates, bringing the overall multiplicity fraction (MF) of {epsilon}CA to 40%, intermediate between the MFs of young T associations and the field.
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Search Results
2062. Gaia DR2
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/I/345
- Title:
- Gaia DR2
- Short Name:
- I/345
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Gaia Data Release 2. Summary of the contents and survey properties: We present the second Gaia data release, Gaia DR2, consisting of astrometry, photometry, radial velocities, and information on as- trophysical parameters and variability, for sources brighter than magnitude 21. In addition epoch astrometry and photometry are provided for a modest sample of minor planets in the solar system. A summary of the contents of Gaia DR2 is presented, accompanied by a discussion on the differences with respect to Gaia DR1 and an overview of the main limitations which are still present in the survey. Recommendations are made on the responsible use of Gaia DR2 results. Methods. The raw data collected with the Gaia instruments during the first 22 months of the mission have been processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC) and turned into this second data release, which represents a major advance with respect to Gaia DR1 in terms of completeness, performance, and richness of the data products. Gaia DR2 contains celestial positions and the apparent brightness in G for approximately 1.7 billion sources. For 1.3 billion of those sources, parallaxes and proper motions are in addition available. The sample of sources for which variability information is provided is expanded to 0.5 million stars. This data release contains four new elements: broad-band colour information in the form of the apparent brightness in the G_BP_ (330-680nm) and G_RP_ (630-1050nm) bands is available for 1.4 billion sources; median radial velocities for some 7 million sources are presented; for between 77 and 161 million sources estimates are provided of the stellar effective temperature, extinction, reddening, and radius and luminosity; and for a pre-selected list of 14000 minor planets in the solar system epoch astrometry and photometry are presented. Finally, Gaia DR2 also represents a new materialisation of the celestial reference frame in the optical, the Gaia-CRF2, which is the first optical reference frame based solely on extragalactic sources. There are notable changes in the photometric system and the catalogue source list with respect to Gaia DR1, and we stress the need to consider the two data releases as independent. Gaia DR2 represents a major achievement for the Gaia mission, delivering on the long standing promise to provide parallaxes and proper motions for over 1 billion stars, and representing a first step in the availability of complementary radial velocity and source astrophysical information for a sample of stars in the Gaia survey which covers a very substantial fraction of the volume of our galaxy. The catalogue of radial velocity standard stars (Soubiran et al., 2018A&A...616A...7S) The Radial Velocity Spectrometer (RVS) on board of Gaia having no calibration device, the zero point of radial velocities needs to be calibrated with stars proved to be stable at the level of 300m/s during the Gaia observations. A dataset of about 71000 ground-based radial velocity measurements from five high resolution spectrographs has been compiled. A catalogue of 4813 stars was built by combining these individual measurements. The zero point has been established using asteroids. The resulting catalogue has 7 observations per star on average on a typical time baseline of 6 years, with a median standard deviation of 15m/s. A subset of the most stable stars fulfilling the RVS requirements has been used to establish the zero point of the radial velocities provided in Gaia DR2. The stars not used for calibration are used for the RVS data validation.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/628/A81
- Title:
- Gaia DR2-based catalogue of 237 Ap stars
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/628/A81
