- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/529/A108
- Title:
- Lupus clouds proper motion study with VO
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/529/A108
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Lupus dark cloud complex is a well-known, nearby low-mass star-forming region, probably associated with the Gould Belt. In recent years, the number of stellar and substellar Lupus candidate members has been remarkably increased thanks to the Cores to Disks (c2d) Spitzer Legacy Program and other studies. However, most of these newly discovered objects still lack confirmation that they belong to the dark clouds. By using available kinematical information, we test the membership of the new Lupus candidate members proposed by the c2d program and by a complementary optical survey. We also investigate the relationship between the proper motions and other properties of the objects, in order to get some clues about their formation and early evolution. We compiled a list of members and possible members of Lupus 1, 3, and 4, together with all available information on their spectral types, disks, and physical parameters. Using Virtual Observatory tools, we cross-matched this list with the available astrometric catalogues to get proper motions for our objects. Our final sample contains sources with magnitudes I<16mag and estimated masses >~0.1M_{sun}_.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/521/A19
- Title:
- 21 Lutetia UBVRI light curves
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/521/A19
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Asteroid 21 Lutetia is the second target of the Rosetta space mission. Extensive pre-encounter, space-, and ground-based observations are being performed to prepare for the flyby in July 2010. The aim of this article is to accurately characterize the photometric properties of this asteroid over a broad spectral range from the ultraviolet to the near-infrared and to search for evidence of surface inhomogeneities.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/445/881
- Title:
- LVL global optical photometry
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/445/881
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the global optical photometry of 246 galaxies in the Local Volume Legacy (LVL) survey. The full volume-limited sample consists of 258 nearby (D<11Mpc) galaxies whose absolute B-band magnitude span a range of -9.6<M_B_<-20.7mag. A composite optical (UBVR) data set is constructed from observed UBVR and Sloan Digital Sky Survey ugriz imaging, where the ugriz magnitudes are transformed into UBVR. We present photometry within three galaxy apertures defined at UV, optical, and IR wavelengths. Flux comparisons between these apertures reveal that the traditional optical R25 galaxy apertures do not fully encompass extended sources. Using the larger IR apertures, we find colour-colour relationships where later type spiral and irregular galaxies tend to be bluer than earlier type galaxies. These data provide the missing optical emission from which future LVL studies can construct the full panchromatic (UV-optical-IR) spectral energy distributions.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/445/899
- Title:
- LVL SEDs and physical properties
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/445/899
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the panchromatic spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the Local Volume Legacy (LVL) survey which consists of 258 nearby galaxies (D<11Mpc). The wavelength coverage spans the ultraviolet to the infrared (1500{AA}-24{mu}m) which is utilized to derive global physical properties (i.e. star formation rate, stellar mass, internal extinction due to dust). With these data, we find colour-colour relationships and correlated trends between observed and physical properties (i.e. optical magnitudes and dust properties, optical colour and specific star formation rate, and ultraviolet-infrared colour and metallicity). The SEDs are binned by different galaxy properties to reveal how each property affects the observed shape of these SEDs. In addition, due to the volume-limited nature of LVL, we utilize the dwarf-dominated galaxy sample to test star formation relationships established with higher mass galaxy samples. We find good agreement with the star-forming `main-sequence' relationship, but find a systematic deviation in the infrared `main sequence' at low luminosities. This deviation is attributed to suppressed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) formation in low-metallicity environments and/or the destruction of PAHs in more intense radiation fields occurring near a suggested threshold in star formation rates (sSFR) at a value of log(sSFR)~-10.2.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/888/89
- Title:
- Lya galaxies in 3 CFHTLS overdense regions
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/888/89
- Date:
- 25 Oct 2021 10:16:31
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have carried out follow-up spectroscopy on three overdense regions of g- and r-dropout galaxies in the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey Deep Fields, finding two new protoclusters at z=4.898 and 3.721 and a possible protocluster at z=3.834. The z=3.721 protocluster overlaps with a previously identified protocluster at z=3.675. The redshift separation between these two protoclusters is {Delta}z=0.05, which is slightly larger than the size of typical protoclusters. Therefore, if they are not the progenitors of a >10^15^M_{sun}_ halo, they would grow into closely located independent halos like a supercluster. The other protocluster at z=4.898 is also surrounded by smaller galaxy groups. These systems including protoclusters and neighboring groups are regarded as the early phase of superclusters. We quantify the spatial distribution of member galaxies of the protoclusters at z=3.675 and 3.721 by fitting triaxial ellipsoids, finding a tentative difference: one has a pancake-like shape, while the other is filamentary. This could indicate that these two protoclusters are in different stages of formation. We investigate the relation between redshift and the velocity dispersion of protoclusters, including other protoclusters from the literature, in order to compare their dynamical states. Although there is no significant systematic trend in the velocity dispersions of protoclusters with redshift, the distribution is skewed to higher velocity dispersion over the redshift range of z=2-6. This could be interpreted as two phases of cluster formation, one dominated by the steady accretion of galaxies and the other by the merging between group-size halos, perhaps depending on the surrounding large-scale environments.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/667/79
