- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/514/A11
- Title:
- SEDs in ADFS (AKARI Deep Field South)
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/514/A11
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We investigate the nature and properties of far-infrared (FIR) sources in the AKARI Deep Field South (ADF-S). We performed an extensive search for the counterparts to 1000 ADF-S objects brighter than 0.0301Jy in the WIDE-S (90um) AKARI band in the public databases (NED and SIMBAD). We analyzed the properties of the resulting sample: statistics of the identified objects, quality of position determination of the ADF-S sources, their number counts, redshift distribution, and comparison of morphological types, when the corresponding information was available. We performed a simplified analysis of the clustering properties of the ADF-S sources and compiled spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of objects with the highest quality photometry, using three different models. Among 1000 investigated ADF-S sources, 545 were identified with sources at other wavelengths in public databases. From them, 518 are known galaxies and 343 of these were previously known as infra-red sources. Among the remaining sources, there are two quasars and both infrared and radio sources of unknown origin. Among six stellar identifications, at least five are probably the effect of contamination. We measured the redshifts of 48 extragalactic objects and determined the morphological types of 77 galaxies. We present SED models of 47 sources with sufficiently good photometric data. Conclusions: We conclude that the bright FIR point sources observed in the ADF-S are mostly nearby galaxies. Their properties are very similar to the properties of the local population of optically bright galaxies, except for unusually high ratio of peculiar or interacting objects and a lower percentage of elliptical galaxies. The percentage of lenticular galaxies is the same as in the optically bright population, which suggests that galaxies of this type may frequently contain a significant amount of cool dust. It is possible that source confusion plays a significant role in more than 34% of measurements. The SEDs correspond to a variety of galaxy types, from very actively star forming to very quiescent. The AKARI long wavelength bands data have enabled us to determine for the first time that these galaxies are objects with very cool dust.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/442/577
- Title:
- Selected ALESS submm galaxies radio properties
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/442/577
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a study of the radio properties of 870 {mu}m-selected submillimetre galaxies (SMGs), observed at high resolution with Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South. From our initial sample of 76 ALMA SMGs, we detect 52 SMGs at >3{sigma} significance in Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array 1400MHz imaging, of which 35 are also detected at >3{sigma} in new 610MHz Giant Metre-Wave Radio Telescope imaging. Within this sample of radio-detected SMGs, we measure a median radio spectral index {alpha}_{610}_^{1400}^=-0.79+/-0.06, (with inter-quartile range {alpha}=[-1.16,-0.56]) and investigate the far-infrared/radio correlation via the parameter q_IR_, the logarithmic ratio of the rest-frame 8-1000{mu}m flux and monochromatic radio flux. Our median q_IR_=2.56+/-0.05 (inter-quartile range q_IR_=[2.42,2.78]) is higher than that typically seen in single-dish 870{mu}m-selected sources (q_IR_~2.4), which may reflect the fact that our ALMA-based study is not biased to radio-bright counterparts, as previous samples were. Finally, we search for evidence that q_IR_ and {alpha} evolve with age in a codependent manner, as predicted by starburst models: the data populate the predicted region of parameter space, with the stellar mass tending to increase along tracks of q_IR_ versus {alpha} in the direction expected, providing the first observational evidence in support of these models.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/106/399
- Title:
- Seyfert 2 galaxies multiwavelength catalog
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/106/399
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This paper is a catalog of Seyfert 2 galaxies observed in the 2-10keV band (339 flux entries). In total, it contains data on 150 objects; for 76 objects, a positive detection is reported, while for the remaining sources, 2{sigma} upper limits to the X-ray emission are given. Most of the data have been collected from the literature over a period starting from 1974 up to the middle of 1995. Accurate searches of literature and databases were performed for all objects, and frequently spectral fits were reevaluated in order to make the data in the catalog uniform and complete. Some unpublished data are also included. For six objects, EXOSAT/ME data have been extracted from the satellite database and analyzed; the 13 fluxes obtained have been added to the present catalog. The compilation of hard X-ray data has been complemented with data in the soft (0.1-3keV) X-ray band, as well as in ultraviolet (1450A), optical (5500A), infrared (3.5, 12, 25, 60, 100mm), and radio (6cm) bands. Fluxes of the [O III] {lambda}5007 and H{beta} emission lines as well as the Balmer decrement H{alpha}/H{beta}, and axial ratio a/b are also given. The present database is meant to be a useful tool for the study of the Seyfert 2 phenomenon in its various aspects.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/454/1332
- Title:
- SFR in galaxies at redshift z~0.8
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/454/1332
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We study the star formation history for a sample of 154 galaxies with stellar mass 10^10^<~M*<~10^12^M_{sun}_ in the redshift range 0.7<z<0.9. We do this using stellar population models combined with full-spectrum fitting of good quality spectra and high-resolution photometry. For a subset of 68 galaxies (M*>~10^11^M_{sun}_) we additionally construct dynamical models. These use an axisymmetric solution to the Jeans equations, which allows for velocity anisotropy, and adopts results from abundance matching techniques to account for the dark matter content. We find that (i) the trends in star formation history observed in the local Universe are already in place by z~1: the most massive galaxies are already passive, while lower mass ones have a more extended star formation histories, and the lowest mass galaxies are actively forming stars; (ii) we place an upper limit of a factor 1.5 to the size growth of the massive galaxy population; (iii) we present strong evidence for low dark matter fractions within 1Re (median of 9 per cent and 90th percentile of 21 per cent) for galaxies with M*>~10^11^M_{sun}_ at these redshifts; and (iv) we confirm that these galaxies have, on average, a Salpeter normalization of the stellar initial mass function.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/596/A84
- Title:
- S4G disk galaxies stellar mass distribution
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/596/A84
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Models of galaxy formation in a cosmological framework require observational constraints to be tested against, such as the average stellar density profiles (and their dispersion) as a function of fundamental galaxy properties (e.g. the total stellar mass). Simulation models predict that the torques produced by stellar bars efficiently redistribute the stellar and gaseous material inside the disk, pushing it outwards or inwards depending on whether it is beyond or inside the bar corotation resonance radius, respectively. Bars themselves are expected to evolve, getting longer and narrower as they trap particles from the disk and slow down their rotation speed. We use 3.6um photometry from the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G) to trace the stellar distribution in nearby disk galaxies (z~~0) with total stellar masses 10^8.5^<=M*/M_{sun}_<=10^11^ and mid IR Hubble types -3<=T<=10. We characterize the stellar density profiles ({SIGMA}*), the stellar contribution to the rotation curves (V3.6um) and the m=2 Fourier amplitudes (A2) as a function of M* and T. We also describe the typical shapes and strengths of stellar bars in the S4G sample and link their properties to the total stellar mass and morphology of their host galaxy. For 1154 S4G galaxies with disk inclinations lower than 65{deg}, we perform a Fourier decomposition and rescale their images to a common frame determined by the size in physical units, by their disk scalelength, and for 748 barred galaxies by both the length and orientation of their bars. We stack the resized density profiles and images to obtain statistically representative average stellar disks and bars in bins of M* and T. Based on the radial force profiles of individual galaxies we calculate the mean stellar contribution to the circular velocity. We also calculate average A2 profiles, where the radius is normalized to R25.5. Furthermore, we infer the gravitational potentials from the synthetic bars to obtain the tangential-to-radial force ratio (QT) and A2 profiles in the different bins. We also apply ellipse fitting to quantitatively characterize the shape of the bar stacks. For M*>=10^9^M_{sun}_, we find a significant difference in the stellar density profiles of barred and non-barred systems: (i) disks in barred galaxies show larger scalelengths (hR) and fainter extrapolated central surface brightnesses ({SIGMA}0), (ii) the mean surface brightness profiles ({SIGMA}*) of barred and non-barred galaxies intersect each other slightly beyond the mean bar length, most likely at the bar corotation, and (iii) the central mass concentration of barred galaxies is larger (by almost a factor 2 when T<=5) than in their non-barred counterparts. The averaged {SIGMA}* profiles follow an exponential slope down to at least ~10M_{sun}_/pc^2^, which is the typical depth beyond which the sample coverage in the radial direction starts to drop. Central mass concentrations in massive systems (>=10^10^M_{sun}_) are substantially larger than in fainter galaxies, and their prominence scales with T. This segregation also manifests in the inner slope of the mean stellar component of the circular velocity: lenticular (S0) galaxies present the most sharply rising V3.6um . Based on the analysis of bar stacks, we show that early- and intermediate-type spirals (0<=T<5) have intrinsically narrower bars compared to later types and S0s, whose bars are oval-shaped. We show a clear agreement between galaxy family and quantitative estimates of bar strength. In early- and intermediate-type spirals, A2 is larger within and beyond the typical bar region among barred galaxies, compared to the non-barred subsample. Strongly barred systems also tend to have larger A2 amplitudes at all radii than their weakly barred counterparts. Using near-IR wavelengths (S4G 3.6um), we provide observational constraints for galaxy formation models to be checked against. In particular, we calculate the mean stellar density profiles, and the disk(+bulge) component of the rotation curve (and their dispersion) in bins of M* and T. We find evidence for bar-induced secular evolution of disk galaxies, in terms of disk spreading and enhanced central mass concentration. We also obtain average bars (2-D), and we show that bars hosted by early-type galaxies are more centrally concentrated and have larger density amplitudes than their late-type counterparts.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/478/5689
- Title:
- S4G galaxies disk/bar decomposition
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/478/5689
- Date:
- 08 Feb 2022 00:30:06
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present photometric models of 532 disc galaxies in 3.6um images from the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S^4^G) using the non-parametric DISKFIT algorithm. We first test DISKFIT's performance on 400 synthetic S^4^G-like galaxy images. DISKFIT is unreliable in the bulge region, but accurately disentangles exponential discs from Ferrers bars farther out as long as their position angles differ by more than 5{deg}. We then proceed to model the S^4^G galaxies, successfully fitting 489 of them using an automated approach for initializing DISKFIT, optimizing the model and deriving uncertainties using a bootstrap-resampling technique. The resulting component geometries and surface brightness profiles are compared to those derived by Salo et al. using the parametric model GALFIT. We find generally good agreement between the models, but discrepancies between best-fitting values for individual systems are often significant: the choice of algorithm clearly impacts the inferred disc and bar structure. In particular, we find that DISKFIT typically assigns more light to the bar and less light to the disc relative to the Ferrers and exponential profiles derived using GALFIT in the bar region. Given DISKFIT's reliability at disentangling these components in our synthetic images, we conclude that the surface brightness distributions of barred S^4^G galaxies are not well-represented by these functional forms. The results presented here underscore the importance of validating photometric decomposition algorithms before applying them to real data and the utility of DISKFIT's non-parametric approach at measuring the structure of discs and bars in nearby galaxies.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/604/A119
- Title:
- SHARDS S0 and E/S0 with anti-truncated disc
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/604/A119
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The controversy about the origin of the structure of early-type S0-E/S0 galaxies may be due to the difficulty of comparing surface brightness profiles with different depths, photometric corrections and point spread function (PSF) effects (which are almost always ignored). We aim to quantify the properties of Type-III (anti-truncated) discs in a sample of S0 galaxies at 0.2<z<0.6. In this paper, we present the sample selection and describe in detail the methods to robustly trace the structure in their outskirts and correct for PSF effects. We have selected and classified a sample of 150 quiescent galaxies at 0.2<z<0.6 in the GOODS-N field. We performed a quantitative structural analysis of 44 S0-E/S0 galaxies. We have corrected their surface brightness profiles for PSF distortions and analysed the biases in the structural and photometric parameters when the PSF correction is not applied. Additionally, we have developed Elbow, an automatic statistical method to determine whether a possible break is significant - or not - and its type. We have made this method publicly available. We find 14 anti-truncated S0-E/S0 galaxies in the range 0.2<z<0.6 (~30% of the final sample). This fraction is similar to the those reported in the local Universe. In our sample, ~25% of the Type-III breaks observed in PSF-uncorrected profiles are artifacts, and their profiles turn into a Type I after PSF correction. PSF effects also soften Type-II profiles. We find that the profiles of Type-I S0 and E/S0 galaxies of our sample are compatible with the inner profiles of the Type-III, in contrast with the outer profiles. We have obtained the first robust and reliable sample of 14 anti-truncated S0-E/S0 galaxies beyond the local Universe, in the range 0.2<z<0.6. PSF effects significantly affect the shape of the surface brightness profiles in galaxy discs even in the case of the narrow PSF of HST/ACS images, so future studies on the subject should make an effort to correct them.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/143/102
- Title:
- SHELS galaxies with 0.02<z<0.1
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/143/102
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Smithsonian Hectospec Lensing Survey (SHELS) is a dense redshift survey covering a 4deg^2^ region to a limiting R=20.6. In the construction of the galaxy catalog and in the acquisition of spectroscopic targets, we paid careful attention to the survey completeness for lower surface brightness dwarf galaxies. Thus, although the survey covers a small area, it is a robust basis for computation of the slope of the faint end of the galaxy luminosity function to a limiting M_R_=-13.3+5logh. We calculate the faint-end slope in the R band for the subset of SHELS galaxies with redshifts in the range 0.02<=z<0.1, SHELS_0.1_. This sample contains 532 galaxies with R<20.6 and with a median surface brightness within the half-light radius of SB_50,R_=21.82mag/arcsec^2^. We used this sample to make one of the few direct measurements of the dependence of the faint end of the galaxy luminosity function on surface brightness. For the sample as a whole the faint-end slope, {alpha}=-1.31+/-0.04, is consistent with both the Blanton et al. analysis of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (2005ApJ...631..208B, 2005AJ....129.2562B) and the Liu et al. analysis of the COSMOS field (2008ApJ...672..198L). This consistency is impressive given the very different approaches of these three surveys. A magnitude-limited sample of 135 galaxies with optical spectroscopic redshifts with mean half-light surface brightness, SB_50,R_>=22.5mag/arcsec^2^ is unique to SHELS_0.1_. The faint-end slope is {alpha}_22.5_=-1.52+/-0.16. SHELS_0.1_ shows that lower surface brightness objects dominate the faint-end slope of the luminosity function in the field, underscoring the importance of surface brightness limits in evaluating measurements of the faint-end slope and its evolution.
659. SIGRID galaxy sample
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/142/83
- Title:
- SIGRID galaxy sample
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/142/83
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Using an optically unbiased selection process based on the HIPASS neutral hydrogen survey, we have selected a sample of 83 spatially isolated, gas-rich dwarf galaxies in the southern hemisphere with cz between 350 and 1650km/s, and with R-band luminosities and HI masses less than that of the Small Magellanic Cloud. The sample is an important population of dwarf galaxies in the local universe, all with ongoing star formation, and most of which have no existing spectroscopic data. We are measuring the chemical abundances of these galaxies, using the integral-field spectrograph on the Australian National University 2.3m telescope, the Wide-Field Spectrograph. This paper describes our survey criteria and procedures, lists the survey sample, and reports on initial observations.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/440/843
- Title:
- SIM2D parameters of SDSS-DR7 galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/440/843
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)-DR7, including structural measurements from 2D surface brightness fits with gim2d, we show how the fraction of quiescent galaxies depends on galaxy stellar mass M*, effective radius Re, fraction of r-band light in the bulge, B/T, and their status as a central or satellite galaxy at 0.01<z<0.2. For central galaxies we confirm that the quiescent fraction depends not only on stellar mass, but also on Re. The dependence is particularly strong as a function of M*/Re^{alpha}^, with {alpha}~1.5. This appears to be driven by a simple dependence on B/T over the mass range 9<log(M*/M_{sun}_)<11.5, and is qualitatively similar even if galaxies with B/T>0.3 are excluded. For satellite galaxies, the quiescent fraction is always larger than that of central galaxies, for any combination of M*, Re and B/T. The quenching efficiency is not constant, but reaches a maximum of ~0.7 for galaxies with 9<log(M*/M_{sun}_)<9.5 and Re<1kpc. This is the same region of parameter space in which the satellite fraction itself reaches its maximum value, suggesting that the transformation from an active central galaxy to a quiescent satellite is associated with a reduction in Re due to an increase in dominance of a bulge component.