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Knowing the distribution of strongly magnetic Ap stars in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (HRD) allows us to study the evolution of their magnetic fields across the main sequence (MS). With a newly extended Ap star sample from APOGEE and available Gaia DR2 data, we can now critically review the results of previous studies based on Hipparcos data. To investigate our targets in the Gaia DR2 HRD, we need to define astrometric and photometric quality criteria to remove unreliable data from the HRD. We used the Gaia DR2 renormalised unit weight error RUWE as our main quality criterion. We considered known (close) binaries in our sample compared to their (partly affected) astrometry and used the Gaia DR2 data to find common parallax and proper motion (CPPM) wide companions and open cluster members. We studied G, BP and RP variability amplitudes and their significance as a function of magnitude. In colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) with absolute G magnitude (determined from inverted parallax) versus BP-RP colour and HRDs, where BP-RP is replaced by effective temperature, we studied the appearance of outliers with respect to their astrometric quality, binarity, and variability. We present a catalogue of 83 previously known and 154 new strongly magnetic Ap stars with Gaia DR2 data, including astrometric quality parameters, binary flags, information on cluster membership, variability amplitudes, and data from Hipparcos. Our astrometrically cleaned subsamples include 47 and 46 old and new Ap stars with parallaxes >2mas. Most of the known 26 binaries among all 237 stars and 14 out of 15 CMD/HRD outliers were excluded by astrometric criteria. The remaining 11 known binaries and a few highly variable objects mainly appear in the bright and red CMD/HRD parts. A CMD based on Hipparcos photometry and Gaia DR2 parallaxes shows a much more narrow distribution in the absolute V magnitudes of 75 common Ap stars over the full B-V colour range than the corresponding CMD based on Hipparcos parallaxes.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/630/A119
- Title:
- Gaia DR2 distances to two clusters
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/630/A119
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- On the one hand, the second data release of the Gaia mission (GaiaDR2, Cat. I/345) has opened a trove of astrometric and photometric data for Galactic clusters within a few kpc of the Sun. On the other hand, lucky imaging has been an operational technique to measure the relative positions of visual binary systems for a decade and a half, a time sufficient to apply its results to the calculation of orbits of some massive multiple systems within ~1kpc of the Sun. As part of an ambitious research program to measure distances to Galactic stellar groups (including clusters) containing O stars,I start with two of the nearest examples: Collinder 419 in Cygnus and NGC 2264 in Monoceros. The main ionizing source for both clusters is a multiple system with an O-type primary: HD 193322 and 15 Mon, respectively. For each of those two multiple systemsI aim to derive new astrometric orbits for the Aa,Ab components. First, I present a method that usesGaiaDR2 G+G_BP_+G_RP_ photometry, positions, proper motions, and parallaxes to obtain the membership and distance of a stellar group and apply it to Collinder 419 and NGC 2264. Second, I present a new code that calculates astrometric orbits by searching the whole seven-parameter orbit space and apply it to HD 193 322 Aa,Ab and 15 Mon Aa,Abusing as input literature data from the Washington Double Star Catalog (WDS) and the AstraLux measurements recently presented by Maiz Apellaniz et al. (2019, Cat. J/A+A/626/A20) I obtain GaiaDR2 distances of 1006^+37^_-34_pc for Collinder 419 and 719+/-16pc for NGC 2264, with the main contribution to the uncertainties coming from the spatial covariance of the parallaxes. The two NGC 2264 subclusters are at the same distance (within the uncertainties) and they show a significant relative proper motion. The distances are shown to be robust. HD 193322 Aa,Ab follows an eccentric (e=0.58^+0.03^_-0.04_) orbit with a period of 44+/-1 a and the three stars it contains have a total mass of 76.1^+9.9^_-7.4_M_{sun}_. The orbit of 15 Mon Aa,Ab is even more eccentric (e=0.770^+0.023^_-0.030_), with a period of 108+/-12 a and a total mass of 45.1^+3.6^_-3.3_M_{sun}_ for its two stars.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/619/A180
- Title:
- Gaia DR2 photometric sensitivity curves
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/619/A180
