- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/159/61
- Title:
- Optical LCs & spectrum of the RCB star ZTF18abhjrcf
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/159/61
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2022 07:17:25
- Publisher:
- Description:
- R Coronae Borealis stars (RCBs) constitute a rare class of stars that are hydrogen depleted and carbon enriched, possibly from white dwarf mergers. RCBs are identified by their stochastic dimming with photometric variations of as much as eight magnitudes. Hence, the discoveries of RCBs were heavily biased to the limited regions monitored by long-term microlensing experiments. However, recent studies of galactic RCBs have shown that they exhibit distinct mid-infrared colors originating from their cool circumstellar shells. The all-sky Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) survey thus facilitates the identification of RCB candidates. Therefore, combining the WISE colors with large-area time-domain surveys will enable us to discover more RCBs. Here we present the results of a first attempt to identify RCBs in the public Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) alert stream, using the alert broker ANTARES. We identify a candidate RCB using the infrared color selection by Tisserand+, 2013A&A...551A..77T and large light curve variations in the optical from ZTF. We then conduct subsequent observations using the FLOYDS spectrograph at the Las Cumbres Observatory and confirm ZTF18abhjrcf as a bona fide RCB. This demonstrates the potential to discover uncharted RCBs as ZTF and other time-domain surveys continue to operate.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/456/3509
- Title:
- Optically thin CIII absorbers at z~2.5
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/456/3509
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the Voigt profile analysis of 132 intervening CIV+CIII components associated with optically thin HI absorbers at 2.1<z<3.4 in the 19 high-quality UVES/VLT and HIRES/Keck QSO spectra. For logN_CIV_ in [11.7, 14.1], N_CIII_{propto}N_CIV_^1.42+/-0.11^ and <N_CIII}/N_CIV>=1.0+/-0.3 with a negligible redshift evolution. For 54 CIV components tied (aligned) with HI at logN_HI_ in [12.2, 16.0] and logN_CIV_ in [11.8, 13.8], the gas temperature T_b_ estimated from absorption line widths is well approximated to a Gaussian peaking at logT_b_~4.4+/-0.3 for logT_b_ in [3.5, 5.5], with a negligible non-thermal contribution. For 32 of 54 tied HI+CIV pairs, also tied with CIII at logN_CIII_ in [11.7, 13.8], we ran both photoionization equilibrium (PIE) and non-PIE (using a fixed temperature T_b_) cloudy models for the Haardt-Madau QSOs+galaxies 2012 UV background. We find evidence of bimodality in observed and derived physical properties. High-metallicity branch absorbers have a carbon abundance [C/H]temp>=-1.0, a line-of-sight length L_temp_<=20kpc and a total (neutral and ionized) hydrogen volume density logn_H,temp_ in [-4.5, -3.3] and logT_b_ in [3.9, 4.5]. Low-metallicity branch absorbers have [C/H]temp<=-1.0, L_temp_ in [20, 480]kpc and logn_H,temp_ in [-5.2, -4.3] and logT_b_~ 4.5. High-metallicity branch absorbers seem to be originated from extended discs, inner haloes or outflowing gas of intervening galaxies, while low-metallicity absorbers are produced by galactic haloes or the surrounding intergalactic medium filament.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/160/235
- Title:
- Optical photometry and RVs of TOI-481b and TOI-892b
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/160/235
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the discovery of two new 10 day period giant planets from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite mission, whose masses were precisely determined using a wide diversity of ground-based facilities. TOI-481b and TOI-892b have similar radii (0.99{+/-}0.01R_Jup_ and 1.07{+/-}0.02R_Jup_, respectively), and orbital periods (10.3311days and 10.6266days, respectively), but significantly different masses (1.53{+/-}0.03M_Jup versus 0.95{+/-}0.07M_Jup_, respectively). Both planets orbit metal-rich stars ([Fe/H]=+0.26{+/-}0.05dex and [Fe/H]=+0.24{+/-}0.05 for TOI-481 and TOI-892, respectively) but at different evolutionary stages. TOI-481 is a M_*_=1.14{+/-}0.02M_{odot}_, R_*_=1.66{+/-}0.02R_{odot}_ G-type star (Teff=5735{+/-}72K), that with an age of 6.7Gyr, is in the turn-off point of the main sequence. TOI-892 on the other hand, is a F-type dwarf star (Teff=6261{+/-}80K), which has a mass of M_*_=1.28{+/-}0.03M_{odot}_ and a radius of R_*_=1.39{+/-}0.02R_{odot}_. TOI-481b and TOI-892b join the scarcely populated region of transiting gas giants with orbital periods longer than 10days, which is important to constrain theories of the formation and structure of hot Jupiters.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/758/25
- Title:
- Optical properties of WISE galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/758/25
