This database provides access to IDOC catalogues and complementary information on clusters of galaxies observed through the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect.
Measurements of comet Halley in the spectral channel of IKS on board
the Vega-1 spacecraft. Data are retrieved from the PDS Small Bodies
Node data set (2011 reformatted version) and updated. The data set
consists in 101 tables providing the radiance spectrum of comet Halley
from various distances, plus two composite spectra. For details and
further references, see: Combes M. et al., 1988, The 2.5-12 micron
Spectrum of Comet Halley from the IKS-VEGA Experiment, Icarus, 76,
404-436 [1988Icar...76..404C]
The IMCCE is a research institute of the Paris Observatory, associated with the CNRS (UMR8028), whose work concerns mainly the dynamic and planetologic studies of the bodies of the solar system and of the terrestrial environment: planets, natural satellites, asteroids, comets, meteoroids and space debris. The IMCCE, through its VO Solar System Portal, places at the disposal of the Virtual observatory its knowledge and its expertise which concern the dynamics and the physics of the bodies of the solar system through databases, ephemeris computation services, tools of simulation, and numerical computation services fully compliant with the interoperability concept of the Virtual Observatory.