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The second data release (DR2) from the European Space Agency mission Gaia took place on April 2018. DR2 included photometry for more than 1.3x10^9^ sources in the three bands G, G_BP_, and G_RP_. Even though the Gaia DR2 photometry is very precise, there are currently three alternative definitions of the sensitivity curves that show significative differences. The aim of this paper is to improve the quality of the input calibration data to produce new compatible definitions of the G, G_BP_, and G_RP_ bands and to identify the reasons for the discrepancies between previous definitions. We have searched the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) archive for Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) spectra with G430L+G750L data obtained with wide apertures and combined them with the CALSPEC library to produce a high quality spectral energy distribution (SED) library of 122 stars with a broad range of colors, including three very red stars. This library defines new sensitivity curves for G, G_BP_, and G_RP_ using a functional analytical formalism. The new sensitivity curves are significantly better than the two previous attempts we use as a reference, REV (Evans et al., 2018A&A...616A...4E, Cat. I/345) and WEI (Weiler, 2018A&A...617A.138W, Cat. J/A+A/617/A138). For G we confirm the existence of a systematic bias in magnitude and correct a color term present in REV. For G_BP_ we confirm the need to define two magnitude ranges with different sensitivity curves and measure the cut between them at G_phot_=10.87mag with a significant increase in precision. The new curves also fit the data better than either REV or WEI. For G_RP_, our new sensitivity curve fits the STIS spectra better and the differences with previous attempts reside in a systematic effect between ground-based and HST spectral libraries. Additional evidence from color-color diagrams indicate that the new sensitivity curve is more accurate. Nevertheless, there is still room for improvement in the accuracy of the sensitivity curves because of the current dearth of good-quality red calibrators: adding more to the sample should be a priority before Gaia data release 3 takes place.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/863/89
- Title:
- Gaia DR2 PMs of stars in ultra-faint MW satellites
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/863/89
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The second data release from the Gaia mission (DR2) provides a comprehensive and unprecedented picture of the motions of astronomical sources in the plane of the sky, extending from the solar neighborhood to the outer reaches of the Milky Way. I present proper-motion measurements based on Gaia DR2 for 17 ultra-faint dwarf galaxies within 100kpc of the Milky Way. I compile the spectroscopically confirmed member stars in each dwarf bright enough for Gaia astrometry from the literature, producing member samples ranging from two stars in Triangulum II to 68 stars in Bootes I. From the spectroscopic member catalogs, I estimate the proper motion of each system. I find good agreement with the proper motions derived by the Gaia collaboration for Bootes I and Leo I. The tangential velocities for 14 of the 17 dwarfs are determined to better than 50km/s, more than doubling the sample of such measurements for Milky Way satellite galaxies. The orbital pericenters are well constrained, with a mean value of 38kpc. Only one satellite, Tucana III, is on an orbit passing within 15kpc of the Galactic center, suggesting that the remaining ultra-faint dwarfs are unlikely to have experienced severe tidal stripping. As a group, the ultra-faint dwarfs are on high-velocity, eccentric, retrograde trajectories, with nearly all of them having space motions exceeding 370km/s. A large majority of the objects are currently close to the pericenters of their orbits. In a low-mass (M_vir_=0.9x10^12^M_{sun}_) Milky Way potential, eight out of the 17 galaxies lack well-defined apocenters and appear likely to be on their first infall, indicating that the Milky Way mass may be larger than previously estimated or that many of the ultra-faint dwarfs are associated with the Magellanic Clouds. The median eccentricity of the ultra-faint dwarf orbits is 0.79, similar to the values seen in numerical simulations but distinct from the rounder orbits of the more luminous dwarf spheroidals.
