- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/V/136
- Title:
- Teff and metallicities for Tycho-2 stars
- Short Name:
- V/136
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have created specialized target lists for radial velocity surveys that are biased toward stars that (1) possess planets and (2) are easiest to observe with current detection techniques. We use a procedure that uniformly estimates fundamental stellar properties of Tycho 2 stars, with errors, using spline functions of broadband photometry and proper motion found in Hipparcos/Tycho 2 and 2MASS. We provide estimates of effective temperature and distance for 2.4 million Tycho 2 stars that lack trigonometric distances. For stars that appear to be FGK dwarfs, we also derive [Fe/H] and identify unresolved binary systems with mass ratios 1.25<M1/M2<3.0. For FGK dwarfs with photometric error {sigma}_V_<0.05, or V<9, our temperature model gives a 1{sigma} error of {sigma}_T_=+58.7/-65.9K and our metallicity model gives a 1{sigma} error of {sigma}_[Fe/H]_=+0.13/-0.14dex. The binarity model can be used to remove 70% of doubles with 1.25<M1/M2<3.0 from a magnitude-limited sample of dwarfs at a cost of cutting 20% of the sample. Our estimates of distance and spectral type enable us to isolate 354,822 Tycho 2 dwarfs, 321,996 absent from Hipparcos, with giant contamination of 2.6% and 7.2%, respectively. Roughly 100,000 of these stars, not in Hipparcos, have sufficiently low photometric errors to retain 0.13-0.3dex [Fe/H] accuracy and 80-100K temperature accuracy (1{sigma}). Our metallicity estimates have been used to identify targets for N2K, a large-scale radial velocity search for hot jupiters, which has verified the errors presented here. The catalogs that we publish can be used to further large-scale studies of Galactic structure and chemical evolution and to provide potential reference stars for narrow-angle astrometry programs such as the Space Interferometry Mission and large-aperture optical interferometry.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/144/62
- Title:
- Tertiary companions to close spectroscopic binaries
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/144/62
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the first results of a multi-epoch search for wide (separations greater than a few tens of AU), low-mass tertiary companions of a volume-limited sample of 118 known spectroscopic binaries within 30pc of the Sun, using the Two Micron All Sky Survey Point Source Catalog and follow-up observations with the KPNO and CTIO 4m telescopes. Note that this sample is not volume complete but volume limited, and, thus, there is incompleteness in our reported companion rates. We are sensitive to common proper motion companions with separations from roughly 200AU to 10000AU (~10"-->~10'). From 77 sources followed-up to date, we recover 11 previously known tertiaries, 3 previously known candidate tertiaries, of which 2 are spectroscopically confirmed and 1 rejected, and 3 new candidates, of which 2 are confirmed and 1 rejected. This yields an estimated wide tertiary fraction of 19.5^+5.2^_-3.7_%. This observed fraction is consistent with predictions set out in star formation simulations where the fraction of wide, low-mass companions to spectroscopic binaries is >10%.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/IV/39
- Title:
- TESS Input Catalog version 8.2 (TIC v8.2)
- Short Name:
- IV/39
- Date:
- 03 Mar 2022 07:19:26
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We define various types of "phantom" stars that may appear in the TESS Input Catalog (TIC), and provide examples and lists of currently known cases. We present a methodology that can be used to check for phantoms around any object of interest in the TIC, and we present an approach for correcting the TIC-reported flux contamination factors accordingly. We checked all 2077 TESS Objects of Interest (TOIs) known as of July 21st 2020 (Sectors 1 to 24) and sent corrections for 291 stars to MAST where they are integrated into the publicly available TIC-8, updating it to TIC 8.1. We used the experience gained to construct an all-sky algorithm searching for "phantoms" which led to 34 million updates integrated into TIC 8.2.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/IV/38
- Title:
- TESS Input Catalog - v8.0 (TIC-8)
- Short Name:
- IV/38
- Date:
- 11 Feb 2022 14:26:27
