The first part of the Macquarie/AAO/Strasbourg H-alpha Planetary Nebula Catalog (MASH) contains 903 new true, likely and possible Galactic planetary nebulae (PNe) discovered in the AAO/UKST H-alpha survey of the southern Galactic Plane. The combination of depth, resolution, uniformity, and areal coverage of the H-alpha survey has opened up an hitherto unexplored region of parameter space permitting the detection of this significant new PN sample. The second part, MASH-II, consists of over 300 true, likely and possible new Galactic PNe found after re-examination of the entire AAO/UKST H-alpha survey of the Southern Galactic Plane in digital form. Over 240 of these new candidates were confirmed as bona fide PNe on the basis of spectroscopic observations. This HEASARC table contains all 1238 objects from the combined MASH and MASH-II catalogs. This table was created by the HEASARC in April 2010 based on <a href="">CDS Catalog V/127A</a> files mash1.dat and mash2.dat. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
Several catalogs of reflection nebulae have been merged to create a uniform catalog of 913 objects. It contains revised coordinates, cross-identifications of nebulae and stars, as well as identifications with IRAS point sources. The HEASARC has endeavored to render all identifications of the nebulae in the various catalogs according to the styles recommended by the Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects. This table was created by the HEASARC in October 2012 based on <a href="">CDS Catalog J/A+A/399/141</a> file table1.dat. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .