H.E.S.S. is a system of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes that investigates cosmic gamma rays in the 100 GeV to 100 TeV energy range. The name H.E.S.S. stands for High Energy Stereoscopic System.
The IMCCE is a research institute of the Paris Observatory, associated with the CNRS (UMR8028), whose work concerns mainly the dynamic and planetologic studies of the bodies of the solar system and of the terrestrial environment: planets, natural satellites, asteroids, comets, meteoroids and space debris. The IMCCE, through its VO Solar System Portal, places at the disposal of the Virtual observatory its knowledge and its expertise which concern the dynamics and the physics of the bodies of the solar system through databases, ephemeris computation services, tools of simulation, and numerical computation services fully compliant with the interoperability concept of the Virtual Observatory.
TITAN is a computer program for calculating the interactions of a dilute plane-parallel medium with electromagnetic radiation. It includes all atomic processes: absorption, recombination, diffusion, excitation, deexcitation of atoms and ions, heating and cooling of the gas, and it solves the radiation transfer, in order to obtain the spectra reemitted by the medium. It handles plan parallel slabs in non LTE steady state, for various physical conditions and various illuminations, valid in many astrophysical situations. It is specifically designed for warm-hot (8000 to 10**8 K) and thick media (till an electron scattering optical depth of several tens) emitting and absorbing in the X-ray range (density from 10**5 to 10**14 cm-3). It computes the physical parameters, ionisation degrees, temperature, density, and the spectrum of the radiated light in each point of the slab, by solving simultaneously the ionisation equations, the equations of statistical equilibrium, the thermal equations and the radiation transfer, using iteration processes.
The SimDAL repository hosts numerical projects descriptions as standard XML documents following the Simulation Data Model serialization xsd. It allows clients to search (fulltext) for simulation projects or associated protocols of interest and get URIs towards other SimDAL components: SimDAL Search and SimDAL Data Access.
SkyBoT is a VO service which allows to seek and identify solar system objects (planet, satellites, asteroids, comets) in any field of view at a given epoch (cone-search method). It provides also a solar system object name resolver which convert the name or the designation of solar system objects into their celestial coordinates at a given epoch (resolver method). The SkyBoT service are available through a Web interface and a Web service (SOAP+WSDL+HTTP) which implements the IVOA Simple Cone-Search protocol.