We present a detailed study of an eclipsing binary which had been classified Ap SrCrEu (Hartoog, 1976ApJ...205..807H) before being known as a binary. Radial velocities measured at the times of both quadratures allow us to obtain precise masses for both components, while the light curve yields the radii. The following ephemeris and fundamental parameters of the system were obtained: HJD=(2447999.7656+/-0.0041) +(3.174990+/-0.000001) E, e=0.00, i=81.9+/-0.1{deg}, M_1_=1.90+/-0.02M_{sun}_, M_2_=1.85+/-0.02M_{sun}_, R_1_=1.63+/-0.03R_{sun}_, R_2_=1.60+/-0.03R_{sun}_, vsini_1_=27.6+/-3.5km/s, vsini_2_=23.6+/-3.6km/s. The projected rotational velocities were determined by fitting a synthetic spectrum convolved with a rotational profile to the observed spectrum. A comparison of the spectra of V392 Car and of the normal A star Cox 98, which has the same colour indices, shows that Sr is not overabundant and the metallicity of V392 Car is the same as that of the other cluster members. Therefore, V392 Car is a normal A2 star rather than an Ap star. The position of V392 Car in the HR diagram is entirely consistent with membership of the cluster NGC 2516. An independent estimate of the distance to this cluster was done using the parameters of the eclipsing system, and found to be in agreement with the Hipparcos one. A comparison of the parameters obtained from observations with predictions of internal structure models leads to a metallicity estimate [M/H]=0+/-0.10dex for NGC 2516. This estimate is completely independent of any spectroscopic or photometric method (except for the T_eff_ determination) but relies on stellar structure models.
Using extended multicolour CCD photometry of the triple-mode radial pulsator V823 Cas we studied the properties of the coupling frequencies invoked by nonlinear processes. Our results support that a resonance connection affects the mode coupling behaviour. The P1/P0 period ratio of V823 Cas has an "out of range" value if compared with the period ratios of the known double mode pulsators, while the P2/P1 period ratio is normal. The periods and period ratios cannot be consistently interpreted without conflict with pulsation and/or evolution models. We describe this failure with the suggestion that at present, the periods of V823 Cas are in a transient, resonance affected state, thus do not reflect the true parameters of the object. The anomalous period change behaviour of the fundamental and second overtone modes supports this idea. We have also raised the possibility that a f0+f2=2f1 resonance may act in triple mode pulsators.
The cool, overcontact, close binary, V523 Cassiopeiae was observed with the 1 m reflector at the US Naval Observatory, Flagstaff Station. The photometry was very good, with a precision on the order of a few millimagnitudes, but not numerous enough for complete light-curve analyses (e.g., differential corrections). A conventional published synthesis has been found acceptable as a fiducial model, and most of the observational weight has been used to develop a spot model for the stars and to support the validity of theoretical limb-darkening coefficients. Both photospheres and chromospheres contribute to the model. This result indicates that multifilter measures of this and similarly cool binaries are necessary for fuller descriptions of stellar activity cycles. A number of newly determined times of minimum light solidify the published rate of period variability.
From a quantitative analysis of 413 Virgo Cluster early-type dwarf galaxies (dEs) with SDSS imaging data, we find that the dE class can be divided into multiple subpopulations that differ significantly in their morphology and clustering properties. Three dE subclasses are shaped like thick disks and show no central clustering: (1) dEs with disk features like spiral arms or bars, (2) dEs with central star formation, and (3) ordinary, bright dEs that have no or only a weak nucleus.
The light curve of the yellow supergiant V810 Centauri in the Geneva photometric system has been analysed with Date Compensate Fourier Transform and Weighted Wavelet Z-transform. Two periods around 150 and 100 days dominate the frequency spectrum but variable amplitudes and other modes are required to fully reproduce whole data set.
New physical elements of the early B-type eclipsing binary V346 Cen are derived using the HARPS spectra downloaded from the ESO archive and also numerous photometric observations from various sources. A model of the observed times of primary and secondary minima that fits them best is a combination of the apsidal motion and an abrupt decrease in the orbital period from 6.322123d to 6.321843d (shortening by 24s), which occurred somewhere around JD 2439000. Assumption of a secularly decreasing orbital period provides a significantly worse fit. Local times of minima and the final solution of the light curve were obtained with the program PHOEBE. Radial velocities of both binary components, free of line blending, were derived via 2-D cross-correlation with a program built on the principles of the program TODCOR. The oxygen lines in the secondary spectra are weaker than those in the model spectra of solar chemical composition. Using the component spectra disentangled with the program KOREL, we find that both components rotate considerably faster than would correspond to the synchronization at periastron. The apside rotation known from earlier studies is confirmed and compared to the theoretical value.
Long-term BVRI photometric light curves of the pre-main sequence stars V977 Cep and V982 Cep during the period from 2000 October to 2016 August are presented. The stars are located in the vicinity of the reflection nebula NGC 7129. Our photometric data show that both stars exhibit strong photometric variability in all optical passbands, which is typical for Classical T Tauri stars. Using our observational data we analyze the reasons for the observed brightness variations. In the case of V977 Cep we identify previously unknown periodicity in its light curve.
Results from UBVRI optical photometric observations of the pre-main sequence star V350 Cep during the period 2004-2014 are presented. The star was discovered in 1977 due to its remarkable increase in brightness by more than 5mag (R). In previous studies, V350 Cep is considered to be a potential FUor or EXor eruptive variable. Our data suggest that during the period of observations the star keeps its maximum brightness with low amplitude photometric variations. Our conclusion is that V350 Cep is probably an intermediate object between FUors and EXors, similar to V1647 Ori.
Our time series analysis of V368 Cep photometry ascertains the rotation period of 2.74d uniquely. The manifestations of starspot induced luminosity variations in this chromospherically active star include rapid light curve changes and differential rotation of about 3%. We conclude that the single rapidly rotating variable V368 Cep is a high inclination K1V post T Tauri star.
We performed a deep wide-field (6.76 square-degrees) near-infrared survey with the VISTA telescope that covers the entire extent of the Carina nebula complex. Complementing the VISTA near-infrared catalog with Spitzer IRAC mid-infrared photometry improves the situation of the background contamination considerably. We find that a (J-H) versus (Ks-[4.5]) color-color diagram is well suited to tracing the population of YSO-candidates (cYSOs) by their infrared excess. We identify 8781 sources with strong infrared excess, which we consider as cYSOs. This sample is used to investigate the spatial distribution of the cYSOs with a nearest-neighbor analysis. The surface density distribution of cYSOs agrees well with the shape of the clouds as seen in our Herschel far-infrared survey. The strong decline in the surface density of excess sources outside the area of the clouds supports the hypothesis that our excess-selected sample consists predominantly of cYSOs with a low level of background contamination.