- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/corotexlog
- Title:
- CoRoT Stellar Targets for Exoplanet Detection Observation Log
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- CoRoT was a space astronomy mission devoted to the study of the variability with time of stars' brightness, with an extremely high accuracy (100 times better than from the ground), for very long durations (up to 150 days) and with a very high duty cycle (more than 90%). The mission was led by CNES in association with four French laboratories, and 7 participating countries and agencies (Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Spain, and the ESA Science Programme). The satellite is composed of a PROTEUS platform (the 3rd in the series), and a unique instrument: a stellar photometer. It was launched on December 27th, 2006 on a Soyuz Rocket, from Baikonour. The mission has lasted almost 6 years (the nominal 3 years duration and a 3 years extension) and has observed more than 160,000 stars. It suddenly stopped sending data on November 2nd, 2012. CoRoT performed Ultra High Precision Photometry of Stars to detect and characterize the variability of their luminosity with two main objectives: (i) the variability of the object itself: oscillations, rotation, magnetic activity, etc.; (ii) variability due to external causes such as bodies in orbit around the star: planets and companion stars. The original scientific objectives were focused on the study of stellar pulsations (asteroseismology) to probe the internal structure of stars, and the detection of small exoplanets through their transit in front of their host star, and the measurement of their sizes. This lead to the introduction of two modes of observations, working simultaneously: - The bright star mode dedicated to very precise seismology of a small sample (171) of bright and nearby stars (presented in the file named "Bright_star.dat" in the CDS version at <a href="https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/cats/B/corot/">https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/cats/B/corot/</a>): these data are not included in this HEASARC table, notice; - The faint star mode, observing a very large number of stars at the same time, to detect transits, which are rare events, as they imply the alignment of the star, the planet and the observer (these data are presented in the file named "Faint_star.dat" in the CDS version at <a href="https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/cats/B/corot/">https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/cats/B/corot/</a>): this HEASARC table is based on this sample. The large amount of data gathered in this mode mode turned out to be extremely fruitful for many topics of stellar physics. Due to project constraints, two regions of the sky were accessible (circles of 10 degrees centered on the equator around Right Ascensions of 06<sup>h</sup> 50<sup>m</sup> and 18<sup>h</sup> 50<sup>m</sup>). They are called the CoRoT 'eyes': the first one is called the "anticenter" eye, whereas the second one is called the "center eye". Each pointing covers 1.4 x 2.8 square degrees. The CoRoT project is still processing the data, aiming at removing instrumental artifacts and defects. Therefore the format and content of the catalog is still somewhat evolving. More details on the data can be found in the file <a href="http://idoc-corotn2-public.ias.u-psud.fr/jsp/doc/CoRoT_N2_versions_30sept2014.pdf">http://idoc-corotn2-public.ias.u-psud.fr/jsp/doc/CoRoT_N2_versions_30sept2014.pdf</a>. More details on the CoRoT N2 data may be found in the documentation file <a href="http://idoc-corotn2-public.ias.u-psud.fr/jsp/doc/DescriptionN2v1.5.pdf">http://idoc-corotn2-public.ias.u-psud.fr/jsp/doc/DescriptionN2v1.5.pdf</a>. This HEASARC table contains information on stars observed by CoRoT in its exoplanet detection program. A few percent of these stars have 2 entries since they were observed in different windows (as specified by the corot_window_id parameter) in a subsequent observing run to the initial run in which they were observed. Each entry in this table corresponds to the unique specification of target and corot_window_id, each with a link to its associated N2 data products. The original names of the parameters in this table, as given in the CoRoT mission documentation, are given in square brackets at the end of the parameter descriptions listed below. This table was created by the HEASARC in May 2012 based on <a href="https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/cats/B/corot">CDS Catalog B/corot</a> file Faint_star.dat. The HEASARC routinely updates this table after updates are made to the CDS version of this catalog. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
