- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/I/90
- Title:
- Positions of 502 Stars in Pleiades Region
- Short Name:
- I/90
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The catalog contains the positions (equinox B1900.0 and epoch B1955.0) of 502 stars in a region of about 1.5 degrees square in the Pleiades cluster, centered on Eta Tau. These coordinates have been derived from measurements of stellar images obtained with 65 exposures of various durations on 14 photographic plates with two telescopes at McCormick Observatory and Van Vleck Observatory. The plates were reduced by the plate overlap method, which resulted in a high degree of systematic accuracy in the final positions. Data in the machine version include Hertzsprung number, color index, photovisual magnitude, right ascension and declination and their standard errors, proper motion, and differences between the present position and previous works. Data for exposures, plates, and images measured, present in the published catalog, are not included in the machine version.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/442/2081
- Title:
- Praesepe members light curves
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/442/2081
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- By using the dense coverage of the extrasolar planet survey project HATNet (Hungarian-made Automated Telescope Network), we Fourier analyse 381 high-probability members of the nearby open cluster Praesepe (Beehive/M44/NGC 2632). In addition to the detection of 10 variables (of delta Scuti and other types), we identify 180 rotational variables (including the two known planet hosts). This sample increases the number of known rotational variables in this cluster for spectral classes earlier than M by more than a factor of 3. These stars closely follow a colour/magnitude - period relation from early F to late K stars. We approximate this relation by polynomials for an easier reference to the rotational characteristics in different colours. The total (peak-to-peak) amplitudes of the large majority (94%) of these variables span the range of 0.005-0.04mag. The periods cover a range from 2.5 to 15d. These data strongly confirm that Praesepe and the Hyades have the same gyrochronological ages. Regarding the two planet hosts, Pr0211 (the one with the shorter orbital period) has a rotational period that is ~2d shorter than the one expected from the main rotational pattern in this cluster. This, together with other examples discussed in the paper, may hint that star-planet interaction via tidal dissipation can be significant in some cases in the rotational evolution of stars hosting hot Jupiters.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/842/83
- Title:
- Praesepe members rotational periods from K2 LCs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/842/83
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We analyze K2 light curves for 794 low-mass (1>~M_*_>~0.1M_{sun}_) members of the ~650Myr old open cluster Praesepe and measure rotation periods (P_rot_) for 677 of these stars. We find that half of the rapidly rotating >~0.3M_{sun}_ stars are confirmed or candidate binary systems. The remaining >~0.3M_{sun}_ fast rotators have not been searched for companions, and are therefore not confirmed single stars. We previously found that nearly all rapidly rotating 0.3M_{sun}_ stars in the Hyades are binaries, but we require deeper binary searches in Praesepe to confirm whether binaries in these two co-eval clusters have different P_rot_ distributions. We also compare the observed P_rot_ distribution in Praesepe to that predicted by models of angular-momentum evolution. We do not observe the clear bimodal P_rot_ distribution predicted by Brown (2014ApJ...789..101B) for >0.5M_{sun}_ stars at the age of Praesepe, but 0.25-0.5M_{sun}_ stars do show stronger bimodality. In addition, we find that >60% of early M dwarfs in Praesepe rotate more slowly than predicted at 650Myr by Matt+ (2015ApJ...799L..23M), which suggests an increase in braking efficiency for these stars relative to solar-type stars and fully convective stars. The incompleteness of surveys for binaries in open clusters likely impacts our comparison with these models since the models only attempt to describe the evolution of isolated single stars.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/839/92
- Title:
- Praesepe members with K2 light curve data
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/839/92
