Spectral and luminosity classes, absolute magnitudes. color excesses, interstellar extinctions and distances are determined for 98 stars down to 13mag in the Barnard 1 dark cloud belonging to the Per OB2 association. The classification of stars is based on their photoelectric photometry in the Vilnius seven-color photometric system. The extinction vs. distance diagram exhibits the presence of two dust layers at 150 and 230pc distances. The distance of the first cloud, which gives an extinction AV of 0.3mag, coincides with the distance of the Taurus dark cloud complex. The second cloud with much larger extinction is about at the same distance as the clouds in the direction of the nearby objects: reflection nebula NGC 1333 and open cluster IC 348.
157 stars down to 11th mag in a 3{deg}x4{deg} area at l=149{deg}, b=-0.3{deg} have been measured in the Vilnius photometric system. Magnitudes V, color indices, spectral classes, absolute magnitudes, color excesses and distances of the stars are determined. The interstellar extinction in all the area appears at a distance of about 100pc, grows monotonically and at a distance of 500pc it reaches ~2mag in the area of the dark cloud L1391 and 0.7-1.7mag in the remaining area. At larger distances the extinction is affected by a selection effect.
Seven-color photometry in the Vilnius system for 309 stars down to 12.5mag in the area along the galactic equator near the Camelopardalis and Perseus border is presented. Photometric spectral and luminosity classes of the stars are determined.
Optical and infrared continuum polarization from the interstellar medium is driven by radiative processes aligning the grains with the magnetic field. While a quantitative, predictive theory of radiative alignment torques (RATs) exists and has been extensively tested, several parameters of the theory remain to be fully constrained. In a recent paper, Medan & Andersson showed that the polarization efficiency (and therefore grain alignment efficiency) at different locations in the wall of the Local Bubble (LB) could be modeled as proportional to the integrated light intensity from the surrounding stars and OB associations. Here we probe that relationship at high radiation field intensities by studying the extinction and polarization in the two reflection nebulae IC59 and IC63 in the Sh2-185 HII region, illuminated by the B0 IV star {gamma}Cassiopeia. We combine archival visual polarimetry with new seven-band photometry in the Vilnius system, to derive the polarization efficiency from the material. We find that the same linear relationship seen in the LB wall also applies to the Sh2-185 region, strengthening the conclusion from the earlier study.
Magnitudes and color indices of 439 stars down to V~17.5mag in the eight-color Vilnius + I photometric system were obtained in four areas of diameters 20' within the dark cloud L935 separating the North America and Pelican nebulae. Spectral types, interstellar color excesses, extinctions and distances of stars were determined from the photometric data.
The results of photoelectric photometry in the Vilnius seven-color system are given for 152 stars down to 12.2mag in the area of the molecular cloud MBM 12 and the dust clouds L1454 and L1457 in Aries. The results of photometric classification of stars are also given. The investigation of interstellar extinction in the area is described in the next paper, Straizys et al., Cat. <J/BaltA/11/231>.
Vilnius seven-color photometry has been obtained for 238 stars down to 13th mag in the area of the California Nebula in Perseus. For nearly all of the stars photometric spectral classes, luminosity classes, absolute magnitudes, interstellar reddenings, extinctions and distances are determined. The present paper contains the results of photometry and the parameters of the stars.
The area of the open cluster NGC 2395 in Gemini is investigated by CCD photometry in the Vilnius seven-color system. Magnitudes, color indices, photometric spectral types, color excesses, interstellar extinctions and distances are determined for the 163 stars down to V=15.75mag in the 25' diameter area.
In a 1.5 square degree area, centered at RA=21:44:30, DE=+65:58, we have determined magnitudes and color indices for 2140 stars in the Vilnius seven-color system down to V=17mag. This area includes a star-forming region with the open cluster NGC 7129 embedded in a dense dust cloud TGU 645 (LDN 1181), close to the Cepheus Flare, and a distant old open cluster NGC 7142 seen through a semi-transparent window. For most of the stars spectral and luminosity classes in the MK system, determined from the photometric data, are given.
Table 2 contains the results of photometry of 948 stars down to V=16.2mag in the Vilnius seven-color system at the North Ecliptic Pole. Photometric data are used to classify about 500 stars in spectral and luminosity classes. For the remaining stars one-dimensional spectral classes are given. The results of photometry and classification can be used to supplement the catalog of Gaia standard stars near the Ecliptic poles. To facilitate this, Table 3 presents the magnitudes of the SDSS and Gaia systems transformed from the Vilnius seven-color photometry.