- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/155/30
- Title:
- Fundamental parameters of 87 stars from the NPOI
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/155/30
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the fundamental properties of 87 stars based on angular diameter measurements from the Navy Precision Optical Interferometer, 36 of which have not been measured previously using interferometry. Our sample consists of 5 dwarfs, 3 subgiants, 69 giants, 3 bright giants, and 7 supergiants, and span a wide range of spectral classes from B to M. We combined our angular diameters with photometric and distance information from the literature to determine each star's physical radius, effective temperature, bolometric flux, luminosity, mass, and age.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/154/259
- Title:
- Fundamental parameters of Tycho-2 & TGAS stars
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/154/259
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present bolometric fluxes and angular diameters for over 1.6 million stars in the Tycho-2 catalog (I/259), determined using previously determined empirical color-temperature and color-flux relations. We vet these relations via full fits to the full broadband spectral energy distributions for a subset of benchmark stars and perform quality checks against the large set of stars for which spectroscopically determined parameters are available from LAMOST, RAVE, and/or APOGEE. We then estimate radii for the 355502 Tycho-2 stars in our sample whose Gaia DR1 (I/337) parallaxes are precise to ~<10%. For these stars, we achieve effective temperature, bolometric flux, and angular diameter uncertainties of the order of 1%-2% and radius uncertainties of order 8%, and we explore the effect that imposing spectroscopic effective temperature priors has on these uncertainties. These stellar parameters are shown to be reliable for stars with T_eff_~<7000 K. The over half a million bolometric fluxes and angular diameters presented here will serve as an immediate trove of empirical stellar radii with the Gaia second data release, at which point effective temperature uncertainties will dominate the radius uncertainties. Already, dwarf, subgiant, and giant populations are readily identifiable in our purely empirical luminosity-effective temperature (theoretical) Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/874/138
- Title:
- Gaia and LAMOST DR4 M giant members of Sgr stream
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/874/138
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We use LAMOST DR4 M giants combined with Gaia DR2 proper motions and ALLWISE photometry to obtain an extremely pure sample of Sagittarius (Sgr) stream stars. Using TiO5 and CaH spectral indices as indicators, we selected a large sample of M-giant stars from M-dwarf stars in LAMOST DR4 spectra. Considering the position, distance, proper motion, and angular momentum distribution, we obtained 164 pure Sgr stream stars. We find that the trailing arm has higher energy than the leading arm in the same angular momentum. The trailing arm we detected extends to a heliocentric distance of ~130kpc at {Lambda}_{sun}_~170{deg}, which is consistent with the feature found in RR Lyrae in Sesar+ (2017, J/ApJ/844/L4). Both of these detections of Sgr, in M-giants and in RR Lyrae, imply that the Sgr stream may contain multiple stellar populations with a broad metallicity range.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/161/87
- Title:
- Gaia data for members of {epsilon}Cha
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/161/87
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The precise parallax, proper motion, and photometric measurements contained in Gaia Data Release 2 (DR2) offer the opportunity to reexamine the membership and ages of nearby young moving groups (NYMGs), i.e., loose groups of stars of age <~100Myr in the solar vicinity. Here, we analyze the available DR2 data for members and candidate members of the {epsilon}Cha Association ({epsilon}CA) which, at an estimated age of ~3-5Myr, has previously been identified as among the youngest NYMGs. The several dozen confirmed members of {epsilon}CA include MPMus and TCha, two of the nearest stars of roughly solar mass that are known to host primordial protoplanetary disks, and the Herbig Ae/Be star HD104237A. We have used Gaia DR2 data to ascertain the Galactic positions and kinematics and color-magnitude diagram positions of {epsilon}CA members and candidates so as to reassess their membership status and thereby refine estimates of the distance, age, multiplicity, and disk fraction of the group. Our analysis yields 36 bona fide {epsilon}CA members, as well as 20 provisional members, including 3 new members identified here as comoving companions to previously known {epsilon}CA stars. We determine a mean distance to {epsilon}CA of 101.0{+/-}4.6pc and confirm that, at an age of 5_-2_^+3^Myr, {epsilon}CA represents the youngest stellar group within ~100pc of Earth. We identify several new photometric binary candidates, bringing the overall multiplicity fraction (MF) of {epsilon}CA to 40%, intermediate between the MFs of young T associations and the field.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/628/A81
- Title:
- Gaia DR2-based catalogue of 237 Ap stars
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/628/A81
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Knowing the distribution of strongly magnetic Ap stars in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (HRD) allows us to study the evolution of their magnetic fields across the main sequence (MS). With a newly extended Ap star sample from APOGEE and available Gaia DR2 data, we can now critically review the results of previous studies based on Hipparcos data. To investigate our targets in the Gaia DR2 HRD, we need to define astrometric and photometric quality criteria to remove unreliable data from the HRD. We used the Gaia DR2 renormalised unit weight error RUWE as our main quality criterion. We considered known (close) binaries in our sample compared to their (partly affected) astrometry and used the Gaia DR2 data to find common parallax and proper motion (CPPM) wide companions and open cluster members. We studied G, BP and RP variability amplitudes and their significance as a function of magnitude. In colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) with absolute G magnitude (determined from inverted parallax) versus BP-RP colour and HRDs, where BP-RP is replaced by effective temperature, we studied the appearance of outliers with respect to their astrometric quality, binarity, and variability. We present a catalogue of 83 previously known and 154 new strongly magnetic Ap stars with Gaia DR2 data, including astrometric quality parameters, binary flags, information on cluster membership, variability amplitudes, and data from Hipparcos. Our astrometrically cleaned subsamples include 47 and 46 old and new Ap stars with parallaxes >2mas. Most of the known 26 binaries among all 237 stars and 14 out of 15 CMD/HRD outliers were excluded by astrometric criteria. The remaining 11 known binaries and a few highly variable objects mainly appear in the bright and red CMD/HRD parts. A CMD based on Hipparcos photometry and Gaia DR2 parallaxes shows a much more narrow distribution in the absolute V magnitudes of 75 common Ap stars over the full B-V colour range than the corresponding CMD based on Hipparcos parallaxes.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/611/A52
- Title:
- Gaia DR1 QSO magnitude
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/611/A52
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The first release of the Gaia catalog is available since 14 September 2016. It is a first step in the realization of the future Gaia reference frame. This reference frame will be materialized by the optical positions of the sources and will be compared with and linked to the International Celestial Reference Frame, materialized by the radio position of extragalactic sources. As in the radio domain, it can be reasonably postulated that quasar optical flux variations can alert us to potential changes in the source structure. These changes could have important implications for the position of the target photocenters (together with the evolution in time of these centers) and in parallel have consequences for the link of the reference systems. A set of nine optical telescopes was used to monitor the magnitude variations, often at the same time as Gaia, thanks to the Gaia Observation Forecast Tool. The Allan variances, which are statistical tools widely used in the atomic time and frequency community, are introduced.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/II/360
- Title:
- Gaia DR2 x AllWISE catalogue
- Short Name:
- II/360
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The second Gaia Data Release (DR2) contains astrometric and photometric data for more than 1.6 billion objects with mean Gaia G magnitude <20.7, including many Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) in different evolutionary stages. In order to explore the YSO population of the Milky Way, we combined the Gaia DR2 database with WISE and Planck measurements and made an all-sky probabilistic catalogue of YSOs using machine learning techniques, such as Support Vector Machines, Random Forests, or Neural Networks. Our input catalogue contains 103 million objects from the DR2xAllWISE cross-match table. We classified each object into four main classes: YSOs, extragalactic objects, main-sequence stars and evolved stars. At a 90% prob- ability threshold we identified 1 129 295 YSO candidates. To demonstrate the quality and potential of our YSO catalogue, here we present two applications of it. (1) We explore the 3D structure of the Orion A star forming complex and show that the spatial distribution of the YSOs classified by our procedure is in agreement with recent results from the literature. (2) We use our catalogue to classify published Gaia Science Alerts. As Gaia measures the sources at multiple epochs, it can efficiently discover transient events, including sudden brightness changes of YSOs caused by dynamic processes of their circumstellar disk. However, in many cases the physical nature of the published alert sources are not known. A cross-check with our new catalogue shows that about 30% more of the published Gaia alerts can most likely be attributed to YSO activity. The catalogue can be also useful to identify YSOs among future Gaia alerts.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/162/110
- Title:
- Gaia EDR3 census of the Taurus-Auriga complex
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/162/110
- Date:
- 14 Mar 2022 06:44:20
