This catalog of the EUVE Science Archive has been constructed based on information provided by personnel of the Center for Extreme-Ultraviolet Astrophysics (CEA), and is made available in the current EUVEMASTER database table. Most of the information in the catalog is also in the headers of the FITS files. The HEASARC now has nearly all of the 1378 pointed EUVE Deep Survey/Spectrometer (DS/S) datasets that were processed by CEA until its closing in March 2001. There are a small number of observations that were made in the year 2000 for which the HEASARC does not currently have the corresponding datasets. Notice that this catalog does not contain entries corresponding to EUVE observations in scan mode or where the files received by the HEASARC were not of the normal image or events type. This is the 7th (and possibly final) version of the EUVEMASTER database, last updated in June 2001. This catalog has been constructed based on information provided by staff members of the Center for Extreme-Ultraviolet Astrophysics (CEA) in Berkeley, CA, whose help is gratefully acknowledged. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
Launched in June, 1992, The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) conducted the first extreme ultraviolet (70-760 Angstroms) survey of the sky and subsequently began a Guest Observer Program of pointed
The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) was a NASA-funded satellite
launched in June 1992 which obtained extreme ultraviolet spectra (70 - 760 Angstroms)
of over 350 unique astronomical targets. The science payload, was designed and built
at the Space Sciences Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley, under
the direction of Dr. Roger F. Malina. The program ended in January, 2001. These
particular spectra were extracted by Damian Christian, formerly of the EUVE project,
and reformatted by MAST staff.