- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/439/1149
- Title:
- XMM spectroscopy of TWA 5
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/439/1149
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present results of X-ray spectroscopy for TWA 5, a member of the young TW Hydrae association, observed with XMM-Newton. TWA 5 is a multiple system which shows H{alpha} emission, a signature typical of classical T Tauri stars, but no infrared excess. From this analysis of the RGS and EPIC spectra, we have derived the emission measure distribution vs. temperature of the X-ray emitting plasma, its abundances, and the electron density.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/413/1206
- Title:
- XMM survey of 12um selected galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/413/1206
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present an X-ray spectral analysis of 126 galaxies of the 12um galaxy sample (Rush et al. 1993, Cat. VII/157). By studying this sample at X-ray wavelengths, we aim to determine the intrinsic power, continuum shape and obscuration level in these sources. We improve upon previous works by the use of superior data in the form of higher signal-to-noise ratio spectra, finer spectral resolution and a broader bandpass from XMM-Newton. We pay particular attention to Compton thick active galactic nucleus (AGN) with the help of new spectral fitting models that we have produced, which are based on Monte Carlo simulations of X-ray radiative transfer, using both a spherical and torus geometry, and taking into account Compton scattering and iron fluorescence.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/626/A14
- Title:
- XMMXCSJ2215.9-1738 galaxies reduced datacubes
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/626/A14
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Cluster environments at z<0.5 were found to increase the gas metallicities of galaxies which enter inner regions of the clusters where the density of the intracluster medium is high enough to remove their hot halo gas by ram-pressure stripping effects and to stop the inflow of pristine gas. To extend these studies to z>1, the most massive clusters known at these redshifts are the sites where these environmental effects should be more pronounced and more easily observed with present day telescopes. We explore the massive cluster XMMXCSJ2215.9-1738 at z~1.5 with KMOS spectroscopy of Halpha and [NII] covering a region that corresponds to about one virial radius. Using published spectroscopic redshifts of 108 galaxies in and around the cluster we computed the location of galaxies in the projected velocity-versus-position phase-space to separate our cluster sample into a virialized region of objects accreted longer ago (roughly inside half R200) and a region of infalling galaxies. We measured oxygen abundances for ten cluster galaxies with detected [NII] lines in the individual galaxy spectra and compared the mass-metallicity relation of the galaxies inside half R200 with the infalling galaxies and a field sample at similar redshifts. We find that the oxygen abundances of individual z~1.5 star-forming cluster galaxies inside half R200 are comparable, at the respective stellar mass, to the higher local SDSS metallicity values. We compare our measurements with a field galaxy sample from the KMOS3D survey at similar redshifts. We find that the [NII]/H{alpha} line ratios inside half R200 are higher by 0.2dex and that the resultant metallicities of the galaxies in the inner part of the cluster are higher by about 0.1dex, at a given mass, than the metallicities of infalling galaxies and of field galaxies at z~1.5. The enhanced metallicities of cluster galaxies at z~1.5 inside 0.5 R200 indicate that the density of the intracluster medium in this massive cluster becomes high enough toward the cluster center such that the ram pressure exceeds the restoring pressure of the hot gas reservoir of cluster galaxies. This can remove the gas reservoir and initiate quenching; although the galaxies continue to form stars, albeit at slightly lower rates, using the available cold gas in the disk which is not stripped.
3104. XO-2N and XO-2S spectra
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/583/A135
- Title:
- XO-2N and XO-2S spectra
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/583/A135
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Binary stars hosting exoplanets are a unique laboratory where chemical tagging can be performed to measure with high accuracy the elemental abundances of both stellar components, with the aim to investigate the formation of planets and their subsequent evolution. Here, we present a high-precision differential abundance analysis of the XO-2 wide stellar binary based on high resolution HARPS-N@TNG spectra. Both components are very similar K-dwarfs and host planets. Since they formed presumably within the same molecular cloud, we expect they should possess the same initial elemental abundances. We investigate if the presence of planets can cause some chemical imprints in the stellar atmospheric abundances. We measure abundances of 25 elements for both stars with a range of condensation temperature T_C_=40-1741K, achieving typical precisions of ~0.07dex. The North component shows abundances in all elements higher by +0.067+/-0.032dex on average, with a mean difference of +0.078dex for elements with T_C_>800K. The significance of the XO-2N abundance difference relative to XO-2S is at the 2{sigma} level for almost all elements. We discuss the possibility that this result could be interpreted as the signature of the ingestion of material by XO-2N or depletion in XO-2S due to locking of heavy elements by the planetary companions. We estimate a mass of several tens of M_{earth}_ in heavy elements. The difference in abundances between XO-2N and XO-2S shows a positive correlation with the condensation temperatures of the elements, with a slope of (4.7+/-0.9)x10^-5^dex/K, which could mean that both components have not formed terrestrial planets, but that first experienced the accretion of rocky core interior to the subsequent giant planets.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/808/13
- Title:
- XO-2S and XO-2N chemical composition
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/808/13
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Using high-quality spectra of the twin stars in the XO-2 binary system, we have detected significant differences in the chemical composition of their photospheres. The differences correlate strongly with the elements' dust condensation temperature. In XO-2N, volatiles are enhanced by about 0.015dex and refractories are overabundant by up to 0.090dex. On average, our error bar in relative abundance is 0.012dex. We present an early metal-depletion scenario in which the formation of the gas giant planets known to exist around these stars are responsible for a 0.015 dex offset in the abundances of all elements while 20M_{Earth}_ of non-detected rocky objects that formed around XO-2S explain the additional refractory-element difference. An alternative explanation involves the late accretion of at least 20M_{Earth}_of planet-like material by XO-2N, allegedly as a result of the migration of the hot Jupiter detected around that star. Dust cleansing by a nearby hot star as well as age or Galactic birthplace effects can be ruled out as valid explanations for this phenomenon.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/462/3285
- Title:
- XQ-100. X-shooter quasar spectra
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/462/3285
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We statistically study the physical properties of a sample of narrow absorption line (NAL) systems looking for empirical evidences to distinguish between intrinsic and intervening NALs without taking into account any a priori definition or velocity cut-off. We analyse the spectra of 100 quasars with 3.5<z_em_<4.5, observed with X-shooter/Very Large Telescope in the context of the XQ-100 Legacy Survey. We detect an ~8{sigma} excess in the CIV number density within 10000km/s of the quasar emission redshift with respect to the random occurrence of NALs. This excess does not show a dependence on the quasar bolometric luminosity and it is not due to the redshift evolution of NALs. It extends far beyond the standard 5000km/s cut-off traditionally defined for associated absorption lines. We propose to modify this definition, extending the threshold to 10000km/s when weak absorbers (equivalent width <0.2{AA}) are also considered. We infer NV is the ion that better traces the effects of the quasar ionization field, offering the best statistical tool to identify intrinsic systems. Following this criterion, we estimate that the fraction of quasars in our sample hosting an intrinsic NAL system is 33 per cent. Lastly, we compare the properties of the material along the quasar line of sight, derived from our sample, with results based on close quasar pairs investigating the transverse direction. We find a deficiency of cool gas (traced by C II) along the line of sight connected to the quasar host galaxy, in contrast with what is observed in the transverse direction.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/815/129
- Title:
- X-ray AGNs with Subaru/FMOS NIR observations
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/815/129
