- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/819/69
- Title:
- [NII]205um emission in local luminous IR galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/819/69
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In this paper, we present the measurements of the [NII]205{mu}m line for a flux-limited sample of 122 (ultra-)luminous infrared galaxies [(U)LIRGs] and 20 additional normal galaxies, obtained with the Herschel Space Observatory (Herschel). We explore the far-infrared (FIR) color dependence of the [NII]205{mu}m (L_[NII]205{mu}m_) to the total infrared (L_IR_) luminosity ratio, and find that L_[NII]205{mu}m_/L_IR_ only depends modestly on the 70-160{mu}m flux density ratio (f70/f160) when f70/f160<~0.6, whereas such dependence becomes much steeper for f70/f160>0.6. We also investigate the relation between L_[NII]205{mu}m_ and star formation rate (SFR), and show that L_[NII]205{mu}m_ has a nearly linear correlation with SFR, albeit the intercept of such a relation varies somewhat with f60/f100, consistent with our previous conclusion that [NII]205{mu}m emission can serve as an SFR indicator with an accuracy of ~0.4dex, or ~0.2dex if f60/f100 is known independently. Furthermore, together with the Infrared Space Observatory measurements of [NII], we use a total of ~200 galaxies to derive the local [NII]205{mu}m luminosity function (LF) by tying it to the known IR LF with a bivariate method. As a practical application, we also compute the local SFR volume density ({rho}_SFR_) using the newly derived SFR calibrator and LF. The resulting log{rho}_SFR_=-1.96+/-0.11M_{sun}_/yr/Mpc^3^ agrees well with previous studies. Finally, we determine the electron densities (n_e_) of the ionized medium for a subsample of 12 (U)LIRGs with both [NII]205{mu}m and [NII]122{mu}m data, and find that n_e_ is in the range of ~1-100/cm^3^, with a median value of 22/cm^3^.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/900/L43
- Title:
- NIR APOGEE radial velocities of Draco C1
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/900/L43
- Date:
- 15 Feb 2022 00:49:05
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Draco C1 is a known symbiotic binary star system composed of a carbon red giant and a hot, compact companion-likely a white dwarf-belonging to the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy. From near-infrared spectroscopic observations taken by the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE-2), part of Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV, we provide updated stellar parameters for the cool, giant component, and constrain the temperature and mass of the hot, compact companion. Prior measurements of the periodicity of the system, based on only a few epochs of radial velocity data or relatively short baseline photometric observations, were sufficient only to place lower limits on the orbital period (P>300d). For the first time, we report precise orbital parameters for the binary system: with 43 radial velocity measurements from APOGEE spanning an observational baseline of more than 3yr, we definitively derive the period of the system to be 1220.0_-3.5_^+3.7^days. Based on the newly derived orbital period and separation of the system, together with estimates of the radius of the red giant star, we find that the hot companion must be accreting matter from the dense wind of its evolved companion.
1773. NIR H lines in TTS
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/365/90
- Title:
- NIR H lines in TTS
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/365/90
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Paschen {beta} and/or Bracket {gamma} emission line profiles were obtained for a sample of 50 T Tauri stars mostly from the Taurus-Auriga complex. The tables presented here contain the computed line parameters of the observed line profiles.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/837/118
- Title:
- NIR knots in the Cas A supernova remnant
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/837/118
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the results of broadband (0.95-2.46{mu}m) near-infrared spectroscopic observations of the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant. Using a clump-finding algorithm in two-dimensional dispersed images, we identify 63 "knots" from eight slit positions and derive their spectroscopic properties. All of the knots emit [FeII] lines together with other ionic forbidden lines of heavy elements, and some of them also emit H and He lines. We identify 46 emission line features in total from the 63 knots and measure their fluxes and radial velocities. The results of our analyses of the emission line features based on principal component analysis show that the knots can be classified into three groups: (1) He-rich, (2) S-rich, and (3) Fe-rich knots. The He-rich knots have relatively small, <~200km/s, line-of-sight speeds and radiate strong He I and [FeII] lines resembling closely optical quasi-stationary flocculi of circumstellar medium, while the S-rich knots show strong lines from O-burning material with large radial velocities up to ~2000km/s indicating that they are supernova ejecta material known as fast-moving knots. The Fe-rich knots also have large radial velocities but show no lines from O-burning material. We discuss the origin of the Fe-rich knots and conclude that they are most likely "pure" Fe ejecta synthesized in the innermost region during the supernova explosion. The comparison of [FeII] images with other waveband images shows that these dense Fe ejecta are mainly distributed along the southwestern shell just outside the unshocked ^44^Ti in the interior, supporting the presence of unshocked Fe associated with ^44^Ti.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/560/A99
- Title:
- NIR long-slit spectra of Seyfert galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/560/A99
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The excitation of the gas phase of the interstellar medium can be driven by various mechanisms. In galaxies with an active nucleus, such as Seyfert galaxies, both radiative and mechanical energy from the central black hole, or the stars in the disk surrounding it may play a role. We investigate the relative importance and range of influence of the active galactic nucleus for the excitation of ionized and molecular gas in the central kiloparsec of its host galaxy. We present H- and K-band long-slit spectra for a sample of 21 nearby (D<70Mpc) Seyfert galaxies obtained with the NIRSPEC instrument on the Keck telescope. For each galaxy, we fit the nebular line emission, stellar continua, and warm molecular gas as a function of distance from the nucleus.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/239/22
- Title:
- NIR obs. of X-ray AGNs in COSMOS, SXDS & E-CDF-S
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/239/22
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present near-IR spectroscopy in the J- and H-bands for a large sample of 243 X-ray-selected, moderate-luminosity Type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in the COSMOS, SXDS, and E-CDF-S survey fields using the multi-object spectrograph Subaru/FMOS. Our sample covers the redshift range 0.5<=z<=3.0 and X-ray luminosity range of 10^43^<=L_[2-10keV]_<=10^45^erg/s. We provide emission-line properties and derived virial black hole mass estimates, bolometric luminosities, and Eddington ratios, based on H{alpha} (211), H{beta} (63), and MgII (4). We compare line widths, luminosities, and black hole mass estimates from H{alpha} and H{beta}, and augment these with commensurate measurements of MgII and CIV detected in optical spectra. We demonstrate the robustness of using H{alpha}, H{beta}, and MgII as reliable black hole mass estimators for high-z moderate-luminosity AGNs, while the use of CIV is prone to large uncertainties (>=0.4dex). We extend a recently proposed correction based on the CIV blueshift to lower luminosities and black hole masses. While our sample shows an improvement in their CIV black hole mass estimates, the deficit of high blueshift sources reduces its overall importance for moderate-luminosity AGNs compared to the most luminous quasars. In addition, we revisit luminosity correlations between Lbol, L_[2-10keV]_, L[OIII], L5100, and LH{alpha} and find them to be consistent with a simple empirical model, based on a small number of well-established scaling relations. Finally, we highlight our highest redshift AGN, CID 781, at z=4.6, which has the lowest black hole mass (~10^8^M_{sun}_) among current near-IR samples at this redshift and is in a state of fast growth.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/796/7
- Title:
- NIR spectral analysis of star-forming galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/796/7
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In this paper, we follow up on our previous detection of nuclear ionized outflows in the most massive (log(M_*_/M_{sun}_)>=10.9) z~1-3 star-forming galaxies (SFGs) by increasing the sample size by a factor of six (to 44 galaxies above log(M_*_/M_{sun}_)>=10.9) from a combination of the SINS/zC-SINF, LUCI, GNIRS, and KMOS^3D^ spectroscopic surveys.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/503/639
- Title:
- NIR spectral of M-T dwarfs
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/503/639
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present complete near-infrared (0.85-2.45um), low-resolution (R~100) spectra of a sample of 54 disk M-, L-, and T-dwarfs with reliable optical or near infrared spectral-type classification from the literature. The observations were obtained with a prism-based optical element, the Amici device, which provides a complete spectrum of the source on the detector. Our observations indicate that low-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy can be used to determine the spectral classification of late-type field dwarfs in a fast but accurate way. We derive a set of near-infrared spectral indices that are useful to the classification of field dwarfs not seriously affected by reddening. Finally, we show that the comparison of Amici spectra with model atmospheres allows us to obtain a reliable estimate of the dwarf effective temperatures
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/135/55
- Title:
- NIR spectra of Centaurs and Kuiper Belt objects
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/135/55
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present here an extensive survey of near-infrared (NIR) spectra of Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) and Centaurs taken with the Keck I Telescope. We find that most spectra in our sample are well characterized by a combination of water ice and a featureless continuum. A comparative analysis reveals that the NIR spectral properties have little correlation to the visible colors or albedo, with the exception of the fragment KBOs produced from the giant impact on 2003 E
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/898/77
- Title:
- NIR spectra of 2 extreme T-type subdwarfs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/898/77
- Date:
- 21 Mar 2022 08:47:02
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the discoveries of WISEAJ041451.67-585456.7 and WISEAJ181006.18-101000.5, two low-temperature (1200-1400K), high proper motion T-type subdwarfs. Both objects were discovered via their high proper motion (>0.5yr^-1^); WISEA J181006.18-101000.5 as part of the NEOWISE proper motion survey and WISEA J041451.67-585456.7 as part of the citizen science project Backyard Worlds; Planet 9. We have confirmed both as brown dwarfs with follow-up near-infrared spectroscopy. Their spectra and near-infrared colors are unique among known brown dwarfs, with some colors consistent with L-type brown dwarfs and other colors resembling those of the latest-type T dwarfs. While no forward model consistently reproduces the features seen in their near-infrared spectra, the closest matches suggest very low metallicities ([Fe/H]<=-1), making these objects likely the first examples of extreme subdwarfs of the T spectral class (esdT). WISEAJ041451.67-585456.7 and WISEA J181006.18-101000.5 are found to be part of a small population of objects that occupy the "substellar transition zone", and have the lowest masses and effective temperatures of all objects in this group.