The third Swift/BAT GRB catalog (past ~11yrs) (BAT3)
Short Name:
21 Oct 2021
To date, the Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) onboard Swift has detected ~1000 gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), of which ~360 GRBs have redshift measurements, ranging from z=0.03 to z=9.38. We present the analyses of the BAT-detected GRBs for the past ~11 years up through GRB151027B. We report summaries of both the temporal and spectral analyses of the GRB characteristics using event data (i.e., data for each photon within approximately 250s before and 950s after the BAT trigger time), and discuss the instrumental sensitivity and selection effects of GRB detections. We also explore the GRB properties with redshift when possible. The result summaries and data products are available at In addition, we perform searches for GRB emissions before or after the event data using the BAT survey data. We estimate the false detection rate to be only one false detection in this sample. There are 15 ultra-long GRBs (~2% of the BAT GRBs) in this search with confirmed emission beyond ~1000s of event data, and only two GRBs (GRB 100316D and GRB 101024A) with detections in the survey data prior to the starting of event data.