This is the Henry Draper catalog (HD, Cannon & Pickering 1918-1924)
as distributed by the Astronomical Data Center in 1989 (Vizier
III/135A), with Gaia DR2 source_ids and positions added. The link to
modern Gaia DR2 was done through Fabricius et al's match between HD
and Tycho 2 (Vizier IV/25), TGAS to match Tycho 2 and Gaia DR1, and
Gaia DR2 to match against Gaia DR1.
The NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) provides a comprehensive fusion
of multi-wavelength data for hundreds of millions of objects located beyond
the Milky Way galaxy. As new observations are published in NASA mission
archives, journal articles and sky survey catalogs, they are cross-identified
with prior measurements and integrated in a unified database. Numerous derived
quantities are also provided to facilitate scientific research. For more
information see
NED service to query for Objects by Reference Code:
The NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) provides a comprehensive fusion
of multi-wavelength data for hundreds of millions of objects located beyond
the Milky Way galaxy.
This service searches NED's master list of extragalactic objects by (19 digit)
journal reference code. It returns object names, positions, and
redshifts if available. It also returns counts of bibliographic references, notes,
photometry, positions, redshifts, diameters, and positional associations.
The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS) Spectra
Short Name:
VIPERS Spectra
02 Mar 2015 19:00:00
VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey" (VIPERS) is an ongoing ESO Large Program to map in detail the spatial distribution of normal galaxies over an unprecedented volume of the z~1 Universe. VIPERS is using VIMOS at the VLT to measure 100,000 redshifts for galaxies with red magnitude I(AB) brighter than 22.5 over an area of 24 square degrees. At this redshift, VIPERS fills a unique niche in galaxy surveys, optimizing the combination of 5-band accurate photometry from the CFHTLS with the multiplexing capability of VIMOS. A robust color-color pre-selection allows the survey to focus its measurements on the 0.5 <= z <= 1.2 redshift range, yielding an optimal combination of large volume (5 x 107 h-3 Mpc3) and high effective spectroscopic sampling (> 40%). With these figures, the VIPERS data set represents the z~1 equivalent of state-of-the-art "local" (z<=0.2) surveys.
VIPERS scientific investigations focus on measurements of large-scale structure and cosmological parameters at an epoch when the Universe was about half its current age. At the same time, the survey can explore the ensemble properties of luminous galaxies, groups and clusters with unprecedented statistical accuracy at these redshifts.
The VSOP (the VLBI Space Observatory Programme) 5 GHz AGN (Active Galactic Nuclei) Survey Program Analysis Data
Short Name:
19 Oct 2021 06:40:34
A significant fraction of the mission time of VSOP was to be dedicated to the VSOP Survey Programme of bright compact Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) at 5 GHz, which was lead by ISAS. The VSOP Survey Sources are an unbiased dataset of 294 targets, of which 82% were successfully observed.
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
This DSA hosts data release 2 of the UKIRT Hemisphere Survey housed at the Wide Field Astronomy Unit at the Univeristy of Edinburgh. The UHS provides continuous J and K-band coverage in the northern hemisphere from a declination of 0 deg to 60 deg.
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
This DSA hosts data release 2 of the UKIRT Hemisphere Survey housed at the Wide Field Astronomy Unit at the Univeristy of Edinburgh. The UHS provides continuous J and K-band coverage in the northern hemisphere from a declination of 0 deg to 60 deg.