The Byurakan/Hamburg/ROSAT Catalogue (BHRC) of the optical identifications of X-ray sources is presented. The BHRC includes all 2791 sources from the ROSAT-FSC (<IX/29>) with |b|>30, DEC>0 and ROSAT count rate CR>0.04cts/s. The optical identifications were carried out by means of the Hamburg Quasar Survey (HQS) digitized spectroscopic plates, the DSS1 and DSS2 (blue, red, and IR) images, and other available data. We managed to identify 97% of sources (2696 sources) that are associated with 3202 optical objects. 2248 X-ray sources have a single optical counterpart, 144 have a double or multiple optical counterpart (binaries, galaxy groups etc.), and 304 have ambiguous identifications. The table gives all available multiwavelength data for the identified sources.
Results of long-term monitoring of the quasar 3C345 from 1984 to 1991 are presented. Observations has been conducted on the Byurakanskii station of the St. Petersburg Astronomical Institute since 1968 in the B band, and consist of 365 brightness estimates obtained over the course of 219 nights.
We present photographic UBV photometry of the blazar 3C 345 that were made during 79 nights in 1971-1974 and 1983-1984 as a part of the Petersburg Quasar Monitoring Program (PQMP) carried out at the Astronomical Institute of the St.-Petersburg University. These data were previously published by piecemeal (references are presented in Section 4). Now after partial revision these data are united in Table 1 that presents nightly averaged UBV magnitudes together with its rms errors (see Section 4 of the paper for the details). These data were used for the comparison of the spectral indices of the emission in the "fast" (time scales of nearly 10-20 days) and "slow" (time scales of nearly 1 yeas) outbursts in 3C 345.
Digitized UK Schmidt plate photometry, calibrated with CCD photometry, is obtained in 18 regions over the Bulge. Stars are selected for spectroscopic follow-up from with a carefully chosen colour-magnitude window, optimized for efficient detection of bulge K giants. Some 1500 stellar spectra are obtained with the AAT AUTOFIB facility. We derive a radial velocity and metallicity for each star, and quantify the uncertainties in these measurements. Luminosity classification is derived both by visual classification and by using an automated routine based on Principal Component Analysis. There are two basic results from this survey: the discovery of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy described by Ibata, Gilmore and Irwin (1994Natur.370..194I), and a study of the Galactic Bulge by Ibata and Gilmore (1995MNRAS.275..605I) The catalogue contains coordinates, photometry, radial velocities, luminosity classification and chemical abundances for approximately 1500 stars in lines of sight towards the Galactic Bulge. A detailed description of the selection of these stars, the methods used to derive the data, and the reliability of the data, is presented in the paper.
This is a catalogue contains photographically determined UBVr magnitudes for more than 13000 stars at high galactic latitude. Eight pieces of information are given for each star: identification number, approximate x and y coordinates as measured on the plates, V, B, U, r, and comments.
New observations from the southern hemisphere have been used to check the periods for the 11 RR Lyrae variables in and around the globular cluster Messier 9. The periods were determined previously with data from northern observatories where M9 can only be observed over a small range in hour angle. Three of the eleven published periods were found to be in error. As a result of this, the mean period of the RRc variables has been revised from 0.279d to 0.341d, the mean period of the RRab variables has been revised from 0.614d to 0.621d,and a star previously believed to be an RR Lyrae has been reclassified as a Population II Cepheid. One of the RRc variables may be a double-mode pulsator. Another variable was studied, but the data were not sufficient for determining its period.
Radii, b26 magnitudes, (b-r) colors, position angles, and ellipticities have been measured on the plates of Palomar 48-inch Schmidt telescope taken in May 1976, for 6925 galaxies in a 5-sq deg field enclosing the close pair of rich clusters A2197 and A2199.
The study presents photoelectric photometry of stars in NGC 5822 on the UBVR and DDO systems. The BV data are employed to calibrate a photographic survey of the cluster, while UBV and DDO data are used to constrain the cluster reddening and metallicity. Taken in conjunction with previous photometric analysis, it is found that the cluster has a reddening of 0.15+/-0.015(pe) as defined for the stars at the turnoff, and a metallicity relative to the sun of -0.15+/-0.05(pe).
Photovisual and photographic magnitudes of more than 400 stars in the globular cluster M22 have been measured. The resulting color-magnitude diagram extends to slightly fainter than the RR Lyurae domain and is generally similar to those for other globular clusters, in particular most resembling the diagram for M13
Photographic BV photometry has been performed for stars in the southern globular cluster NGC 6139. Equatorial coordinates have been determined for the ten variables recognized in NGC 6139.