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We investigate the Eddington ratio distribution of X-ray-selected broad-line active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in the redshift range 1.0<z<2.2, where the number density of AGNs peaks. Combining the optical and Subaru/Fiber Multi Object Spectrograph near-infrared spectroscopy, we estimate black hole masses for broad-line AGNs in the Chandra Deep Field South (CDF-S), Extended Chandra Deep Field South (E-CDF-S), and the XMM-Newton Lockman Hole (XMM-LH) surveys. AGNs with similar black hole masses show a broad range of AGN bolometric luminosities, which are calculated from X-ray luminosities, indicating that the accretion rate of black holes is widely distributed. We find a substantial fraction of massive black holes accreting significantly below the Eddington limit at z<~2, in contrast to what is generally found for luminous AGNs at high redshift. Our analysis of observational selection biases indicates that the "AGN cosmic downsizing" phenomenon can be simply explained by the strong evolution of the comoving number density at the bright end of the AGN luminosity function, together with the corresponding selection effects. However, one might need to consider a correlation between the AGN luminosity and the accretion rate of black holes, in which luminous AGNs have higher Eddington ratios than low-luminosity AGNs, in order to understand the relatively small fraction of low-luminosity AGNs with high accretion rates in this epoch. Therefore, the observed downsizing trend could be interpreted as massive black holes with low accretion rates, which are relatively fainter than less-massive black holes with efficient accretion.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/625/A66
- Title:
- X-ray data for 56 protoplanetary disk sources
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/625/A66
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Consistent modeling of protoplanetary disks requires the simultaneous solution of both continuum and line radiative transfer, heating and cooling balance between dust and gas and, of course, chemistry. Such models depend on panchromatic observations that can provide a complete description of the physical and chemical properties and energy balance of protoplanetary systems. Along these lines we present a homogeneous, panchromatic collection of data on a sample of 85 T Tauri and Herbig Ae objects for which data cover a range from X-rays to centimeter wavelengths. Datasets consist of photometric measurements, spectra, along with results from the data analysis such as line fluxes from atomic and molecular transitions. Additional properties resulting from modeling of the sources such as disc mass and shape parameters, dust size and PAH properties are also provided for completeness. The purpose of this data collection is to provide a solid base that can enable consistent modeling of the properties of protoplan- etary disks. To this end, we performed an unbiased collection of publicly available data that were combined to homogeneous datasets adopting consistent criteria. Targets were selected based on both their properties but also on the availability of data. Data from more than 50 different telescopes and facilities were retrieved and combined in homogeneous datasets directly from public data archives or after being extracted from more than 100 published articles. X-ray data for a subset of 56 sources represent an exception as they were reduced from scratch and are presented here for the first time. Compiled datasets along with a subset of continuum and emission-line models are stored in a dedicated database and distributed through a publicly accessible online system. All datasets contain metadata descriptors that allow to backtrack them to their original resources. The graphical user interface of the online system allows the user to visually inspect individual objects but also compare between datasets and models. It also offers to the user the possibility to download any of the stored data and metadata for further processing.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/876/50
- Title:
- X-ray & MIR AGNs in Stripe 82 with eBOSS spectra
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/876/50
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the results of a Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV eBOSS program to target X-ray sources and mid-infrared-selected Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) active galactic nucleus (AGN) candidates in a 36.8deg^2^ region of Stripe 82. About half this survey (15.6deg^2^) covers the largest contiguous portion of the Stripe 82 X-ray survey. This program represents the largest spectroscopic survey of AGN candidates selected solely by their WISE colors. We combine this sample with X-ray and WISE AGNs in the field identified via other sources of spectroscopy, producing a catalog of 4847 sources that is 82% complete to r~22. Based on X-ray luminosities or WISE colors, 4730 of these sources are AGNs, with a median sample redshift of z~1. About 30% of the AGNs are optically obscured (i.e., lack broad lines in their optical spectra). BPT analysis, however, indicates that 50% of the WISE AGNs at z<0.5 have emission line ratios consistent with star-forming galaxies, so whether they are buried AGNs or star-forming galaxy contaminants is currently unclear. We find that 61% of X-ray AGNs are not selected as mid-infrared AGNs, with 22% of X-ray AGNs undetected by WISE. Most of these latter AGNs have high X-ray luminosities (Lx>10^44^erg/s), indicating that mid-infrared selection misses a sizable fraction of the highest luminosity AGNs, as well as lower luminosity sources where AGN-heated dust is not dominating the mid-infrared emission. Conversely, ~58% of WISE AGNs are undetected by X-rays, though we do not find that they are preferentially redder than the X-ray-detected WISE AGNs.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/350/805
- Title:
- X-ray selected ROSAT AGN spectra
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/350/805
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the emission line properties of a sample of 76 bright soft X-ray selected ROSAT Active Galactic Nuclei. All optical counterparts are Seyfert 1 galaxies with rather narrow permitted lines, strong optical FeII line blends, and weak forbidden lines. By selection, they also have steep soft X-ray spectra when compared with typical Seyfert 1 galaxies. We discuss possible origins of these peculiar trends employing detailed correlation analyses, including a Principal Component Analysis. The optical spectra are presented in the Appendix.