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The TIC is used to help identify two-minute cadence target selection for the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission, and to calculate physical and observational properties of planet candidates. It is for use by both the TESS science team and the public, and it is periodically updated - the current version is TIC-8. TIC-8 uses the GAIA DR2 catalog as a base and merges a large number of other photometric catalogs, including 2MASS, UCAC4, APASS, SDSS, WISE, etc. There are roughly 1.5 billion stellar and extended sources in TIC-8, containing compiled magnitudes including B, V, u, g, r, i, z, J, H, K, W1-W4, and G. This version was released in May 2019, and is expected to be the last official version of the TIC produced by the TESS mission, although future, independent development of the TIC is possible. The TIC is the responsibility of the SAO Arm of the TESS Science Office under the leadership of David Latham. The TESS Target Selection Working Group (TSWG) is co-chaired by Keivan Stassun (Vanderbilt) & Joshua Pepper (Lehigh).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/I/246
- Title:
- The ACT Reference Catalog
- Short Name:
- I/246
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The U.S. Naval Observatory has completed the compilation of the ACT Reference Catalog, containing 988,758 stars covering the entire sky. The motivation behind the ACT was to provide accurate proper motions for the majority of the stars in the Tycho Catalogue (ESA SP-1200). To do this, positions from new reductions of the Astrographic Catalogue (AC 2000) were combined with those of Tycho. The large epoch span between the two catalogs yields proper motions about an order of magnitude more accurate than those published in the Tycho Catalogue. The astrometric data contained in the ACT Reference Catalog include positions, proper motions and error estimates. These are on the Hipparcos System (J2000.0) for epoch J2000.0. Photometric data (B and V) from Tycho are included. Additionally, cross references to the Tycho, AC 2000, Bonner Durchmusterung (BD), Cordoba Durchmusterung (CD), Cape Durchmusterung (CPD), Henry Draper (HD) and Hipparcos Catalogues are given.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/224/36
- Title:
- The AllWISE motion survey (AllWISE2)
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/224/36
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We use the AllWISE Data Release to continue our search for Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)-detected motions. In this paper, we publish another 27846 motion objects, bringing the total number to 48000 when objects found during our original AllWISE motion survey are included. We use this list, along with the lists of confirmed WISE-based motion objects from the recent papers by Luhman (2014, J/ApJ/781/4) and by Schneider et al. (2016, J/ApJ/817/112), and candidate motion objects from the recent paper by Gagne et al. (2014, J/ApJ/783/121), to search for widely separated, common-proper-motion systems. We identify 1039 such candidate systems. All 48000 objects are further analyzed using color-color and color-mag plots to provide possible characterizations prior to spectroscopic follow-up. We present spectra of 172 of these, supplemented with new spectra of 23 comparison objects from the literature, and provide classifications and physical interpretations of interesting sources. Highlights include: (1) the identification of three G/K dwarfs that can be used as standard candles to study clumpiness and grain size in nearby molecular clouds because these objects are currently moving behind the clouds, (2) the confirmation/discovery of several M, L, and T dwarfs and one white dwarf whose spectrophotometric distance estimates place them 5-20pc from the Sun, (3) the suggestion that the Na I "D" line be used as a diagnostic tool for interpreting and classifying metal-poor late-M and L dwarfs, (4) the recognition of a triple system including a carbon dwarf and late-M subdwarf, for which model fits of the late-M subdwarf (giving [Fe/H]~-1.0) provide a measured metallicity for the carbon star, and (5) a possible 24pc distant K5 dwarf + peculiar red L5 system with an apparent physical separation of 0.1pc.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/754/44
- Title:
- The AstraLux Large M-dwarf Survey
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/754/44
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- These tables contain the results from a multiplicity survey of 701 M-type and 60 K-type stars (among which 182 new and 37 previously known companions were detected in 205 systems) using the Lucky Imaging cameras AstraLux Norte at the Calar Alto 2.2m and AstraLux Sur at the ESO NTT. Most of the targets have been observed during two or more epochs, and could be confirmed as physical companions through common proper motion, often with orbital motion being confirmed in addition. One table lists general properties of all the stars in the sample, another the observational parameters of each confirmed or suspected binary, a third lists the derived physical parameters of each confirmed or suspected binary, the fourth lists astrometric data points of all binary candidates for which multiple epochs have been collected (also including literature measurements for previously resolved binaries) and a final table lists observational properties of confirmed or suspected background stars.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/II/365