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have Fourier-analyzed 941 K2 light curves (LCs) of likely members of Praesepe, measuring periods for 86% and increasing the number of rotation periods (P) by nearly a factor of four. The distribution of P versus (V-Ks), a mass proxy, has three different regimes: (V-Ks)<1.3, where the rotation rate rapidly slows as mass decreases; 1.3<(V-Ks)<4.5, where the rotation rate slows more gradually as mass decreases; and (V-Ks)>4.5, where the rotation rate rapidly increases as mass decreases. In this last regime, there is a bimodal distribution of periods, with few between ~2 and ~10 days. We interpret this to mean that once M stars start to slow down, they do so rapidly. The K2 period-color distribution in Praesepe (~790Myr) is much different than that in the Pleiades (~125Myr) for late F, G, K, and early-M stars; the overall distribution moves to longer periods and is better described by two line segments. For mid-M stars, the relationship has a similarly broad scatter and is steeper in Praesepe. The diversity of LCs and of periodogram types is similar in the two clusters; about a quarter of the periodic stars in both clusters have multiple significant periods. Multi- periodic stars dominate among the higher masses, starting at a bluer color in Praesepe ((V-Ks)~1.5) than in the Pleiades ((V-Ks)~2.6). In Praesepe, there are relatively more LCs that have two widely separated periods, {Delta}P>6days. Some of these could be examples of M star binaries where one star has spun down but the other has not.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/109/1379
- Title:
- Praesepe & M 67 spectral standards
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/109/1379
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a grid of stellar classification spectra of moderate resolution (R~1500) in the range lambda lambda 5600-9000A, compiled from high signal-to-noise spectra of 275 stars, most in the open clusters Praesepe and M 67. The grid covers dwarfs from types B8 through M5, giants from G8 through M7, and subgiants from F5 through K0. We catalog atomic and molecular absorption features useful for stellar classification, and demonstrate the use of luminosity-sensitive features to distinguish between late-type dwarf and giant stars.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/627/A4
- Title:
- Praesepe (NGC 2632) and its tidal tails
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/627/A4
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Within a 400pc sphere around the Sun, we search for Praesepe's tidal tails in the Gaia Data Release 2 (DR2) data set. We used a modified convergent-point method to find stars with space velocities close to the space velocity of the Praesepe cluster. We find a clear indication for the existence of Praesepe's tidal tails, both extending up to 165pc from the centre of the cluster. A total of 1393 stars populate the cluster and its tails, giving a total mass of 794M_{sun}_. We determined a tidal radius of 10.77pc for the cluster and a tidal mass of 483M_{sun}_. The corresponding half-mass radius is 4.8pc. We also found a clear indication for mass segregation in the cluster. The tidal tails outside 2 tidal radii are populated by 389 stars. The total contamination of our sample by field stars lies between 50 and 100 stars or 3.6-7.2%. We used an astrometrically and photometrically clean subsample of Gaia DR2, which makes our Praesepe sample incomplete beyond M~12.0mag; this corresponds to about 0.25M_{sun}_. A comparison with an N-body model of the cluster and its tails shows remarkably good coincidence. Three new white dwarfs are found in the tails.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/156/142
- Title:
- Precision cluster abund. for APOGEE using SDSS DR14
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/156/142
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Open Cluster Chemical Abundances and Mapping (OCCAM) survey aims to produce a comprehensive, uniform, infrared-based spectroscopic data set for hundreds of open clusters, and to constrain key Galactic dynamical and chemical parameters from this sample. This second contribution from the OCCAM survey presents analysis of 259 member stars with [Fe/H] determinations in 19 open clusters, using Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 14 (SDSS/DR14) data from the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment and ESA Gaia. This analysis, which includes clusters with R_GC_ ranging from 7 to 13 kpc, measures an [Fe/H] gradient of -0.061+/-0.004 dex/kpc. We also confirm evidence of a significant positive gradient in the {alpha}-elements ([O/Fe], [Mg/Fe], and [Si/Fe]) and present evidence for a significant negative gradient in iron-peak elements ([Mn/Fe] and [Ni/Fe]).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/347/101
- Title:
- Precision colour-magnitude diagram of M67
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/347/101
