- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/121/3048
- Title:
- Multicolor photometry in NGC 1512 and NGC 5248
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/121/3048
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present broadband (U, V, I, and H) and narrowband (H{alpha}+[N II] and Pa{alpha}) images of the circumnuclear starburst rings in two nearby spiral galaxies, NGC 1512 and NGC 5248, obtained with the WFPC2 and NICMOS cameras on HST. Combined with previously published ultraviolet (UV) HST images at 2300{AA} these data provide a particularly wide wavelength range with which to study the properties of the stellar populations, the gas, and the dust in the rings.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/144/191
- Title:
- Multicolor photometry of 135 star clusters in M31
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/144/191
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In this paper, we present photometry for young star clusters in M31, which are selected from Caldwell et al. These star clusters have been observed as part of the Beijing-Arizona-Taiwan-Connecticut (BATC) Multicolor Sky Survey from 1995 February to 2008 March. The BATC images including these star clusters are taken with 15 intermediate-band filters covering 3000-10000{AA}. Combined with photometry in the GALEX far- and near-ultraviolet, broadband UBV RI, SDSS ugriz, and infrared JHK_s_ of Two Micron All Sky Survey, we obtain their accurate spectral energy distributions (SEDs) from 1538 to 20000{AA}. We derive these star clusters' ages and masses by comparing their SEDs with stellar population synthesis models. Our results are in good agreement with previous determinations. The mean value of age and mass of young clusters (<2Gyr) is about 385Myr and 2x10^4^M_{sun}_, respectively. There are two distinct peaks in the age distribution, a highest peak at age ~60Myr and a secondary peak around 250Myr, while the mass distribution shows a single peak around 10^4^M_{sun}_. A few young star clusters have two-body relaxation times greater than their ages, indicating that those clusters have not been well dynamically relaxed and therefore have not established the thermal equilibrium. There are several regions showing aggregations of young star clusters around the 10kpc ring and the outer ring, indicating that the distribution of the young star clusters is well correlated with M31's star-forming regions. The young massive star clusters (age<=100Myr and mass>=10^4^M_{sun}_) show apparent concentration around the ring splitting region, suggesting a recent passage of a satellite galaxy (M32) through M31 disk.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/556/A55
- Title:
- Multi-color photometry of star-forming galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/556/A55
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We estimate the galaxy stellar mass function and stellar mass density for star-forming and quiescent galaxies with 0.2<z<4. We construct a large, deep sample of galaxies selected using the new UltraVISTA DR1 data release (Cat. J/A+A/544/A156). Our analysis is based on precise 30-band photometric redshifts. By comparing these photometric redshifts with 10800 spectroscopic redshifts from the zCOSMOS bright (Cat. J/ApJS/172/70) and faint (Lilly et al. in prep) surveys, we find an accuracy of sigma(dz/(1+z))=0.008 at i<22.5 and sigma(dz/(1+z))=0.03 at 1.5<z<4.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/474/3324
- Title:
- Multicomponent matched filter test
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/474/3324
- Date:
- 02 Mar 2022 00:06:44
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We describe a multicomponent matched filter (MCMF) cluster confirmation tool designed for the study of large X-ray source catalogues produced by the upcoming X-ray all-sky survey mission eROSITA. We apply the method to confirm a sample of 88 clusters with redshifts 0.05<z<0.8 in the recently published 2RXS catalogue from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS) over the 208 deg^2^ region overlapped by the Dark Energy Survey (DES) Science Verification (DES-SV) data set. In our pilot study, we examine all X-ray sources, regardless of their extent. Our method employs a multicolour red sequence (RS) algorithm that incorporates the X-ray count rate and peak position in determining the region of interest for follow-up and extracts the positionally and colour-weighted optical richness {lambda}_MCMF_ as a function of redshift for each source. Peaks in the {lambda}_MCMF_-redshift distribution are identified and used to extract photometric redshifts, richness and uncertainties. The significances of all optical counterparts are characterized using the distribution of richnesses defined along random lines of sight. These significances are used to extract cluster catalogues and to estimate the contamination by random superpositions of unassociated optical systems. The delivered photometric redshift accuracy is {delta}z/(1+z)=0.010. We find a well-defined X-ray luminosity-{lambda}_MCMF_ relation with an intrinsic scatter of {delta}ln({lambda}_MCMF_|Lx)=0.21. Matching our catalogue with the DES-SV redMaPPer catalogue yields good agreement in redshift and richness estimates; comparing our catalogue with the South Pole Telescope (SPT) selected clusters shows no inconsistencies. SPT clusters in our data set are consistent with the high-mass extension of the RASS-based {lambda}_MCMF_-mass relation.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/484/119
- Title:
- Multi-epoch VLBI survey of CJF sources
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/484/119
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This is the second in a series of papers presenting VLBI observations of the 293 Caltech-Jodrell Bank Flat-spectrum (hereafter CJF) sources and their analysis. We obtain a consistent motion dataset large enough to allow the systematic properties of the population to be studied. We present detailed kinematic analysis of the complete flux-density limited CJF survey. We computed 2-D kinematic models based on the optimal model-fitting parameters of multi-epoch VLBA observations. This allows us to calculate not only radial, but also orthogonal motions, and thus to study curvature and acceleration. Statistical tests of the motions measured and their reliability were performed. A correlation analysis between the derived apparent motions, luminosities, spectral indices, and core dominance and the resulting consequences is described. With at least one velocity in each of the 237 sources, this sample is much larger than any available before, so it allows a meaning ful statistical investigation of apparent motions and any possible correlations with other parameters in AGN jets. The main results to emerge are as follows: * In general motions are not consistent with a single uniform velocity applicable to all components along a jet. * We find a slight trend towards a positive outward acceleration and also adduce some evidence for greater acceleration in the innermost regions. * We find a lack of fast components at physical distances less than a few pc from the reference feature. * Only ~4% of the components from galaxies and <2% of those from quasars undergo large bends i.e. within 15{deg} of +/-90{deg}. * The distribution of radial velocities shows a broad distribution of velocities (apparent velocities up to 30c). Fifteen percent of the best-sampled jet components exhibit low velocities that may need to be explained in a different manner to the fast motions. * Some negative superluminal motions are seen, and in 15 cases (6%) these are definitely significant. * We find a strong correlation between the 5 GHz luminosity and the apparent velocity. * The CJF galaxies, on average, show slower apparent jet-component velocities than the quasars. * The mean velocity in the VLBA 2cm survey (Kellermann et al. 2004) is substantially higher than in the CJF survey, the ratio could be roughly a factor of 1.5-2. This supports the observed trend toward increasing apparent velocity with in creasing observing frequency. This AGN survey provides the basis for any statistical analysis of jet and jet-component properties.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/other/RMxAA/35.187
- Title:
- Multifrequency catalog of LINERs
- Short Name:
- J/other/RMxAA/35
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the first Catalog of Low Ionization Emission Line Galaxies (LINERs or Liners, which is the simplest name, and which we shall adopt in what follows). The Catalog "MCL" (Multifrequency Catalog of Liners), contains 476 entries and contains both broad-band and monochromatic emission data (ranging from radio to X-ray frequencies) of colors, and other data compiled from the literature and various data bases, as indicated in the references. Most of the galaxies can be considered "pure" Liners on the basis of the Veilleux & Osterbrock (1987ApJS...63..295V) classification as suggested by Ho, Filippenko, & Sargent (1997ApJS..112..315H). However, a considerable number of transition (Liners-H II or Liners-Starburst) objects are also included. One of the open questions, is whether Liners should be considered as a class of galaxies (like Seyfert galaxies for instance) or rather, as an heterogeneous group of objects. We believe the study of Liners as a group is very interesting, precisely because they very likely represent a transition between non-thermal and starburst activity, and probably also between "active" and "non- active" galaxies. This catalog may be used as a basis for statistical research. A preliminary discussion of the main statistical properties of Liners, in the range from radio to X-ray frequencies, is given here.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/495/691
- Title:
- Multifrequency catalogue of blazars, Roma-BZCAT
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/495/691
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a new catalogue of blazars based on multifrequency surveys and on an extensive review of the literature. Blazars are classified as BL Lacertae objects, as flat spectrum radio quasars or as blazars of uncertain/transitional type. Each object is identified by a root name, coded as BZB, BZQ and BZU for these three subclasses respectively, and by its coordinates. This catalogue is being built as a tool useful for the identification of the extragalactic sources that will be detected by present and future experiments for X and gamma-ray astronomy, like Swift, AGILE, Fermi-GLAST and Simbol-X. An electronic version is available from the ASI Science Data Center web site at http://www.asdc.asi.it/bzcat.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/590/A29
- Title:
- Multi-frequency galaxy group catalogue
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/590/A29
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- To understand the role of the environment in galaxy formation, evolution, and present-day properties, it is essential to study the multi-frequency behavior of different galaxy populations under various environmental conditions. We study the stellar mass functions of different galaxy populations in groups as a function of their large scale environments using multi-frequency observations. We crossmatch the SDSS DR10 group catalogue with GAMA Data Release 2 and Wide-field Survey Explorer (WISE) data to construct a catalogue of 1651 groups and 11436 galaxies containing photometric information in 15 different wavebands ranging from ultraviolet (0.152-micron) to mid-infrared (22-micron). We perform the spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting of galaxies using the MAGPHYS code and estimate the rest frame luminosities and stellar masses. We use the 1/Vmax method to estimate the galaxy stellar mass and luminosity functions, and the luminosity density field of galaxies to define the large scale environment of galaxies. The stellar mass functions of both central and satellite galaxies in groups are different in low and high density large scale environments. Satellite galaxies in high density environments have a steeper low mass end slope compared to low density environments, independently of the galaxy morphology. Central galaxies in low density environments have a steeper low mass end slope but the difference disappears for fixed galaxy morphology. The characteristic stellar mass of satellite galaxies is higher in high density environments and the difference exists only for galaxies with elliptical morphologies. Galaxy formation in groups is more efficient in high density large scale environments. Groups in high density environments have higher abundances of satellite galaxies, irrespective of the satellite galaxy morphology. The elliptical satellite galaxies are generally more massive in high density environments. The stellar masses of spiral satellite galaxies show no dependence on the large scale environment.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/573/A76
- Title:
- Multifrequency study of NL Seyfert 1 galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/573/A76
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- High-energy {gamma}-rays, which are produced by powerful relativistic jets, are usually associated with blazars and radio galaxies. In the current active galactic nuclei (AGN) paradigm, such jets are almost exclusively launched from massive elliptical galaxies. Recently, however, Fermi/LAT detected {gamma}-rays from a few narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies and thus confirmed the presence of relativistic jets in them. Since NLS1 galaxies are assumed to be young evolving AGN, they offer a unique opportunity to study the production of relativistic jets in late-type galaxies. Our aim is to estimate by which processes the emission of various kinds is produced in NLS1 galaxies and to study how emission properties are connected to other intrinsic AGN properties. We have compiled the so far largest multiwavelength database of NLS1 sources. This allowed us to explore correlations between different wavebands and source properties using, for example, Pearson and Spearman correlations and principal component analysis. We did this separately for radio-loud and radio-quiet sources.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/442/523
- Title:
- Multiparam. Analysis, Einstein Sample. II.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/442/523
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have conducted bivariate and multivariate statistical analysis of data measuring the integrated luminosity, shape, and potential depth of the Einstein sample of early-type galaxies (presented by Fabbiano et al. =1992ApJS...80..531F). We find significant correlations between the X-ray properties and the axial ratios (a/b) of our sample, such that the roundest systems tend to have the highest L_X and L_X/L_B. The most radio-loud objects are also the roundest. We confirm the assertion of Bender et al. (1989A&A...217...35B) that galaxies with high L_X are boxy (have negative a_4). Both a/b and a_4 are correlated with L_B, but not with IRAS 12 um and 100 um luminosities. There are strong correlations between L_X, Mg_2 and sigma_v in the sense that those systems with the deepest potential wells have the highest L_X and Mg_2. Thus the depth of the potential well appears to govern both the ability to retain an ISM at the present epoch and to retain the enriched ejecta of early star formation bursts. Both L_X/L_B and L_6 (the 6 cm radio luminosity) show threshold effects with sigma_v, exhibiting sharp increases at log(sigma_v) ~ 2.2. Finally, there is clearly an interrelationship between the various stellar and structural parameters: The scatter in the bivariate relationships between the shape parameters (a/b and a_4) and the depth parameter (sigma_v) is a function of abundance in the sense that, for a given a_4 or a/b, the systems with the highest sigma_v also have the highest Mg_2. Furthermore, for a constant sigma_v, disky galaxies tend to have higher Mg_2 than boxy ones. Alternatively, for a given abundance, boxy ellipticals tend to be more massive than disky ellipticals. One possibility is that early-type galaxies of a given mass, originating from mergers (boxy ellipticals), have lower abundances than "primordial" (disky) early-type galaxies. Another is that disky inner isophotes are due not to primordial dissipational collapse, but to either the self-gravitating inner disks of captured spirals or the dissipational collapse of new disk structures from the premerger ISM. The high measured nuclear Mg_2 values would thus be due to enrichment from secondary bursts of star formation triggered by the merging event.