We present the properties of 11um selected sources detected in the early data of the North Ecliptic Pole Deep (NEP-Deep) Survey of AKARI. The data set covers 6 wavelength bands from 2.5 to 11um, with exposure times of 10-20 minutes. This field lies within the CFHT survey with four filter bands (g', r', i', z'), enabling us to establish nearly continuous spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for wavelengths ranging from 0.4 to 11um. The main sample studied here consists of 72 sources whose 11um AB magnitudes are equal to or brighter than 18.5 (144uJy), which is complete to more than 90%. The 11um band has an advantage of sampling star-forming galaxies with low-to-medium redshifts, since the prominent PAH feature shifts into this band. As expected, we find that the majority (71%) of 11um bright sources are star-forming galaxies at 0.2~<z~<0.7 with L_IR_~10^10^-10^12^~L_{sun}_ based on detailed modelling of the SEDs. We also find four AGNs lying at various redshifts in the main sample. In addition, we discuss a few sources that have non-typical SEDs of the main sample, including a brown-dwarf candidate, a steep power-law source, a flat-spectrum object, and an early-type galaxy at moderate redshift.
Star-galaxy separation in AKARI FIS All-Sky Survey
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21 Oct 2021
To separate stars and galaxies in the far infrared AKARI All-Sky Survey data, we have selected a sample with the complete color information available in the low extinction regions of the sky and constructed color-color plots for these data.We looked for the method to separate stars and galaxies using the color information. We performed an extensive search for the counterparts of these selected All-Sky Survey objects in the NED and SIMBAD databases. Among 5176 selected objects, we found 4272 galaxies, 382 other extragalactic objects, 349 Milky Way stars, 50 other Galactic objects, and 101 sources detected before in various wavelengths but of an unknown origin. 22 sources were left unidentified. Then, we checked colors of stars and galaxies in the far-infrared flux-color and color-color plots.