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have calibrated and combined an extensive set of BVI observations of M67 to produce a colour-magnitude diagram of stars measured with high relative precision. We have selected stars that are most likely to be single-star members of the cluster using proper motion, radial velocity, and variability information from the literature, and an examination of the most probable colour-magnitude diagram locations of unresolved stellar blends. We have made detailed comparisons of our photometry of the selected stars with theoretical models, and discuss the most notable discrepancies. Observations of M67 turn-off stars are a severe test of algorithms attempting to describe convective cores in the limit of small extent, and we find strong evidence of a 'hook' just fainter than the turn-off gap. The stars in M67 support assertions that the degree of convective core overshooting decreases to zero for stars with masses in the range 1.0<(M/M_{sun}_)<=1.5, but that the degree of overshoot is smaller than currently used in published isochrones. We also verify that all current theoretical models for the lower main sequence (with the exception of Baraffe et al., 1998, Cat. J/A+A/337/403) are too blue for MV>~6, even when the sequences are shifted to match M67 near the MV of the Sun, probably due to a combination of problems with colour-Teff transformations and realistic surface boundary conditions for models. Finally, we identify a subset of cluster members with unusual photometry (candidate red giant binaries, blue straggler stars, and triple systems) deserving of further study.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/424/3178
- Title:
- Pre-main-sequence isochrones. Pleiades benchmark
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/424/3178
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a critical assessment of commonly used pre-main-sequence isochrones by comparing their predictions to a set of well-calibrated colour-magnitude diagrams of the Pleiades in the wavelength range 0.4-2.5um. Our analysis shows that for temperatures less than 4000K, the models systematically overestimate the flux by a factor of 2 at 0.5um, though this decreases with wavelength, becoming negligible at 2.2um. In optical colours this will result in the ages for stars younger than 10Myr being underestimated by factors of between 2 and 3. We show that using observations of standard stars to transform the data into a standard system can introduce significant errors in the positioning of pre-main sequences in colour-magnitude diagrams. Therefore, we have compared the models to the data in the natural photometric system in which the observations were taken. Thus we have constructed and tested a model of the system responses for the Wide-Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope. As a benchmark test for the development of pre-main-sequence models, we provide both our system responses and the Pleiades sequence.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/615/A148
- Title:
- Pre-main sequence stars in Scorpius OB1
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/615/A148
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The low-mass members of OB associations, expected to be a major component of their total population, are in most cases poorly studied because of the difficulty of selecting these faint stars in crowded sky regions. Our knowledge of many OB associations relies on only a relatively small number of massive members. We study here the Sco OB1 association, with the aim of a better characterization of its properties, such as global size and shape, member clusters and their morphology, age and formation history, and total mass. We use deep optical and near-infrared (NIR) photometry from the VPHAS+ and VVV surveys, over a wide area (2.6{deg}x2.6{deg}), complemented by Spitzer infrared (IR) data, and Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray data. A new technique is developed to find clusters of pre-main sequence M-type stars using suitable color-color diagrams, complementing existing selection techniques using narrow-band H{alpha} photometry or NIR and ultraviolet (UV) excesses, and X-ray data. We find a large population of approximately 4000 candidate low-mass Sco OB1 members whose spatial properties correlate well with those of H{alpha}-emission, NIR-excess, UV-excess, and X-ray detected members, and unresolved X-ray emission. The low-mass population is spread among several interconnected subgroups: they coincide with the HII regions G345.45+1.50 and IC4628, and the rich clusters NGC 6231 and Trumpler 24, with an additional subcluster intermediate between these two. The total mass of Sco OB1 is estimated to be ~8500M_{sun}_. Indication of a sequence of star-formation events is found, from South (NGC 6231) to North (G345.45+1.50). We suggest that the diluted appearance of Trumpler 24 indicates that the cluster is now dissolving into the field, and that tidal stripping by NGC 6231 nearby contributes to the process.