Ion data from the Plasma Composition Experiment on ISEE-1 consist of a combination of (a) velocity moments for the four principal magnetospheric ion species H+, He++, He+, and O+, calculated in two different ways (using two different sets of assumptions) and covering the 0.01-0.1 and 0.1-16 keV/e energy ranges, (b) energy-angle spectra for the same four ions plus O++, covering the 0.01-17.9 keV/e range, and (c) mass spectra (<1 amu/e to about 150 amu/e) for four energy ranges, all derived once per each complete energy-mass scan cycle of the instrument, or once each 1- to 20-minute interval, depending on mode of operation, as well as (d) "total ion" moments, derived once per energy scan and assuming total count rate is due to H+ ions (0.1-16 keV).
These hardcopy plots were provided as a supplement to the digital data from the Plasma Composition Experiment (NSSDC data set 77-102A-12I). A subset of the data in the digital data files is plotted in graphical form in a series of booklets, one booklet for each month of data. There are two pages of graphs for each day, and each page has a stack of 7 panels showing the variation of different parameters during the course of a 12-hour Universal Time interval. Panel 1 (top panel) shows densities of He++, He+, and O+ ions, and the "total" ion density (per cubic meter); Panel 2 shows He++/H+ density ratio; Panel 3 shows ion "thermal" energy (eV); Panel 4 shows "thermal" energy density multiplied by 2/3 along with the magnetic pressure (eV/m^3) and field strength (nT); Panel 5 shows ion drift speed (meters/sec) in the GSE X-Y plane; Panel 6 shows magnetic field elevation angle (degrees) relative to the GSE X-Y plane; Panel 7 shows ion drift angle and the magnetic longitude angle.
UCL 2D Jasmin Model of the Jovian thermosphere. The data consists of Jupiter's
thermospheric wind velocity and temperature as function of latitude and
radius. The filename's string xxrj denotes the magnetodisc radius Rmm in
units of Jupiter planetary radii. For details and further
references, see: Yates, J. and Achilleos, N. and Guio, P., 2012, Influence
of upstream solar wind conditions on atmospheric flows at Jupiter, PSS, 61,
<a href="">doi:10.1016/j.pss.2011.08.007</a>