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We use a dense, complete redshift survey, the Smithsonian Hectospec Lensing Survey (SHELS), covering a 4deg^2^ region of a deep imaging survey, the Deep Lens Survey (DLS), to study the optical spectral properties of Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) 22{mu}m selected galaxies. Among 507 WISE 22{mu}m selected sources with (S/N)_22{mu}m_>=3 ({approx}S_22{mu}m_>~2.5mJy), we identify the optical counterparts of 481 sources (~98%) at R<25.2 in the very deep, DLS R-band source catalog. Among them, 337 galaxies at R<21 have SHELS spectroscopic data. Most of these objects are at z<0.8. The infrared (IR) luminosities are in the range 4.5x10^8^(L_{sun}_)<~L_IR_<~5.4x10^12^(L_{sun}_). Most 22{mu}m selected galaxies are dusty star-forming galaxies with a small (<1.5) 4000{AA} break. The stacked spectra of the 22 {mu}m selected galaxies binned in IR luminosity show that the strength of the [O III] line relative to H{beta} grows with increasing IR luminosity. The optical spectra of the 22{mu}m selected galaxies also show that there are some (~2.8%) unusual galaxies with very strong [Ne III] {lambda}3869, 3968 emission lines that require hard ionizing radiation such as active galactic nuclei (AGNs) or extremely young massive stars. The specific star formation rates (sSFRs) derived from the 3.6 and 22{mu}m flux densities are enhanced if the 22{mu}m selected galaxies have close late-type neighbors. The sSFR distribution of the 22{mu}m selected galaxies containing AGNs is similar to the distribution for star-forming galaxies without AGNs. We identify 48 dust-obscured galaxy candidates with large (>~1000) mid-IR to optical flux density ratio. The combination of deep photometric and spectroscopic data with WISE data suggests that WISE can probe the universe to z~2.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/840/97
- Title:
- Optical reverberation mapping campaign of 5 AGNs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/840/97
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the first results from an optical reverberation mapping campaign executed in 2014 targeting the active galactic nuclei (AGNs) MCG+08-11-011, NGC 2617, NGC 4051, 3C 382, and Mrk 374. Our targets have diverse and interesting observational properties, including a "changing look" AGN and a broad-line radio galaxy. Based on continuum-H{beta} lags, we measure black hole masses for all five targets. We also obtain H{gamma} and HeII{lambda}4686 lags for all objects except 3C 382. The HeII{lambda}4686 lags indicate radial stratification of the BLR, and the masses derived from different emission lines are in general agreement. The relative responsivities of these lines are also in qualitative agreement with photoionization models. These spectra have extremely high signal-to-noise ratios (100-300 per pixel) and there are excellent prospects for obtaining velocity-resolved reverberation signatures.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/875/85
- Title:
- Optical search for SNRs in NGC6946 with WIYN & GMOS
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/875/85
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The relatively nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946 is one of the most actively star-forming galaxies in the local universe. Ten supernovae (SNe) have been observed since 1917, and hence NGC 6946 surely contains a large number of supernova remnants (SNRs). Here we report a new optical search for these SNRs using narrowband images obtained with the WIYN telescope. We identify 147 emission nebulae as likely SNRs, based on elevated [SII]:H{alpha} ratios compared to HII regions. We have obtained spectra of 102 of these nebulae with Gemini North-GMOS; of these, 89 have [SII]:H{alpha} ratios greater than 0.4, the canonical optical criterion for identifying SNRs. There is very little overlap between our sample and the SNR candidates identified by Lacey+ (1997ApJS..109..417L) from radio data. Also, very few of our SNR candidates are known X-ray sources, unlike the situation in some other galaxies such as M33 and M83. The emission-line ratios, e.g., [NII]:H{alpha}, of the candidates in NGC 6946 are typical of those observed in SNR samples from other galaxies with comparable metallicity. None of the candidates observed in our low-resolution spectra show evidence of anomalous abundances or significant velocity broadening. A search for emission at the sites of all the historical SNe in NGC 6946 resulted in detections for only two: SN 1980K and SN 2004et. Spectra of both show very broad, asymmetric line profiles, consistent with the interaction between SN ejecta and the progenitor star's circumstellar material, as seen in late spectra from other core-collapse SNe of similar age.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AZh/84/714
- Title:
- Optical spectral variability of BD+48 1220
- Short Name:
- J/AZh/84/714
