This data server provides access to the SVO late-type subdwarf catalogue compiled by Lodieu et al. (2016, submitted). It contains 171 late-type subdwarf candidates obtained after a literature search.
The Tübingen Echelle (TUES) obtained moderate dispersion observations (R=13,000) using an echelle grating including orders 40 - 61 from 910 - 1410 Angstroms. The instrument was designed and built by the University of Tübingen (PI: M. Grewing) and flew as one of three spectrographs on the ORFEUS/SPAS-2 mission for 14 days in November/December 1996. The instrumental resolution was about 10,000 and the effective aperture peaks at 1.3 cm2 near 1100 Angstroms. Objects were observed in a 10 arcsec entrance aperture. The wavelength calibration was established by means of interstellar molecular hydrogen lines.