- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/243/14
- Title:
- The Ogle et al. Galaxy Catalog (OGC)
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/243/14
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a catalog of the 1525 most optically luminous galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey with r-band luminosity L_r_>8L* and redshift z<0.3, including 84 super spirals, 15 super lenticulars, 14 super post-merger galaxies, and 1400 giant ellipticals. With mass in stars of 10^11.3^-10^12^M_{sun}_, super spirals and lenticulars are the most massive disk galaxies currently known. The specific star formation rates of super spirals place them on or below the star-forming main sequence. They must have formed stars at a high rate throughout their history in order to grow their massive, gigantic stellar disks and maintain their blue u-r integrated colors. Their disks are red on the inside and blue on the outside, consistent with inside-out growth. They tend to have small bulge-to-total (B/T) r-band luminosity ratios, characteristic of disk building via minor mergers and cold accretion. A large percentage of super disk galaxies (41%) have double nuclei, double disks, or other signatures of ongoing mergers. Most (72%) are found in moderate- to low-density environments, while the rest are found at the outskirts of clusters. It is likely that super spirals survive in these environments because they continue to accrete cold gas and experience only minor mergers at late times, by virtue of their enormous masses and angular momenta. We suggest that super post-mergers are the product of super spiral major mergers and may be the precursors of some giant elliptical galaxies found in low-density environments.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/179/1
- Title:
- The OPTX project: CLANS, CLASXS and CDF-N
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/179/1
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the redshift catalogs for the X-ray sources detected in the Chandra Deep Field-North (CDF-N), the Chandra Large Area Synoptic X-ray Survey (CLASXS), and the Chandra Lockman Area North Survey (CLANS). The catalogs for the CDF-N and CLASXS fields include redshifts from previous work, while the redshifts for the CLANS field are all new. For fluxes above 10^-14^ergs/cm^2^/s (2-8keV) we have redshifts for 76% of the sources. We extend the redshift information for the full sample using photometric redshifts. The goal of the OPTX Project is to use these three surveys, which are among the most spectroscopically complete surveys to date, to analyze the effect of spectral type on the shape and evolution of the X-ray luminosity functions and to compare the optical spectral types with the X-ray spectral properties. We also present the CLANS X-ray catalog. The nine ACIS-I fields cover a solid angle of ~0.6deg^2^ and reach fluxes of 7x10^-16^ergs/cm^2^/s (0.5-2keV) and 3.5x10^-15^ergs/cm^2^/s (2-8keV). We find a total of 761 X-ray point sources. In addition, we present the optical and infrared photometric catalog for the CLANS X-ray sources, as well as updated optical and infrared photometric catalogs for the X-ray sources in the CLASXS and CDF-N fields.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/II/349
- Title:
- The Pan-STARRS release 1 (PS1) Survey - DR1
- Short Name:
- II/349
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) is a system for wide-field astronomical imaging developed and operated by the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii. Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) is the first part of Pan-STARRS to be completed and is the basis for Data Release 1 (DR1). The PS1 survey used a 1.8m telescope and its 1.4 Gigapixel camera (GPC1) to image the sky in five broadband filters (g, r, i, z, y). PS1 took approximately 370000 exposures from 2010 to 2015. The PS1 camera surveyed the sky using 5 filters: g, r, i, z, and y. The effective wavelengths (and spectral resolutions) of these 5 filters are 481nm (R=3.5), 617nm (R=4.4), 752nm (R=5.8), 866nm (R=8.3), and 962nm (R=11.6), respectively. Please refer to Table 4 in Tonry+ (2012, J/ApJ/750/99) for bandpass details. Schlafly+ (2012ApJ...756..158S) provides updated zeropoints in Table 1. Data for this catalog has been retrieved from STScI and was built from ObjectThin and StackObjectThin tables with nDetections>2.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/896/77
- Title:
- The PHLEK survey: oxygen & helium abundances
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/896/77
- Date:
