- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/573/A126
- Title:
- VLT/NaCo Large program I. Sample
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/573/A126
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Young, close stars are ideal targets for searching planets using the direct imaging technique. The determination of stellar parameters is crucial for the interpretation of imaging survey results, particularly since the luminosity of substellar objects has a strong dependence on system age. We have conducted a large program with NaCo at the VLT to search for planets and brown dwarfs in wide orbits around 86 stars. A large fraction of the targets observed with NaCo were poorly investigated in the literature. We performed a study to characterize the fundamental properties (age, distance, and mass) of the stars in our sample. To improve target age determinations, we compiled and analyzed a complete set of age diagnostics. We measured spectroscopic parameters and age diagnostics using dedicated observations acquired with FEROS and CORALIE spectrographs at La Silla Observatory. We also made extensive use of archival spectroscopic data and the results that are available in the literature. Additionally, we exploited photometric time-series, which are available in ASAS and Super-WASP archives, to derive a rotational period for a large fraction of our program stars. We provided updated characterization of all the targets observed in the VLT NaCo Large program, a survey designed to probe the occurrence of exoplanets and brown dwarfs in wide orbits. The median distance and age of our program stars are 64pc and 100Myr, respectively. Nearly all the stars have masses between 0.70 and 1.50M_{sun}_, with a median value of 1.01M_{sun}_. The typical metallicity is close to solar with a dispersion that is smaller than that of samples usually observed in radial velocity surveys. Several stars are confirmed or proposed here to be members of close young moving groups. Eight spectroscopic binaries are identified.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/511/A63
- Title:
- V1118 Ori UBVRIJHK outburst light curves
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/511/A63
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The accretion history of low-mass young stars is not smooth but shows spikes of accretion that can last from months and years to decades and centuries. Observations of young stars in outbursts can help us understand the temporal evolution of accreting stars and the interplay between the accretion disk and the stellar magnetosphere. The young late-type star V1118 Orionis was in outburst from 2005 to 2006. We followed the outburst with optical and near-infrared photometry. The X-ray emission was further probed with observations taken with XMM-Newton and Chandra during and after the outburst. In addition, we obtained mid-infrared photometry and spectroscopy with Spitzer at the peak of the outburst and in the post-outburst phase. The spectral energy distribution of V1118 Ori varied significantly over the course of the outburst. The optical flux showed the largest variations, most likely caused by enhanced emission by a hot spot. The hot spot dominated the optical and near-infrared emission at the peak of the outburst, while the disk emission dominated in the mid-infrared. The emission silicate feature in V1118 Ori is flat and does not vary in shape, but was slightly brighter at the peak of the outburst compared to the post-outburst spectrum. The X-ray flux correlated with the optical and infrared fluxes, indicating that accretion affected the magnetically active corona and the stellar magnetosphere. The thermal structure of the corona was variable with some indication of a cooling of the coronal temperature in the early phase of the outburst with a gradual return to normal values. Color-color diagrams in the optical and infrared showed variations during the outburst, with no obvious signature of reddening caused by circumstellar matter. Using Monte-Carlo realizations of star+disk+hotspot models to fit the spectral energy distributions in "quiescence" and at the peak of the outburst, we determined that the mass accretion rate varied from about 2.5x10^-7^M_{sun}_/yr to 1.0x10^-6^M_{sun}_/yr; in addition, the fractional area of the hotspot increased significantly. The multi-wavelength study of the V1118 Ori outburst helped us to understand the variations in spectral energy distributions and demonstrated the interplay between the disk and the stellar magnetosphere in a young, strongly accreting star.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/430/1005
- Title:
- VRIH{alpha} photometry of NGC 2264 variables
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/430/1005
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Table 1 lists 405 periodic variable stars we found in the area of NGC 2264 between. It contains information of the position, brightness, colours, and period of these stars. It also lists the spectral type taken from the literature (if available) as well as the alternative identification numbers of the stars which we used in the analysis process. The results presented here are based on a photometric monitoring program of a 34'x34' field in NGC 2264 carried out with the Wide-Field-Imager (WFI) attached to the ESO/MPG 2.2m telescope on La Silla, Chile. Observations were obtained on 44 nights in the I_C_ band during a period of two months between Dec. 2000 and March 2001. We also obtained several additional images through V, R_C_ and H{alpha} filters.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/159/135
- Title:
- VRIJHK LCs of the binary T Tauri star V582 Mon
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/159/135
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The binary T Tauri star V582Mon (KH15D) is surrounded by a tilted and nodally precessing ring of dusty material, which has caused periodic occultations of one or both stars over the last 50 years. Here, we present multi-color time-series photometry (VRIJHK) throughout the 2017/2018 observing season, when the ring was covering the entire orbit of star A and gradually exposing the orbit of star B. We calculate the mean apparent magnitude of star B to be I=14.08. Besides the periodic eclipses of star B due to its orbital motion, we observed unexpected dips in brightness indicative of partially transparent stellar-sized clumps within the ring. The wavelength dependence of these events is suggestive of extinction by dust grains significantly larger than typical interstellar dust grains. The photometric variability observed while star B is being uncovered by the trailing edge of the ring is not simply the time reversal of the behavior seen when star A was being covered by the leading edge. Whereas the leading edge appeared to be very sharply defined, the trailing edge is "clumpy" and "fuzzy" (transparent), with a more gradual transition in opacity. The clumpiness and transparency of the occulting material provide a unique opportunity to study the properties of dust grains in a likely planet-forming zone.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/147/9