- Title:
- The CatWISE2020 catalog (updated version 28-Jan-2021)
- Short Name:
- II/365
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The CatWISE2020 Catalog consists of 1,890,715,640 sources over the entire sky selected from WISE and NEOWISE survey data at 3.4 and 4.6um (W1 and W2) collected from 2010 Jan 7 to 2018 Dec 13. This dataset adds two years to that used for the CatWISE Preliminary Catalog (Eisenhardt+ 2020ApJS..247...69E), bringing the total to six times as many exposures spanning over sixteen times as large a time baseline as the AllWISE catalog. The other major change from the CatWISE Preliminary Catalog is that the detection list for CatWISE2020 was generated using "crowdsource" software (Schlafly+ 2019ApJS..240...30S), while the Preliminary Catalog used the detection software used for AllWISE (II/328). These two factors result in roughly twice as many sources in CatWISE2020. The scatter with respect to Spitzer photometry at faint magnitudes in the COSMOS field, which is out of the Galactic plane and at low ecliptic latitude (corresponding to lower WISE coverage depth) is similar to that for the CatWISE Preliminary Catalog. The 90% completeness depth for CatWISE2020 is at roughly W1=17.7 and W2=17.5, about 1.7 mag deeper than in the Preliminary Catalog. From comparison to Gaia, CatWISE2020 motions are over a dozen times more accurate than those from AllWISE.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/143/101
- Title:
- The classification of Kepler B-star variables
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/143/101
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The light curves of 252 B-star candidates in the Kepler database are analyzed in a similar fashion to that done by Balona et al. (2011MNRAS.413.2403B) to further characterize B-star variability, increase the sample of variable B stars for future study, and to identify stars whose power spectra include particularly interesting features such as frequency groupings. Stars are classified as either constant light emitters, {beta} Cep stars, slowly pulsating B stars (SPBs), hybrid pulsators, binaries or stars whose light curves are dominated by rotation (Bin/Rot), hot subdwarfs, or white dwarfs. One-hundred stars in our sample were found to be either light constants or to be variable at a level of less than 0.02mmag. We increase the number of candidate B-star variables found in the Kepler database by Balona et al. (2011MNRAS.413.2403B) in the following fashion: {beta} Cep stars from 0 to 10, SPBs from eight to 54, hybrid pulsators from seven to 21, and Bin/Rot stars from 23 to 82. For comparison purposes, approximately 51 SPBs and six hybrids had been known prior to 2007. The number of {beta} Cep stars known prior to 2004 was 93. A secondary result of this study is the identification of an additional 11 pulsating white dwarf candidates, four of which possess frequency groupings.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/889/49
- Title:
- The ELM Survey. VIII. Final double WD binaries
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/889/49
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the final sample of 98 detached double white dwarf (WD) binaries found in the Extremely Low Mass (ELM) Survey, a spectroscopic survey targeting <0.3M_{sun}_ He-core WDs completed in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey footprint. Over the course of the survey we observed ancillary low-mass WD candidates like GD 278, which we show is a P=0.19d double WD binary, as well as candidates that turn out to be field blue straggler/subdwarf A-type stars with luminosities too high to be WDs given their Gaia parallaxes. Here, we define a clean sample of ELM WDs that is complete within our target selection and magnitude range 15<g_0_<20mag. The measurements are consistent with 100% of ELM WDs being 0.0089<P<1.5d double WD binaries, 35% of which belong to the Galactic halo. We infer that these are mostly He+CO WD binaries given the measurement constraints. The merger rate of the observed He+CO WD binaries exceeds the formation rate of stable mass-transfer AM CVn binaries by a factor of 25, and so the majority of He+CO WD binaries must experience unstable mass transfer and merge. The systems with the shortest periods, such as J0651+2844, are signature LISA verification binaries that can be studied with gravitational waves and light.