The SAS2RAW database is a log of the 28 SAS-2 observation intervals and contains target names, sky coordinates start times and other information for all 13056 photons detected by SAS-2. The original data came from 2 sources. The photon information was obtained from the Event Encyclopedia, and the exposures were derived from the original "Orbit Attitude Live Time" (OALT) tapes stored at NASA/GSFC. These data sets were combined into FITS format images at HEASARC. The images were formed by making the center pixel of a 512 x 512 pixel image correspond to the RA and DEC given in the event file. Each photon's RA and DEC was converted to a relative pixel in the image. This was done by using Aitoff projections. All the raw data from the original SAS-2 binary data files are now stored in 28 FITS files. These images can be accessed and plotted using XIMAGE and other columns of the FITS file extensions can be plotted with the FTOOL FPLOT. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .