- ID:
- ivo://bira-iasb/gem_mars/q/epn_core
- Title:
- GEM-Mars GCM profiles
- Short Name:
- gem_mars.epn_cor
- Date:
- 08 Oct 2024 09:26:16
- Publisher:
- Planetary Atmospheres Research Unit - Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy
- Description:
- Profiles of pressure, temperature and species of the Martian atmosphere simulated with the GEM-Mars general circulation model. See for the main model descritpion Neary, L., et al. 2018. The GEM-Mars general circulation model for Mars: Description and evaluation. Icarus 300, 458-476. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2017.09.028. See for the chemistry description Dearden, F. et al., 2019, Mars atmospheric chemistry simulations with the GEM-Mars general circulation model, Icarus, 326, 197-224, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2019.02.030.
1 - 8 of 8
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://bira-iasb/nomad/q/epn_core
- Title:
- Mars atmospheric profiles - From NOMAD/TGO
- Short Name:
- nomad.epn_core
- Date:
- 11 Oct 2024 00:52:36
- Publisher:
- Planetary Atmospheres Research Unit - Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy
- Description:
- Derived data from measurements of the NOMAD instrument on board ESA's Trace Gas Orbiter. For more info on NOMAD, see Vandaele et al. (2018) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11214-018-0517-2 Vertical profiles of CO2 density and temperature of the Martian atmosphere: See papers Trompet et al. (2023a,b) https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JE007277, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JE007279. Vertical profiles of H2O density: see paper Aoki et al. (2022) https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JE007231. Vertical profiles of O3 density: see paper Piccialli et al. (2022) https://doi. org/10.1029/2022EA002429 Vertical profiles of aerosols: see paper Flimon et al. (in rev.)
3. mars_dust
- ID:
- ivo://lmd.jussieu/mars_dust/q/epn_core
- Title:
- mars_dust
- Date:
- 19 Apr 2024 00:00:02
- Publisher:
- Laboratoire Méteorologie Dynamique
- Description:
- Mars_dust provides a multiannual climatology of Martian airborne dust as measured by various space missions. The retrieved column dust optical depth is mapped for each Martian year and formatted as cubes with time in the 3rd dimension. Two versions are available: irregularly gridded maps, and regular maps produced by kriging. These latter maps are used as column-integrated dust scenarios in the Mars Climate Database (MCD v5). The detailed description of the methodology and dataset can be found in: Montabone et al (2015) Icarus 251, pp. 65-95https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2014.12.034 ; Montabone et al (2020) JGR-Planets https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JE006111
4. mcd
- ID:
- ivo://lmd.jussieu/mcd/q/epn_core
- Title:
- mcd
- Date:
- 28 Jan 2022 00:57:05
- Publisher:
- Laboratoire Méteorologie Dynamique
- Description:
- The database contains some outputs of the MCD for all the scenarios available, at different positions of latitude and longitude. These MCD outputs are provided as Votables containing profiles of temperatures, pressures, density and abundances of O2 and O3 for altitudes between 0 and 249.5 km from the surface.
5. MCD
- ID:
- ivo://lmd.jussieu/mcd/q/collection
- Title:
- Date:
- 26 Aug 2021 09:44:39
- Publisher:
- Laboratoire Méteorologie Dynamique
- Description:
- MCD is a database of atmospheric statistics compiled from Global Climate Model (GCM) numerical simulation of Martian atmosphere (<a href=http://www-mars.lmd.jussieu.fr>http://www-mars.lmd.jussieu.fr</a>). The GCM computes in 3D the atmospheric circulation and climate taking into account radiative transfer through the gaseous atmospheres and the dust and ice aerosols, includes a representation of the CO2 ice condensation and sublimation on the ground and in the atmosphere, simulates the water cycle (with modelling of cloud microphysics), the dust multisize particle transport, the atmospheric composition controlled by the photochemistry and the local non-condensible gas enrichment and depletion induced by CO2 condensation and sublimation, and has been extended into the thermosphere and to model ionospheric processes (due to chemistry). The database extends up to exobase (the top of the thermosphere, roughly at 300km in altitude); in addition to statistics on temperature, wind, pressure, radiative fluxes, it provides data such as atmospheric composition (including dust water vapor and ice content) and make use of 'dust and Extreme Ultra Violet (EUV) scenarios' to represent the variation of dust in the atmosphere and solar EUV conditions. User Manual of the service : <a href=http://vo.lmd.jussieu.fr:8080/MCD_VESPA_service_user_manual.pdf>User Manual of the service </a> .
- ID:
- ivo://bira-iasb/soir/soir_q/epn_core
- Title:
- Short Name:
- soir.epn_core
- Date:
- 08 Oct 2024 09:26:16
- Publisher:
- Planetary Atmospheres Research Unit - Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy
- Description:
- Profiles of species in Venus atmosphere terminator. Data retrieved from calibrated spectra obtained with the SPICAV-SOIR instrument on board the Venus Express spacecraft. These spectra can be checked on the ESA PSA repository. See: A.C. Vandaele et al., Contribution from SOIR/VEX to the updated Venus International Reference Atmosphere (VIRA), Adv. Space Res. (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asr:2015.08.012.
- ID:
- ivo://latmos.ipsl/spicam/q/epn_core
- Title:
- Short Name:
- spicam.epn_core
- Date:
- 02 May 2022 14:11:03
- Publisher:
- Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales
- Description:
- The database contains profiles of atmospheric CO2 density and temperature derived thereof, and ozone concentration profiles, all derived from the first year(s) of SPICAM UV stellar occultation observations (Forget et al. 2009, Lebonnois et al. 2006). The database also includes the full dataset of four Martian years of aerosol extinction profiles from SPICAM UV solar occultations (Määttänen et al. 2013).
8. vcd
- ID:
- ivo://lmd.jussieu/vcd/q/epn_core
- Title:
- vcd
- Date:
- 19 Apr 2024 00:05:16
- Publisher:
- Laboratoire Méteorologie Dynamique
- Description:
- The database contains some outputs of the VCD for the scenarios : {1) Standard cloud albedo Scenario, solar EUV average conditions ; 2) Standard cloud albedo Scenario, solar EUV minimum conditions ; 3) Standard cloud albedo Scenario, solar EUV maximum conditions ; 4) Low cloud albedo Scenario, solar EUV average conditions ; 5) High cloud albedo Scenario, solar EUV average conditions available}, at different positions of latitude and longitude. These VCD outputs are provided as Votables containing profiles of temperatures, pressures, density and abundances of main species for altitudes between 0 and 349.5 km from the surface.