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- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/cosbmaps
- Title:
- COS-B Map Product Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The European Space Agency's satellite COS-B was dedicated to gamma-ray astronomy in the energy range 50 MeV to 5 Gev and carried a single spark chamber telescope with approximately a 20 degree field of view. COS-B operated in a highly eccentric polar orbit with apogee around 90000 km between 17 August 1975 and 25 April 1982. During this operational lifetime, COS-B made 65 observations, 15 of which were devoted to high (>20 deg) galactic latitudes. This database is a collection of maps created from the 65 COS-B observation files. The original observation files can be accessed within BROWSE by changing to the COSBRAW database. For each of the COS-B observation files, the analysis package FADMAP was run and the resulting maps, plus GIF images created from these maps, were collected into this database. Each map is a 120 x 120 pixel FITS format image with 0.5 degree pixels. The user may reconstruct any of these maps within the captive account by running FADMAP from the command line after extracting a file from within the COSBRAW database. The parameters used for selecting data for these product map files are embedded keywords in the FITS maps themselves. These parameters are set in FADMAP, and for the maps in this database are set as 'wide open' as possible. That is, except for selecting on each of 4 energy ranges, all other FADMAP parameters were set using broad criteria. To find more information about how to run FADMAP on the raw event's file, the user can access help files within the COSBRAW database or can use the 'fhelp' facility from the command line to gain information about FADMAP. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/cosbraw
- Title:
- COS-B Photon Events Catalog
- Short Name:
- COS-Braw
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The European Space Agency's satellite COS-B was dedicated to gamma-ray astronomy in the energy range 50 MeV to 5 Gev and carried a single spark chamber telescope with approximately a 20 degree field of view. COS-B operated in a highly eccentric polar orbit with apogee around 90000 km between 17 August 1975 and 25 April 1982. During this operational lifetime, COS-B made 65 observations, 15 of which were devoted to high (>20 deg) galactic latitudes. The COSBRAW database table is a log of the 65 COS-B observation intervals and contains target names, sky coordinates start times and other information taken from the final COS-B database produced by ESA in 1985. This final database consisted of three basic datasets: `OBSLI`, a dataset describing each observation period, typically a month; `OURLI`, a dataset describing each uninterrupted observation interval, lasting between 10 minutes and 10 hours; and `GAMLI`, a dataset containing records for each accepted gamma-ray photon. These three data sets were combined into FITS format images at NASA/GSFC. The images were formed by making the center pixel of a 1024 x 1024 pixel image correspond to the RA and DEC given in the `OBSLI` file. Each photon's RA and DEC was converted to a relative pixel in the image. This was done by using Aitoff projections. All the raw data from these three COS-B files are now stored in 65 FITS files accessible with BROWSE software in the database COSBRAW. The images can be accessed and plotted using XIMAGE and other columns of the FITS file extensions can be plotted with the FTOOL FPLOT. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://mast.stsci/candels
- Title:
- Cosmic Assembly Near-IR Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS)
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 12 Feb 2020 21:03:03
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- CANDELS is designed to document the first third of galactic evolution from z = 8 to 1.5 via deep imaging of more than 250,000 galaxies with WFC3/IR and ACS. It will also find the first Type Ia SNe beyond z greater than 1.5 and establish their accuracy as standard candles for cosmology. Five premier multi-wavelength sky regions are selected; each has multi-wavelength data from Spitzer and other facilities, and has extensive spectroscopy of the brighter galaxies. The use of five widely separated fields mitigates cosmic variance and yields statistically robust and complete samples of galaxies down to 109 solar masses out to z ~ 8.