- Title:
- VRIJHK light curves of V582 Mon
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/147/9
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present multi-wavelength (VRIJHK) observations of KH 15D obtained in 2012/2013, as well as a master table of standard photometry spanning the years 1967 to 2013. The system is a close, eccentric T Tauri binary embedded in an inclined precessing circumbinary (CB) ring. The most recent data show the continued rise of star B with respect to the trailing edge of the occulting horizon as the system's maximum brightness steadily increases. The wealth of data in time and wavelength domains allows us to track the long-term CCD color evolution of KH 15D. We find that the V-I behavior is consistent with direct and scattered light from the composite color of two stars with slightly different temperatures. There is no evidence for any reddening or bluing associated with extinction or scattering by interstellar-medium-size dust grains. Furthermore, we probe the system's faint phase behavior at near-infrared wavelengths in order to investigate extinction properties of the ring and signatures of a possible shepherding planet sometimes invoked to confine the CB ring at ~5AU. The wavelength independence of eclipse depth at second contact is consistent with the ring material being fully opaque to 2.2{mu}m. The color-magnitude diagrams demonstrate excess flux in J and H at low light levels, which may be due to the presence of a hot, young Jupiter-mass planet.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/330/990
- Title:
- VRIJHK photometry of the Serpens cloud core
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/330/990
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present results from a deep optical (VRI) and near infrared (JHK) survey of the central part of the Serpens molecular cloud. A total of 138 sources were detected in the 19 arcmin^2^ surveyed area down to a limiting magnitude of 16.3 in K. We find that the form of the observed K Luminosity Function (KLF) of stars belonging to the Serpens Molecular cloud is consistent with that predicted from a Miller & Scalo (1979ApJS...41..513M) Interstellar Mass Function (IMF). We have investigated the KLF evolution with the age of a cluster by modeling KLFs of hypothetical clusters. Our results suggest that two phases of star formation could have taken place in the Serpens core.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/155/47
- Title:
- VRIJHK photometry of the T Tauri binary KH 15D
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/155/47
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present VRIJHK photometry of the KH 15D T Tauri binary system for the 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 observing seasons. For the first time in the modern (CCD) era, we are seeing Star B fully emerge from behind the trailing edge of the precessing circumbinary ring during each apastron passage. We are, therefore, able to measure its luminosity and color. Decades of photometry on the system now allow us to infer the effective temperature, radius, mass, and age of each binary component. We find our values to be in good agreement with previous studies, including archival photographic photometry from the era when both stars were fully visible, and they set the stage for a full model of the system that can be constructed once radial velocity measurements are available. We also present the first high-sensitivity radio observations of the system, taken with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array and the Submillimeter Array. The respective 2.0 and 0.88 mm observations provide an upper limit on the circumbinary (gas and dust) disk mass of 1.7 M_Jup_ and reveal an extended CO outflow, which overlaps with the position, systemic velocity, and orientation of the KH 15D system and is certainly associated with it. The low velocity, tight collimation, and extended nature of the emission suggest that the outflow is inclined nearly orthogonal to the line of sight, implying it is also orthogonal to the circumbinary ring. The position angle of the radio outflow also agrees precisely with the direction of polarization of the optical emission during the faint phase. A small offset between the optical image of the binary and the central line of the CO outflow remains a puzzle and possible clue to the jet launching mechanism.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/468/1039
- Title:
- VRIJK photometry of GQ Lup
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/468/1039
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We wanted to determine the rotation parameters of GQ Lup A, thereby constraining the evolutionary history of the GQ Lup system. We have undertaken a photometric monitoring campaign on GQ Lup A consisting of two epochs spaced one year apart. We also searched the photometric archives to enlarge the data set.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/118/2409
- Title:
- VRI photometry of {lambda} Ori PMS stars
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/118/2409
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have found 72 premain-sequence (PMS) stars near the center of the {lambda} Orionis star-forming region by spectroscopically testing a magnitude-limited sample for the presence of lithium {lambda}6708 absorption, a diagnostic of youth. All of these stars show large lithium equivalent widths and radial velocities consistent with Orion membership, but only two were discovered previously via H{alpha} or X-ray surveys.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/123/387
- Title:
- VRI photometry of {lambda} Ori star-forming region
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/123/387
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present VRI photometry of 320,917 stars with 11<~R<~18 throughout the {lambda} Ori star-forming region. Using the more spatially limited spectroscopic surveys of Dolan & Mathieu (1999, Cat. <J/AJ/118/2409>, 2001, Cat. <J/AJ/121/2124>) to define the color-magnitude domain of young low-mass members of the association and removing statistically the field stars in this domain, we use our photometry to identify a representative pre-main-sequence (PMS) population throughout the interior of the molecular ring.