2067. Gaia DR1 QSO magnitude
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/611/A52
- Title:
- Gaia DR1 QSO magnitude
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/611/A52
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The first release of the Gaia catalog is available since 14 September 2016. It is a first step in the realization of the future Gaia reference frame. This reference frame will be materialized by the optical positions of the sources and will be compared with and linked to the International Celestial Reference Frame, materialized by the radio position of extragalactic sources. As in the radio domain, it can be reasonably postulated that quasar optical flux variations can alert us to potential changes in the source structure. These changes could have important implications for the position of the target photocenters (together with the evolution in time of these centers) and in parallel have consequences for the link of the reference systems. A set of nine optical telescopes was used to monitor the magnitude variations, often at the same time as Gaia, thanks to the Gaia Observation Forecast Tool. The Allan variances, which are statistical tools widely used in the atomic time and frequency community, are introduced.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/620/A128
- Title:
- Gaia DR2 study of Herbig Ae/Be stars
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/620/A128
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We use Gaia Data Release 2 (DR2, Cat. I/345) to place 252 Herbig Ae/Be stars in the HR diagram and investigate their characteristics and properties. For all known Herbig Ae/Be stars with parallaxes in Gaia DR2, we collected their atmospheric parameters and photometric and extinction values from the literature. To these data we added near- and mid-infrared photometry, collected Halpha emission line properties such as equivalent widths and line profiles, and their binarity status. In addition, we developed a photometric variability indicator from Gaia's DR2 information. We provide masses, ages, luminosities, distances, photometric variabilities and infrared excesses homogeneously derived for the most complete sample of Herbig Ae/Be stars to date. We find that high mass stars have a much smaller infrared excess and have much lower optical variabilities compared to lower mass stars, with the break at around 7M_{sun}_. Halpha emission is generally correlated with infrared excess, with the correlation being stronger for infrared emission at wavelengths tracing the hot dust closest to the star. The variability indicator as developed by us shows that approximately 25% of all Herbig Ae/Be stars are strongly variable. We observe that the strongly variable objects display doubly peaked Halpha line profiles, indicating an edge-on disk. The fraction of strongly variable Herbig Ae stars is close to that found for A-type UX Ori stars. It had been suggested that this variability is in most cases due to asymmetric dusty disk structures seen edge-on. The observation here is in strong support of this hypothesis. Finally, the difference in dust properties occurs at 7M_{sun}_, while various properties traced at UV/optical wavelengths differ at a lower mass, 3M_{sun}_. The latter has been linked to different accretion mechanisms at work whereas the differing infrared properties and photometric variabilities are related to different or differently acting (dust-)disk dispersal mechanisms.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/482/4570
- Title:
- Gaia DR2 white dwarf candidates
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/482/4570
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a catalogue of white dwarf candidates selected from the second data release of Gaia (DR2). We used a sample of spectroscopically confirmed white dwarfs from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to map the entire space spanned by these objects in the Gaia Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. We then defined a set of cuts in absolute magnitude, colour, and a number of Gaia quality flags to remove the majority of contaminating objects. Finally, we adopt a method analogous to the one presented in our earlier SDSS photometric catalogues to calculate a probability of being a white dwarf (PWD) for all Gaia sources which passed the initial selection. The final catalogue is composed of 486641 stars with calculated PWD from which it is possible to select a sample of~260000 high-confidence white dwarf candidates in the magnitude range 8<G<21. By comparing this catalogue with a sample of SDSS white dwarf candidates we estimate an upper limit in completeness of 85 per cent for white dwarfs with G<=20mag and Teff>7000K, at high Galactic latitudes (|b|>20deg). However, the completeness drops at low Galactic latitudes, and the magnitude limit of the catalogue varies significantly across the sky as a function of Gaia's scanning law. We also provide the list of objects within our sample with available SDSS spectroscopy.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/899/83
- Title:
- 723 Gaia DR2 White dwarfs cand. in Local Galactic Halo
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/899/83
- Date:
- 14 Mar 2022 08:58:44
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a catalog of 531 white dwarf candidates that have large apparent transverse motions relative to the Sun (v_T_>200km/s), thus making them likely members of the local Galactic halo population. The candidates were selected from the Gaia Data Release 2 and are located in a great circle with 20{deg} width running across both Galactic poles and the Galactic center and anticenter, a zone that spans 17.3% of the sky. The selection used a combination of kinematic and photometric properties, derived primarily from Gaia proper motions, G magnitudes, and G_BP_-G_RP_ color, and including parallax whenever available. Additional validation of the white dwarf candidates is made using PanSTARRS photometric (gri) data. Our final catalog includes not only stars having full kinematic and luminosity estimates from reliable Gaia parallax, but also stars with presently unreliable or no available Gaia parallax measurements. We argue that our method of selecting local halo objects with and without reliable parallax data leads us to round up all possible halo white dwarfs in the Gaia catalog (in that particular section of the sky) with recorded proper motions >40mas/yr and that pass our v_T_>200km/s threshold requirement. We expect this catalog will be useful for the study of the white dwarf population of the local Galactic halo.