Simulated non-Gaussian temperature and polarization CMB maps. The
non-Gaussian simulations have been generated using the algorithm described in
:bibcode:`2009ApJS..184..264E` up to a multipole moment of l_max = 1024. The
transfer functions were computed with CAMB version February 2009 and RECFAST
Convolution of normalized synthetic stellar spectra.
Up to 3 successive convolutions are allowed on a adjustable portion of a synthetic spectrum, in order to mimic an observable.
These convolutions acount for macroturbulence velocity, rotational velocity and instrumental profile.
Finally, the output can be Doppler-shifted in order to take into account a stellar radial velocity.
TLUSTY OSTAR2002+BSTAR2006 Grid, The merged files use the BSTAR2006 models for effective temperatures up to 30,000 K and the OSTAR2002 models for higher temperatures.