- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/other/NatAs/5.707
- Title:
- Dwarf stars asteroseismic rotation rates
- Short Name:
- J/other/NatAs/5.
- Date:
- 17 Jan 2022 00:29:40
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Studies using asteroseismic ages and rotation rates from star-spot rotation have indicated that standard age-rotation relations may break down roughly half way through the main sequence lifetime, a phenomenon referred to as weakened magnetic braking. Although rotation rates from spots can be difficult to determine for older, less active stars, rotational splitting of asteroseismic oscillation frequencies can provide rotation rates for both active and quiescent stars, and so can confirm whether this effect really takes place on the main sequence. We obtained asteroseismic rotation rates of 91 main sequence stars showing high signal-to-noise modes of oscillation. Using these new rotation rates, along with effective temperatures, metallicities and seismic masses and ages, we built a hierarchical Bayesian mixture model to determine whether the ensemble more closely agreed with a standard rotational evolution scenario, or one where weakened magnetic braking takes place. The weakened magnetic braking scenario was found to be 98.4% more likely for our stellar ensemble, adding to the growing body of evidence for this stage of stellar rotational evolution. This work presents a large catalogue of seismic rotation rates for stars on the main sequence, which opens up possibilities for more detailed ensemble analysis of rotational evolution with Kepler.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/PAZh/26/301
- Title:
- Dynamical stability of triple stars
- Short Name:
- J/PAZh/26/301
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The dynamic stability of 38 observed hierarchical triple stars with known orbital elements of the internal and external binary subsystems and component masses is considered. Four different criteria of dynamical stability are used. The observed stability parameters and their critical values are calculated by taking into account errors in the orbital elements and component masses.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/PAZh/34/446
- Title:
- Dynamical study of wide pairs of stars from WDS
- Short Name:
- J/PAZh/34/446
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Using the method of apparent motion parameters, we have studied the relative motion of the components in 561 pairs of wide (rho>2") and relatively nearby (Hipparcos parallaxes >0.01") visual double stars based on data from the WDS catalog. The minimum masses of the double stars have been calculated at given parallaxes. We have identified 358 optical pairs. For 11 stellar pairs, we have found the minimum mass to exceed the estimate corresponding to their spectral types and luminosities. This excess is 5-7M_{sun}_ for two stars, ADS7446 and 9701.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/627/A97
- Title:
- Early disc dispersal in close binaries
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/627/A97
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Young (<600Myr) low-mass stars (M<~1M_{sun}_) of equal mass exhibit a distribution of rotation periods. At the very early phases of stellar evolution, this distribution is set by the star-disc locking mechanism, which forces stars to rotate at the same rate as the inner edge of the disc. The primordial disc lifetime and consequently the duration of the disc-locking mechanism, can be significantly shortened by the presence of a close companion, making the rotation period distribution of close binaries different from that of either single stars or wide binaries. We use new data to investigate and better constrain the range of ages, the components separation, and the mass ratio dependence at which the rotation period distribution has been significantly affected by the disc dispersal that is enhanced by close companions. We select a sample of close binaries in the Upper Scorpius association (age~8Myr) whose components have measured the separation and the rotation periods and compare their period distribution with that of coeval stars that are single stars. We find that components of close binaries have, on average, rotation periods that are shorter than those of single stars. More precisely, binaries with approximately equal-mass components (0.9<=M2/M1<=1.0) have rotation periods that are shorter than those of single stars by ~0.4d on average; the primary and secondary components of binaries with smaller mass ratios (0.8<M2/M1<0.9) have rotation periods that are shorter than those of single stars by ~1.9d and ~1.0d on average, respectively. A comparison with the older 25-Myr {beta} Pictoris association shows that whereas in the latter, all close binaries with projected separation {rho}<=80AU rotate faster than single stars, in the Upper Scorpius this is only the case for about 70% of stars. We interpret the enhanced rotation in close binaries with respect to single stars as the consequence of an early disc dispersal induced by the presence of close companions. The enhanced rotation suggests that disc dispersal timescales are longest for single stars and shorter for close binaries.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/401/257
- Title:
- Early-type binaries on main sequence
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/401/257
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We showed in a preceding paper based on an analysis of the observed rates of apsidal motion that synchronization in early-type eclipsing binaries continues on the main sequence, and the observed synchronization times, t_syn_, agree with the Zahn's theory (1977A&A....57..383Z) and are inconsistent with the shorter time-scale proposed by Tassoul (1987ApJ...322..856T, 1988ApJ...324L..71T). It follows from this that circularization in early-type binaries must also proceed in accordance with the Zahn's theory because the circularization times, t_circ_, in both theories are rather tightly related to tsyn via relation t_circ_~{alpha}t_syn_, where {alpha} is the orbital-to-axial momentum ratio.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/810/61
- Title:
- Early-type EBs with intermediate orbital periods
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/810/61
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We analyze 221 eclipsing binaries (EBs) in the Large Magellanic Cloud with B-type main-sequence (MS) primaries (M_1_~4-14 M_{sun}_) and orbital periods P=20-50 days that were photometrically monitored by the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. We utilize our three-stage automated pipeline to (1) classify all 221 EBs, (2) fit physical models to the light curves of 130 detached well-defined EBs from which unique parameters can be determined, and (3) recover the intrinsic binary statistics by correcting for selection effects. We uncover two statistically significant trends with age. First, younger EBs tend to reside in dustier environments with larger photometric extinctions, an empirical relation that can be implemented when modeling stellar populations. Second, younger EBs generally have large eccentricities. This demonstrates that massive binaries at moderate orbital periods are born with a Maxwellian "thermal" orbital velocity distribution, which indicates they formed via dynamical interactions. In addition, the age-eccentricity anticorrelation provides a direct constraint for tidal evolution in highly eccentric binaries containing hot MS stars with radiative envelopes. The intrinsic fraction of B-type MS stars with stellar companions q=M_2_/M_1_>0.2 and orbital periods P=20-50 days is (7+/-2)%. We find early-type binaries at P=20-50 days are weighted significantly toward small mass ratios q~0.2-0.3, which is different than the results from previous observations of closer binaries with P<20 days. This indicates that early-type binaries at slightly wider orbital separations have experienced substantially less competitive accretion and coevolution during their formation in the circumbinary disk.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/159/189
