Paris Astronomical Data Centre - Constructor University
GMap provides planetary geological maps of different Solar System
bodies, developed by an open community, reviewed by scientists. GMap
inherits its data model from Planmap, most of the maps provide
morphological information, some provide stratigraphic or compositional
information too. Each original data packages provided is a collection
of vector, raster, and, in some cases, 3D models. In this EPN-TAP
service, the data records (`granule_uid`) refer to each of the data
files in the whole of GMAP archive, grouped by (`granule_gid`) the
data package --map-- they compose.
All data for the Herschel SPIRE and PACS guaranted time program on Interstellar Medium (SAG-4) and other public data processed at IDOC. All data have been reprocessed at IDOC using advanded reprocessing pipeline.
All data for the Herschel SPIRE and PACS guaranted time program on Interstellar Medium (SAG-4) and other public data processed at IDOC. All data have been reprocessed at IDOC using advanded reprocessing pipeline.
HST observations of planets, dwarf planets, and satellites, extracted
from the CADC database catalogue (with daily updates). Data are linked
to the CADC repository, with file names common to all HST archives.
Both calibrated and derived products are included. The main target is
identified. Physical ephemeris and thumbnails are provided when
available. Files and previews are not accessible during the
proprietary period.
This database provides access to IDOC catalogues and complementary information on clusters of galaxies observed through the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect.
Measurements of comet Halley in the spectral channel of IKS on board
the Vega-1 spacecraft. Data are retrieved from the PDS Small Bodies
Node data set (2011 reformatted version) and updated. The data set
consists in 101 tables providing the radiance spectrum of comet Halley
from various distances, plus two composite spectra. For details and
further references, see: Combes M. et al., 1988, The 2.5-12 micron
Spectrum of Comet Halley from the IKS-VEGA Experiment, Icarus, 76,
404-436 [1988Icar...76..404C]