Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH)
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22 Jul 2020 22:29:29
Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
By observing 25 massive galaxy clusters with HST's new panchromatic imaging capabilities (Wide-field Camera 3, WFC3, and the Advanced Camera for Surveys, ACS), CLASH will accomplish its four primary science goals:
- Map, with unprecedented accuracy, the distribution of dark matter in galaxy clusters using strong and
weak gravitational lensing;
- Detect Type Ia supernovae out to redshift z ~ 2, allowing us to test the constancy of dark energy's
repulsive force over time and look for any evolutionary effects in the supernovae themselves;
- Detect and characterize some of the most distant galaxies yet discovered at z > 7 (when the Universe
was younger than 800 million years old - or less than 6% of its current age);
- Study the internal structure and evolution of the galaxies in and behind these clusters.
Hubble Infrared Pure Parallel Imaging Extragalactic Survey (HIPPIES)
Short Name:
22 Jul 2020 22:31:09
Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
Hubble Infrared Pure Parallel Imaging Extragalactic Survey (HIPPIES) utilizes long-duration pure parallel
visits (~> 3 orbits) of HST at high Galactic latitude (|b|>20o) to take deep, multi-band images in WFC3
(since Cycle 17) and in ACS (starting Cycle 18). It is unique in its large number of descrete fields
along random sightlines, and thus is complementary to other surveys over contiguous fields but
along limited sightlines.
The Hubble Ultra Deep Field 2009 (HUDF09) program observations were obtained as HST program 11563 (PI: Garth Illingworth) from August 2009 to February 2011 (Cycle 17). The program uses WFC3/IR as the prime instrument for 192 orbits to image the deep ACS fields that were obtained in the original HUDF (PI: Steven Beckwith) program and in the HUDF05 (PI: Massimo Stiavelli) program.
The data are organized into sets of images by HUDF09 pointing and by passband (WFC3/IR F105W, F125W & F160W). Each image is approximately 3k x 3k pixels in size and a scale of 0.06 arcsec/pixel. All three pointings reside in the GOODS/Chandra South field and each pointing includes a drizzled science image and a weight image.
We have obtained images of the Trapezium Cluster (140"x140"; 0.3pc x 0.3pc) with the Hubble Space Telescope Near-Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS). Combining these data with new ground-based K-band spectra (R=800) and existing spectral types and photometry, we have constructed an H-R diagram and used it and other arguments to infer masses and ages.