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Taurus-Auriga complex is the prototypical low-mass star-forming region, and provides a unique testbed of the star formation process, which left observable imprints on the spatial, kinematic, and temporal structure of its stellar population. Taurus's rich observational history has uncovered peculiarities that suggest a complicated star-forming event, such as members at large distances from the molecular clouds and evidence of an age spread. With Gaia, an in-depth study of the Taurus census is possible, to confirm membership, identify substructure, and reconstruct its star formation history. We have compiled an expansive census of the greater Taurus region, identifying spatial subgroups and confirming that Taurus is substructured across stellar density. There are two populations of subgroups: clustered groups near the clouds and sparse groups spread throughout the region. The sparse groups comprise Taurus's distributed population, which is on average older than the population near the clouds, and hosts subpopulations up to 15Myr old. The ages of the clustered groups increase with distance, suggesting that the current star formation was triggered from behind. Still, the region is kinematically coherent, and its velocity structure reflects an initial turbulent spectrum similar to Larson's Law that has been modified by dynamical relaxation. Overall, Taurus has a complicated star formation history, with at least two epochs of star formation featuring both clustered and distributed modes. Given the correlations between age and spatial distribution, Taurus might be part of a galaxy-scale star-forming event that can only begin to be understood in the Gaia era.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/574/L7
- Title:
- Gaia-ESO Survey: Li-rich stars in NGC2547
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/574/L7
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The nearby (distance ~350-400pc), rich Vela OB2 association, includes gamma^2^ Velorum, one of the most massive binaries in the solar neighborhood, and is an excellent laboratory for investigating the formation and early evolution of young clusters. Recent Gaia-ESO survey observations led to the discovery of two kinematically distinct populations in the young (10-15Myr) cluster immediately surrounding gamma^2^ Velorum. Here we analyse the results of Gaia-ESO survey observations of NGC 2547, a 35Myr cluster located two degrees south of gamma^2^ Velorum. The radial velocity distribution of lithium-rich pre-main sequence stars shows a secondary population, kinematically distinct and younger than NGC 2547. The radial velocities, lithium absorption lines, and the positions in a color-magnitude diagram of this secondary population are consistent with those of one of the components discovered around gamma^2^ Velorum. This result shows that there is a young, low-mass stellar population spread over at least several square degrees in the Vela OB2 association. This population could have originally been part of a cluster around gamma^2^ Velorum that expanded after gas expulsion, or formed in a less dense environment spread over the whole Vela OB2 region.
840. Gaia photometry
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/523/A48
- Title:
- Gaia photometry
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/523/A48
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The scientific community needs to be prepared to analyse the data from Gaia, one of the most ambitious ESA space missions, which is to be launched in 2012. The purpose of this paper is to provide data and tools to predict how Gaia photometry is expected to be. To do so, we provide relationships among colours involving Gaia magnitudes (white light G, blue GBP, red GRP and GRVS bands) and colours from other commonly used photometric systems (Johnson-Cousins, SDSS, Hipparcos and Tycho). The most up-to-date information from industrial partners has been used to define the nominal passbands, and based on the BaSeL3.1 stellar spectral energy distribution library, relationships were obtained for stars with different reddening values, ranges of temperatures, surface gravities and metallicities. The transformations involving Gaia and Johnson-Cousins V-I_C_ and SDSS g-z colours have the lowest residuals. A polynomial expression for the relation between the effective temperature and the colour G_BP_-G_RP_ was derived for stars with Teff higher than 4500K. For stars with Teff smaller than 4500K, dispersions exist in gravity and metallicity for each absorption value in g-r and r-i. Transformations involving two Johnson or two SDSS colours yield lower residuals than using only one colour. We also computed several ratios of total-to-selective absorption including absorption A_G_ in the G band and colour excess E(G_BP_-G_RP_) for our sample stars. A relationship involving A_G_/A_V_ and the intrinsic (V-I_C_) colour is provided. The derived Gaia passbands have been used to compute tracks and isochrones using the Padova and BASTI models, and the passbands have been included in both web sites. Finally, the performances of the predicted Gaia magnitudes have been estimated according to the magnitude and the celestial coordinates of the star. The provided dependencies among colours can be used for planning scientific exploitation of Gaia data, performing simulations of the Gaia-like sky, planning ground-based complementary observations and for building catalogues with auxiliary data for the Gaia data processing and validation.