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/skyview/cobe
- Title:
- Cosmic Background Explorer DIRBE Annual\ Average\ Map
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The DIRBE Project Data Sets cover the whole sky and provide photometric data in 10 bands ranging in wavelength from 1.25 to 240 microns. SkyView has supported three maps: an early averaged map including including zodiacal and Galactic components (COBE DIRBE (OLD)), a more recent cleaner version of that data (COBE DIRBE/AAM) and a map with the zodaical light subtracted out (COBE DIRBE/ZSMA). The early data is no longer supported. Please contact us if you want access to these data. <P> Detailed descriptions of the DIRBE, the data processing, and the data products are given in an Explanatory Supplement. A Small Source Spectral Energy Distribution Browser can be used to assess the visibility of an unresolved or small extended source in the DIRBE data and see its spectral energy distribution. As noted in section 5.6.6 of the Explanatory Supplement, the DIRBE Time-ordered Data are required to derive definitive point source fluxes. <p> These maps provide an estimate of the infrared intensity at each pixel and wavelength band based on an interpolation of the observations made at various times at solar elongations close to 90&#176;;. <P> These COBE DIRBE maps are a combination original ten band passes with the following wavelengths: <UL> <LI>Band 1 - 1.25 &#181;;m <LI>Band 2 - 2.2 &#181;;m <LI>Band 3 - 3.5 &#181;;m <LI>Band 4 - 4.9 &#181;;m <LI>Band 5 - 12 &#181;;m <LI>Band 6 - 25 &#181;;m <li>Band 7 - 60 &#181;;m <li>Band 8 - 100 &#181;;m <li>Band 9 - 140 &#181;;m <li>Band 10 - 240 &#181;;m </ul> <p> The default two dimensional array uses Band 8 (100 &#181;;m). <P> The COBE DIRBE/Annual Average Maps (AAM) is the cumulative weighted average of the photometry. This average is calculated using the weighted number of observations from each Weekly Averaged Map ( WtNumObs from the Weekly Averaged Map) as the weight, such that annual_average =sum( weekly_average * weekly_weight )/ sum( weekly_weight ) <p> COBE DIRBE/Zodi-Subtracted Mission Average (ZSMA) Skymap represents the extra-Solar system sky brightness. It is the average residual map that results after the modelled interplanetary dust (IPD) signal is subtracted from each of the DIRBE Weekly Skymaps from the cryogenic mission. Individual weekly residual maps can be reconstructed from the data supplied in the DIRBE Sky and Zodi Atlas (DSZA). Provenance: COBE Team. This is a service of NASA HEASARC.
- ID:
- ivo://irsa.ipac/COSMOS/Images
- Title:
- Cosmic Evolution Survey with HST
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 16 Mar 2017 01:00:00
- Publisher:
- NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive
- Description:
- The COSMOS Archive serves data taken for the Cosmic Evolution Survey with HST (COSMOS) project, using IRSA's general search service, Atlas. COSMOS is an HST Treasury Project to survey a 2 square degree equatorial field with the ACS camera.
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/crabtime
- Title:
- Crab Pulsar Timing
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The CRABTIME database contains the Crab Pulsar Monthly Ephemeris covering the period from Feb 15 1982 (MJD=45015) to (close to) the present that was created Dr. Andrew Lyne and collaborators at Jodrell Bank Observatory. This database is periodically updated to include recent data as these become available. To assist astronomers, the HEASARC has created two new parameters which were not present in the original Jodrell Bank tables, the pulsar period and its first derivative, using the standard relations between period (P) and frequency 'Nu' (P=1./Nu) and their first derivatives (P_dot = -Nu_dot/Nu<sup>2</sup>). The assumed pulsar position used in the reductions is <pre> RA (1950.0) 05 31 31.406 DEC (1950.0) +21 58 54.391 RA (2000.0) 05 34 31.973 DEC (2000.0) +22 00 52.061 </pre> This HEASARC version of the "Jodrell Bank Crab Pulsar Timing Results, Monthly Ephemeris" is updated within one week of any changes to the tables available on the Web at <a href="http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/pulsar/crab.html">http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/pulsar/crab.html</a>. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://au.csiro/hipsserver
- Title:
- CSIRO HiPS Mirror Service
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 01 Jun 2018 04:32:08
- Publisher:
- Description:
- CSIRO mirror of selected HiPS
79. DASCH in the VO
- ID:
- ivo://org.gavo.dc/dasch/q/wide_plates
- Title:
- DASCH in the VO
- Short Name:
- dasch.wide_plate
- Date:
- 27 Dec 2024 08:31:03
- Publisher:
- The GAVO DC team
- Description:
- This table holds metadata for the “Patrol” and “Meteor” plates from DASCH, i.e., very wide-field observations presumably not useful in global discovery. These data products are therefore not re-published through obscore. For the “narrow” plates, see the narrow_plates table.
80. DASCH in the VO
- ID:
- ivo://org.gavo.dc/dasch/q/narrow_plates
- Title:
- DASCH in the VO
- Short Name:
- dasch.narrow_pla
- Date:
- 27 Dec 2024 08:31:03
- Publisher:
- The GAVO DC team
- Description:
- This table holds metadata for the parts of DASCH counting as targeted observations (plate scale below 400 arcsec/mm. “Patrol” and “Meteor” plates in DASCH nomenclature are found in the wide_plates table.