- 11 Mar 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present Keck NIRSPEC and Keck NIRES spectroscopy of sixteen metal-poor galaxies that have pre-existing optical observations. The near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy specifically targets the HeI{lambda}10830{AA} emission line, due to its sensitivity to the physical conditions of the gas in HII regions. We use these NIR observations, combined with optical spectroscopy, to determine the helium abundance of sixteen galaxies across a metallicity range 12+log_10_(O/H)=7.13-8.00. This data set is combined with two other samples where metallicity and helium abundance measurements can be secured: star-forming galaxies selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectroscopic database, and existing low-metallicity systems in the literature. We calculate a linear fit to these measurements, accounting for intrinsic scatter, and report a new determination of the primordial helium number abundance, y_P_=0.0805_-0.0017_^+0.0017^, which corresponds to a primordial helium mass fraction Y_P_=0.2436_-0.0040_^+0.0039^. Using our determination of the primordial helium abundance in combination with the latest primordial deuterium measurement, (D/H)_P_x10^5^=2.527+/-0.030, we place a bound on the baryon density {Omega}_b_h^2^=0.0215_-0.0005_^+0.0005^ and the effective number of neutrino species N_eff_=2.85_-0.25_^+0.28^. These values are in 1.3{sigma} agreement with those deduced from the Planck satellite observations of the temperature fluctuations imprinted on the cosmic microwave background.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/332/L53
- Title:
- The PL relation of galactic carbon LPVs
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/332/L53
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The estimated true parallaxes of 115 carbon LPVs and their unbiased y-values (see Sect. 4) for a study of the period-luminosity relation. The tables contains the entry in the cited Stephenson's catalogue (1989, Cat. <III/156>), the log of the period in days, the absolute magnitude in the K-band, the y-quantity as defined in Sect. 4, the difference between the estimated true parallax and the observed one, the estimated true parallax, the square root of the weight (times 100) of every used y-value for Sample 1 PL-relation (Sect. 4) and the classification into three samples (see Subsec. 3.1).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/I/243
- Title:
- The PMM USNO-A1.0 Catalogue
- Short Name:
- I/243
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- USNO-A1.0 is a catalog of 488,006,860 sources whose positions can be used for astrometric references. These sources were detected by the Precision Measuring Machine (PMM) built and operated by the U. S. Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station during the scanning and processing of the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey I (POSS-I) O and E plates, the UK Science Research Council SRC-J survey plates, and the European Southern Observatory ESO-R survey plates. The PMM detects and processes at and beyond the nominal limiting magnitude of these surveys, but the large number of spurious detections requires that a filter be used to eliminate as many as possible. USNO-A's sole inclusion requirement was that there be spatially coincident detections (within a 2 arcsecond radius aperture) on the blue and red survey plate. For field centers of -30 degrees and above, data come from POSS-I plates, while data from field centers of -35 and below come from SRC-J and ESO-R plates.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/157/35
- Title:
- The population of pulsating variable stars in Sextans
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/157/35
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A large extension of the Sextans dwarf spheroidal galaxy, 7 deg^2^, has been surveyed for variable stars using the Dark Energy Camera at the Blanco Telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, Chile. We report seven anomalous Cepheids, 199 RR Lyrae stars, and 16 dwarf Cepheids in the field. This is only the fifth extragalactic system in which dwarf Cepheids have been systematically searched. Henceforth, the new stars increase the census of stars coming from different environments that can be used to asses the advantages and limitations of using dwarf Cepheids as standard candles in populations for which the metallicity is not necessarily known. The dwarf Cepheids found in Sextans have a mean period of 0.066 day and a mean g amplitude of 0.87 mag. They are located below the horizontal branch, spanning a range of 0.8 mag: 21.9<g<22.7. The number of dwarf Cepheids in Sextans is low compared with other galaxies such as Carina, which has a strong intermediate-age population. On the other hand, the number and ratio of RR Lyrae stars to dwarf Cepheids are quite similar to those of Sculptor, a galaxy which, as Sextans, is dominated by an old stellar population. The dwarf Cepheid stars found in Sextans follow a well-constrained period-luminosity relationship with an rms=0.05 mag in the g band, which was set up by anchoring to the distance modulus given by the RR Lyrae stars. Although the majority of the variable stars in Sextans are located toward the center of the galaxy, we have found two RR Lyrae stars and one anomalous Cepheid in the outskirts of the galaxy that may be extratidal stars and suggest that this galaxy may be undergoing tidal destruction. These possible extratidal variable stars share the same proper motions as Sextans, as seen by recent Gaia measurements. Two additional stars that we initially classified as foreground RR Lyrae stars may actually be other examples of Sextans extratidal anomalous Cepheids, although radial velocities are needed to prove that scenario.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/230/28
- Title:
- The populations of Carina. II. Abundances