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Based on high-resolution observations (R=60000 and 75000), we have studied the optical spectral variability of the star BD+48 1220, identified with the IR-source IRAS 05040+4820. We have measured the equivalent widths of numerous absorption lines of neutral atoms and ions at wavelengths from 4500 to 6760{AA}, as well as the corresponding radial velocities. We use model atmospheres to determine the effective temperature Teff=7900K, surface gravity log g=0.0, microturbulence velocity xi_t_=6.0, and the abundances for 16 elements. The star's metallicity differs little from the solar value: [Fe/H]=-0.10dex. The main peculiarity of the chemical composition of the star is a large He-excess, derived from the HeI 5876{AA} absorption, [He/H]=+1.04, and the equally large O-excess, [O/Fe]=+0.72dex. The C-excess is small, [C/Fe]=+0.09dex, and the ratio [C/O]<=1. We obtained a revised relation for the light-metal abundances: [Na/Fe]=+0.87 with [Mg/Fe]=-0.31. The barium abundance is low, [Ba/Fe]=-0.84. The radial velocity of the star measured from photospheric absorption lines over three years of observations varies in the interval V_{sun}_=-(7-15)km/s. Time variable differential line shifts have been revealed. The entire set of available data (the luminosity Mv~-5mag, velocity V_lsr_~-20km/s, metallicity [Fe/H]=-0.10, and peculiarities of the optical spectrum and chemical composition) confirms the status of BD+48 1220 as a post-AGB star with He- and O-excesses belonging to the Galactic disk.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AZh/83/265
- Title:
- Optical spectral variability of IRAS 20508+2011
- Short Name:
- J/AZh/83/265
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Based on high-resolution spectra we revealed variability of the optical spectrum of the cool star identified with the IR source IRAS 20508+2011. Over the five years of our observations, the radial velocity derived from photospheric absorption lines varied in the interval V_r_=15-30km/s. In the same time, the H(alpha) profile varied from an intense bell-shaped emission line with a small absorption to 2-peaked emission with a central absorption feature below the continuum level. At all but one epoch, the positions of the metallic photospheric lines were systematically shifted relative to the H(alpha) emission: Delta V_r_=V_r_(met)-V_r_(Halpha,emis)~-23km/s. The NaD doublet lines shown a complex profile with broad (half-width about 120km/s) emission and photospheric absorption, as well as an interstellar component. We used model atmospheres to determine the physical parameters and chemical composition of the star's atmosphere: Teff=4800K, logg=1.5, Vt=4.0km/s and metallicity [Fe/H]=-0.36. We detected overabundances of oxygen [O/Fe]=+1.79 (with the ratio [C/O]~-0.9), and alpha-process elements, as well as a deficit of heavy metals. The totality of the parameters suggests that the optical component of IRAS 20508+2011 is an "O-rich" AGB star with luminosity M_v_~-3mag that is close to its evolution transition to the post-AGB stage.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/622/A45
- Title:
- 1995-2000 optical spectra of CH Cyg
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/622/A45
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- CH Cyg is one of the most studied symbiotic stars. Its properties, however, are still not well known. Two main periods, about 15 years and 750-days, are known in the photometric and spectroscopic variations, and two models are proposed for these origins. One is a binary system with an orbital period of 15 years consisting of a hot component and pulsating red giant with a 750-day period. The other is a triple system consisting of an inner symbiotic binary with an orbital period of about 750-days and third component with an orbital period of 15 years. Several active stages have been observed since the 1970s during which the object brightened up by {Delta}U=3-5mag and prominent emission lines appeared. Large mass outflows were observed at some active stages. The spectral variation of CH Cyg has been monitored at Asiago Observatories to understand the problems mentioned above. We have analysed spectra obtained in the time period from 1995 to 2004 which covers an active stage during the years 1998-2000. High- and low-resolution optical spectra obtained at the Asiago Observatories are used. Narrow absorption lines of FeI, CrI, TiI, and so on appeared in 1998 at an early phase of the active stage. These lines are clearly distinguished from those of the M-type giant and are typically found on the spectrum of early A-type dwarfs. They were redshifted by about 30km/s, with respect to the absorption lines of the M-type giant. Assuming that their radial velocities represent the orbital motion of the hot component, its semi-amplitude is estimated to be 37.0+/60.5km/s.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/338/1066
- Title:
- Optical Spectra of DENIS Brown Dwarf Candidate
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/338/1066
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Optical spectra for candidate brown dwarfs from the DENIS Mini-survey are provided. These are the spectra used to in Figure 1 of the paper.