- Title:
- Ly{alpha} emission-line galaxies at z=3.1
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/667/79
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We describe the results of an extremely deep, 0.28{deg}^2^ survey for z=3.1 Ly{alpha} emission-line galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South. By using a narrowband 5000{AA} filter and complementary broadband photometry from the MUSYC survey, we identify a statistically complete sample of 162 galaxies with monochromatic fluxes brighter than 1.5x10^-17^ergs/cm^2^/s and observer's frame equivalent widths greater than 80{AA}
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/431/793
- Title:
- Ly-alpha emitters around MRC 0316-257
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/431/793
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Observations of the radio galaxy MRC 0316-257 at z=3.13 and the surrounding field resulted in the discovery of 77 candidate Ly{alpha} emitters with a rest-frame equivalent width of >15{AA}. 31 of 40 candidate emitters observed spectroscopically have redshifts similar to that of the radio galaxy. The properties of the Ly{alpha} emission line of the 31 confirmed emitters and the radio galaxy are presented in the file table2.dat (Table 2 in the paper). The magnitudes and continuum slopes of these z~3.1 galaxies are printed in the file table4.dat (Table 4 in the paper). The Ly{alpha} galaxies are faint, blue and small, consistent with the emitters being young starforming galaxies which are still nearly dust free.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/696/546
- Title:
- Ly{alpha} emitters at z~4.86
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/696/546
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present results of a survey for Ly{alpha} emitters at z~4.86 based on optical narrowband ({lambda}c=7126{AA}, {Delta}{lambda}=73{AA}) and broadband (B, V, r', i', and z') observations of the Cosmic Evolution Survey field using Suprime-Cam on the Subaru Telescope. We find 79 Ly{alpha} emitter (LAE) candidates at z~4.86 over a contiguous survey area of 1.83deg^2^, down to the Ly{alpha} line flux of 1.47x10^-17^erg/s/cm^2^. We obtain the Ly{alpha} luminosity function with a best-fit Schechter parameters of log L*=42.9^+0.5^_-0.3_erg/s and {Phi}*=1.2^+8.0^_-1.1_x10^-4^Mpc^-3^ for {alpha}=-1.5 (fixed). The two-point correlation function for our LAE sample is {xi}(r)=(r/4.4^+5.7^_-2.9_Mpc)^-1.90+/-0.22^. In order to investigate the field-to-field variations of the properties of Ly{alpha} emitters, we divide the survey area into nine tiles of 0.5x0.5{deg} each. We find that the number density varies with a factor of ~2 from field to field with high statistical significance. However, we find no significant field-to-field variance when we divide the field into four tiles with 0.7x0.7{deg} each. We conclude that at least 0.5deg^2^ survey area is required to derive averaged properties of LAEs at z~5, and our survey field is wide enough to overcome the cosmic variance.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/PASJ/58/313
- Title:
- Ly{alpha} emitters in the SUBARU Deep Field
- Short Name:
- J/PASJ/58/313
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the properties of Ly{alpha} emitters (LAEs) at z=5.7 in the Subaru Deep Field. A photometric sample of 89 LAE candidates was constructed from narrow-band data down to NB816=26.0 (AB) in a continuous 725arcmin^2^ area. Spectra of 39 objects satisfying the photometric selection criteria for LAEs were obtained with Subaru and Keck II Telescopes, among which 28 were confirmed LAEs, one was a nearby galaxy, and eight were unclassified. We also obtained spectra of another 24 NB816-excess objects in the field, identifying six additional LAEs.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/PASJ/57/165
- Title:
- Ly{alpha} emitters in the SUBARU Deep Field
- Short Name:
- J/PASJ/57/165
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present new results of a deep optical imaging survey using a narrow band filter (NB921) centered at {lambda}=9196{AA} together with B, V, R, i', and z' broadband filters in the sky area of the Subaru Deep Field, which has been promoted as one of legacy programs of the 8.2m Subaru Telescope. We obtained a photometric sample of 58 Ly{alpha} emitter candidates at z~6.5-6.6 among ~180 strong NB921-excess (z'-NB921>1.0) objects together with a color criterion of i'-z'>1.3. We then obtained optical spectra of 20 objects in our NB921-excess sample, and identified at least nine Ly{alpha} emitters at z~6.5-6.6, including the two emitters reported by Kodaira et al. (2003PASJ...55L..17K). Since our Ly{alpha}-emitter candidates are free from strong amplification of gravitational lensing, we are able to discuss their observational properties from a statistical point of view. Based on these new results, we obtained a lower limit of the star-formation rate density of rho_SFR_~5.7x10^-4^h_0.7_M_{sun}/yr/Mpc^3^ at z~6.6, being consistent with our previous estimate. We discuss the nature of star-formation activity in galaxies beyond z=6.