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/230/28
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Chemical abundances are presented for 19 elements in a sample of 63 red giants in the Carina dwarf spheroidal galaxy (dSph), based on homogeneous 1D/LTE model atmosphere analyses of our own observations (32 stars) and data available in the literature (a further 31 independent stars). The (Fe) metallicity and [{alpha}/Fe] distribution functions have mean values and dispersions of -1.59 and 0.33dex ([Fe/H] range: -2.68 to -0.64) and 0.07 and 0.13dex ([{alpha}/Fe] range: -0.27 to 0.25), respectively. We confirm the finding of Venn+ (2012, J/ApJ/751/102) that a small percentage (some 10% in the present investigation) of the sample shows clear evidence for significant enrichment by Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) ejecta. Calcium, with the most accurately determined abundance of the {alpha}-elements, shows an asymmetric distribution toward smaller values of [Ca/Fe] at all [Fe/H], most significantly over -2.0<[Fe/H]<-1.0, suggestive of incomplete mixing of the ejecta of SNe Ia with the ambient medium of each of Carina's generations. Approximate color-magnitude diagram age estimates are presented for the sample, and together with our chemical abundances, compared with the results of our previous synthetic color-magnitude diagram analysis, which reported the details of Carina's four well-defined populations. We searched for the Na-O anticorrelation universally reported in the Galaxy's globular clusters and confirm that this phenomenon does not exist in Carina. We also found that one of the 32 stars in our sample has an extremely enhanced lithium abundance-A(Li)_NLTE_=+3.36, consistent with membership of the ~1% group of Li-rich stars in dSph described by Kirby+ (2012ApJ...752L..16K).
3779. The PPMXL Catalog
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/I/317
- Title:
- The PPMXL Catalog
- Short Name:
- I/317
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- USNO-B1.0 (Cat. I/284) and 2MASS (Cat. II/246) are the most widely used full-sky surveys. However, 2MASS has no proper motions at all, and USNO-B1.0 published only relative, not absolute (i.e. on ICRS) proper motions. We performed a new determination of mean positions and proper motions on the ICRS system by combining USNO-B1.0 and 2MASS astrometry. This catalog is called PPMXL, and it aims to be complete from the brightest stars down to about V=20 full-sky. PPMXL contains about 900 million objects, some 410 million with 2MASS photometry, and is the largest collection of ICRS proper motions at present. As representative for the ICRS we chose PPMX. The recently released UCAC3 (Cat. I/315) could not be used because we found plate-dependent distortions in its proper motion system north of -20{deg} declination. UCAC3 served as an intermediate system for {demta}<-20{deg}. The resulting typical individual mean errors of the proper motions range from 4mas/yr to more than 10mas/yr depending on observational history. The mean errors of positions at epoch 2000.0 are 80 to 120 mas, if 2MASS astrometry could be used, 150 to 300 mas else. We also give correction tables to convert USNO-B1.0 observations of e.g. minor planets to the ICRS system.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/199/3
- Title:
- The quasars MMT-BOSS pilot survey
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/199/3
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), a five-year spectroscopic survey of 10000deg^2^, achieved first light in late 2009. One of the key goals of BOSS is to measure the signature of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs) in the distribution of Ly{alpha} absorption from the spectra of a sample of ~150000 z>2.2 quasars. Along with measuring the angular diameter distance at z~2.5, BOSS will provide the first direct measurement of the expansion rate of the universe at z>2. One of the biggest challenges in achieving this goal is an efficient target selection algorithm for quasars in the redshift range 2.2<z<3.5, where their colors tend to overlap those of the far more numerous stars. During the first year of the BOSS survey, quasar target selection (QTS) methods were developed and tested to meet the requirement of delivering at least 15 quasars/deg^2^ in this redshift range, with a goal of 20 out of 40 targets/deg^2^ allocated to the quasar survey. To achieve these surface densities, the magnitude limit of the quasar targets was set at g<=22.0 or r<=21.85. We have defined a uniformly selected subsample of 20 targets/deg^2^, for which the selection efficiency is just over 50% (~10 z>2.20 quasars/deg^2^). This "CORE" subsample will be fixed for Years Two through Five of the survey. In this paper, we describe the evolution and implementation of the BOSS QTS algorithms during the first two years of BOSS operations (through 2011 July), in support of the science investigations based on these data, and we analyze the spectra obtained during the first year. During this year, 11263 new z>2.20 quasars were spectroscopically confirmed by BOSS, roughly double the number of previously known quasars with z>2.20. Our current algorithms select an average of 15 z>2.20 quasars/deg^2^ from 40 targets/deg^2^ using single-epoch SDSS imaging.