Optical positions of 55 radio stars at Yunnan Obs.
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21 Oct 2021
The observations by the photoelectric astrolabe at Yunnan Observatory relative to the Hipparcos Catalogue (Cat. <I/239>) and the optical positions of 55 radio stars were obtained from observations between 1991 and 2000. They all resulted from processing the photon counts obtained by means of the astrolabe after the automation of the instrument. There are 46 stars in common with the Hipparcos Catalogue.
Extended extragalactic radio sources have traditionally been classified into Fanaroff & Riley (FR) I and II types, based on the ratio r_s_ of the separation S between the brightest regions on either sides of the host galaxy and the total size T of the radio source (r_s_~S/T). In this paper, we examine the distribution of various physical properties as a function of r_s_ of 1040 luminous (L>~L*) extended radio galaxies (RGs) at z<0.3 selected with well-defined criteria from the SDSS (Strauss et al. 2002AJ....124.1810S), NVSS (Condon et al. 1998, Cat. VIII/65), and FIRST (Becker et al. 1995+, Cat. VIII/71) surveys. About 2/3 of the RGs are lobe dominated (LD) and 1/3 have prominent jets. If we follow the original definition of the FR types, i.e., a division based solely on r_s_, FRI and FRII RGs overlap in their host galaxy properties.
We investigate whether the correlation between the hard X-ray photon index ({Gamma}) and accretion rate for super-Eddington accreting quasars is different from that for sub-Eddington accreting quasars. We construct a sample of 113 bright quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 14 quasar catalog, with 38 quasars as the super-Eddington subsample and 75 quasars as the sub-Eddington subsample. We derive black hole masses using a simple-epoch virial mass formula based on the H{beta} lines, and we use the standard thin disk model to derive the dimensionless accretion rates (M) for our sample. The X-ray data for these quasars are collected from the Chandra and XMM-Newton archives. We fit the hard X-ray spectra using a single power-law model to obtain {Gamma} values. We find a statistically significant (R_S_=0.43, p=7.75x10^-3^) correlation between {Gamma} and M for the super-Eddington subsample. The {Gamma}-M correlation for the sub-Eddington subsample is also significant, but weaker (R_S_=0.30, p=9.98x10^-3^). Linear regression analysis shows that {Gamma}=(0.34{+/-}0.11)log(M)+(1.71{+/-}0.17) and {Gamma}=(0.09{+/-}0.04)log(M)+(1.93{+/-}0.04) for the super- and sub-Eddington subsamples, respectively. The {Gamma}-M correlations of the two subsamples are different, suggesting different disk-corona connections in these two types of systems. We propose one qualitative explanation of the steeper {Gamma}-M correlation in the super-Eddington regime that involves larger seed photon fluxes received by the compact coronae from the thick disks in super-Eddington accreting quasars.
OH megamasers (OHMs) are rare, luminous molecular masers that are typically observed in (ultra) luminous infrared galaxies and serve as markers of major galaxy mergers. In blind emission line surveys such as the Arecibo Legacy Fast Arecibo L-Band Feed Array (ALFALFA) survey for neutral hydrogen (HI), OHMs at z~0.2 can mimic z~0.05 HI lines. We present the results of optical spectroscopy of ambiguous HI detections in the ALFALFA 40 per cent data release detected by the Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) but with uncertain optical counterparts. The optical redshifts, obtained from observations at the Apache Point Observatory, revealed five new OHMs and identified 129 HI optical counterparts. 60 candidates remain ambiguous. The new OHMs are the first detected in a blind spectral line survey. The number of OHMs in ALFALFA is consistent with predictions from the OH luminosity function. Additionally, the mid-infrared magnitudes and colours of the OHM host galaxies found in a blind survey do not seem to differ from those found in previous targeted surveys. This validates the methods used in previous IR-selected OHM surveys and indicates there is no previously unknown OHM-producing population at z~0.2. We also provide a method for future surveys to separate OH megamasers from 99 per cent of HI line emitters without optical spectroscopy by using WISE infrared colours and magnitudes. Since the fraction of OHMs found in flux-limited HI surveys is expected to increase with the survey's redshift, this selection method can be applied to future flux-limited high-redshift hydrogen surveys.
We present an optical spectroscopic atlas for 123 core-dominated radio-loud active galactic nuclei with relativistic jets, drawn from the MOJAVE/2cm (Monitoring of Jets in AGN with VLBA Experiments) sample at 15GHz. It is the first time that spectroscopic and photometric parameters for a large sample of such type of AGN are presented.
A number of flat spectrum radio sources have been observed in optical spectroscopy; most of the sources are either classified as BL Lacertae objects or have been described as BL Lac candidates.