- Title:
- Eclipse timings for 9 contact binaries
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/159/189
- Date:
- 08 Dec 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In this paper, we present the first light curve synthesis and orbital period change analysis of nine contact binaries around the short-period limit. It is found that all these systems are W-subtype contact binaries. One of them is a medium contact system while the others are shallow contact ones. Four of them manifest obvious O'Connell effect explained by a dark spot or hot spot on one of the component stars. Third light was detected in three systems. By investigating orbital period variations, we found that four of the targets display a secular period decrease while the others exhibit a long-term period increase. The secular period decrease is more likely caused by angular-momentum loss while the long-term period increase is due to mass transfer from the less massive component to the more massive one. Based on the statistic of 19 ultrashort-period contact binaries with known orbital period changes, we found that seven of them display long-term decrease (three of them also exhibit cyclic variations), ten of them manifest long-term increase while two of them only show cyclic variation, and that most of them are shallow contact binaries supporting the long timescale angular-momentum loss theory suggested by Stepien. For the three deep contact systems, we found that they are probably triple systems. The tertiary companion plays an essential role during their formation and evolution.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/719/996
- Title:
- Effects of binarity in SEGUE pipeline
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/719/996
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We examine the effects that unresolved binaries have on the determination of various stellar atmospheric parameters for targets from the Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration (SEGUE) using numerical modeling, a grid of synthetic spectra, and the SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline (SSPP). The SEGUE survey, a component of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II (SDSS-II) project focusing on Galactic structure, provides medium resolution spectroscopy for over 200000 stars of various spectral types over a large area on the sky. To model undetected binaries that may be in this sample, we use a variety of mass distributions for the primary and secondary stars in conjunction with empirically determined relationships for orbital parameters to determine the fraction of G-K dwarf stars, defined by SDSS color cuts as having 0.48<=(g-r)_0_<=0.75, that will be blended with a secondary companion. We focus on the G-K dwarf sample in SEGUE as it records the history of chemical enrichment in our galaxy. To determine the effect of the secondary on the spectroscopic parameters, specifically effective temperature, surface gravity, metallicity, and [{alpha}/Fe], we synthesize a grid of model spectra from 3275 to 7850K and [Fe/H]=-0.5 to -2.5 from MARCS model atmospheres using TurboSpectrum. These temperature and metallicity ranges roughly correspond to a stellar mass range of 0.1-1.0M_{sun}_. We assume that both stars in the pair have the same metallicity. We analyze both "infinite" signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) models and degraded versions of the spectra, at median S/N of 50, 25, and 10.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/795/105
- Title:
- Electromagnetic follow-up with LIGO/Virgo
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/795/105
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We anticipate the first direct detections of gravitational waves (GWs) with Advanced LIGO and Virgo later this decade. Though this groundbreaking technical achievement will be its own reward, a still greater prize could be observations of compact binary mergers in both gravitational and electromagnetic channels simultaneously. During Advanced LIGO and Virgo's first two years of operation, 2015 through 2016, we expect the global GW detector array to improve in sensitivity and livetime and expand from two to three detectors. We model the detection rate and the sky localization accuracy for binary neutron star (BNS) mergers across this transition. We have analyzed a large, astrophysically motivated source population using real-time detection and sky localization codes and higher-latency parameter estimation codes that have been expressly built for operation in the Advanced LIGO/Virgo era. We show that for most BNS events, the rapid sky localization, available about a minute after a detection, is as accurate as the full parameter estimation. We demonstrate that Advanced Virgo will play an important role in sky localization, even though it is anticipated to come online with only one-third as much sensitivity as the Advanced LIGO detectors. We find that the median 90% confidence region shrinks from ~500 deg^2^ in 2015 to ~200 deg^2^ in 2016. A few distinct scenarios for the first LIGO/Virgo detections emerge from our simulations.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/894/53
- Title:
- ELM Survey South. I. RVs for 6 new ELM WDs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/894/53
- Date:
- 22 Oct 2021 08:25:16
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We begin the search for extremely low mass (M<=0.3M_{sun}_, ELM) white dwarfs (WDs) in the southern sky based on photometry from the VST ATLAS and SkyMapper surveys. We use a similar color selection method as the Hypervelocity star survey. We switched to an astrometric selection once Gaia Data Release 2 became available. We use the previously known sample of ELM white dwarfs to demonstrate that these objects occupy a unique parameter space in parallax and magnitude. We use the SOAR 4.1m telescope to test the Gaia-based selection, and identify more than two dozen low mass white dwarfs, including six new ELM white dwarf binaries with periods as short as 2h. The better efficiency of the Gaia-based selection enables us to extend the ELM Survey footprint to the southern sky. We confirm one of our candidates, J0500-0930, to be the brightest (G=12.6mag) and closest (d=72pc) ELM white dwarf binary currently known. Remarkably, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) full-frame imaging data on this system reveals low-level (<0.1%) but significant variability at the orbital period of this system (P=9.5hr), likely from the relativistic beaming effect. TESS data on another system, J0642-5605, reveals ellipsoidal variations due to a tidally distorted ELM WD. These demonstrate the power of TESS full-frame images in confirming the orbital periods of relatively bright compact object binaries.