- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/568/L7
- Title:
- Reflectance spectra of 12 Trojans and Hildas
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/568/L7
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Hilda asteroids and Jupiter Trojans are two low-albedo (p_v_~0.07) populations for which the Nice model predicts an origin in the primordial Kuiper Belt region. However, recent surveys by WISE and the Spitzer Space Telescope (SST) have revealed that ~2% of these objects possess high albedos (p_v_>=0.15), which might indicate interlopers --that is, objects not formed in the Kuiper Belt-- among these two populations. Here, we report spectroscopic observations in the visible and/or near-infrared spectral ranges of twelve high-albedo (p_v_>0.15) Hilda asteroids and Jupiter Trojans. These twelve objects have spectral properties similar to those of the low-albedo population, which suggests a similar composition and hence a similar origin for low- and high-albedo Hilda asteroids and Jupiter Trojans. We therefore propose that most high albedos probably result from statistical bias or uncertainties that affect the WISE and SST measurements. However, some of the high albedos may be true and the outcome of some collision-induced resurfacing by a brighter material that could include water ice. Future work should attempt to investigate the nature of this supposedly bright material. The lack of interlopers in our sample allows us to set an upper limit of 0.4% at a confidence level of 99.7% on the abundance of interlopers with unexpected taxonomic classes (e.g., A-, S-, V-type asteroids) among these two populations.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/553/A81
- Title:
- Refraction of corundum, spinel, {alpha}-quartz
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/553/A81
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Many cosmic dust species, among them refractory oxides, form at temperatures higher than 300K. Nevertheless, most astrophysical studies are based on the room-temperature optical constants of solids, such as corundum and spinel. A more realistic approach is needed for these materials, especially in the context of modeling late-type stars. We aimed at deriving sets of optical constants of selected, astrophysically relevant oxide dust species with high melting points. A high-temperature, high-pressure cell and a Fourier-transform spectrometer were used to measure reflectance spectra of polished samples. For corundum ({alpha}-Al_2_O_3_), spinel (MgAl_2_O_4_), and {alpha}-quartz (SiO_2_), temperature-dependent optical constants were measured from 300K up to more than 900K. Small particle spectra were also calculated from these data.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/483/661
- Title:
- Refractive index for silicon carbide (SiC)
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/483/661
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The SiC optical constants are fundamental inputs for radiative transfer (RT) models of astrophysical dust environments. However, previously published values contain errors and do not adequately represent the bulk physical properties of the cubic ({beta}) SiC polytype usually found around carbon stars. We provide new, uncompromised optical constants for {beta}- and {alpha}-SiC derived from single-crystal reflectance spectra and investigate quantitatively (i) whether there is any difference between {alpha}- and {beta}-SiC that can be seen in infrared (IR) spectra and optical functions and (ii) whether weak features from {lambda}~12.5-13.0{mu}m need to be fitted. We measured mid- and far-IR reflectance spectra for two samples of 3C ({beta}-)SiC and four samples of 6H ({alpha}-)SiC. For the latter group, we acquired polarized data (E{perpendicular.to}c, E{parallel.to}c orientations). We calculated the real and imaginary parts of the complex refractive index (n({lambda})+ik({lambda})) and the ideal absorption coefficients via classical dispersion fits to our reflectance spectra.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/742/89
- Title:
- Relations between spectra and colors of SNe Ia
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/742/89
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- To understand how best to use observations of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) to obtain precise and accurate distances, we investigate the relations between spectra of SNe Ia and their intrinsic colors. Using a sample of 1630 optical spectra of 255 SNe, based primarily on data from the CfA Supernova Program, we examine how the velocity evolution and line strengths of SiII(6355) and CaII H&K are related to the B-V color at peak brightness. We find that the maximum-light velocity of SiII6355 and CaII H&K and the maximum-light pseudo-equivalent width of SiII6355 are correlated with intrinsic color, with intrinsic color having a linear relation with the SiII6355 measurements. CaII H&K does not have a linear relation with intrinsic color, but lower-velocity SNe tend to be intrinsically bluer. Combining the spectroscopic measurements does not improve intrinsic color inference. The intrinsic color scatter is larger for higher-velocity SNe Ia - even after removing a linear trend with velocity - indicating that lower-velocity SNe Ia are more "standard crayons". Employing information derived from SN Ia spectra has the potential to improve the measurements of extragalactic distances and the cosmological properties inferred from them.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/887/196
- Title:
- REQUIEM survey. I. Ly{alpha} halos around QSOs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/887/196
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The discovery of quasars a few hundred megayears after the Big Bang represents a major challenge to our understanding of black holes as well as galaxy formation and evolution. Quasars' luminosity is produced by extreme gas accretion onto black holes, which have already reached masses of M_BH_>10^9^M_{sun}_ by z~6. Simultaneously, their host galaxies form hundreds of stars per year, using up gas in the process. To understand which environments are able to sustain the rapid formation of these extreme sources, we started a Very Large Telescope/Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) effort aimed at characterizing the surroundings of a sample of 5.7<z<6.6 quasars, which we have dubbed the Reionization Epoch QUasar InvEstigation with MUSE (REQUIEM) survey. We here present results of our searches for extended Ly{alpha} halos around the first 31 targets observed as part of this program. Reaching 5{sigma} surface brightness limits of 0.1-1.1x10^-17^erg/s/cm^2^/arcsec^2^ over a 1arcsec^2^ aperture, we were able to unveil the presence of 12 Ly{alpha} nebulae, eight of which are newly discovered. The detected nebulae show a variety of emission properties and morphologies with luminosities ranging from 8x10^42^ to 2x10^44^erg/s, FWHMs between 300 and 1700km/s, sizes <30pkpc, and redshifts consistent with those of the quasar host galaxies. As the first statistical and homogeneous investigation of the circumgalactic medium of massive galaxies at the end of the reionization epoch, the REQUIEM survey enables the study of the evolution of the cool gas surrounding quasars in the first 3Gyr of the universe. A comparison with the extended Ly{alpha} emission observed around bright (M_1450_<~-25mag) quasars at intermediate redshift indicates little variations on the properties of the cool gas from z~6 to z~3, followed by a decline in the average surface brightness down to z~2.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/555/A85
- Title:
- Resolved IR spectra of pure CO2 ice (15-75K)
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/555/A85
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The v2 bending mode of pure CO_2_ ice around 15.2um exhibits a fine double-peak structure that offers a sensitive probe to study the physical and chemical properties of solid CO_2_ in space. Current laboratory spectra do not fully resolve the CO_2_ ice features. To improve the fitting of the observed CO_2_ features, high-resolution solid-state infrared spectra of pure CO_2_ ice are recorded in the laboratory for a series of astronomically relevant temperatures and at an unprecedented level of detail. The infrared spectra of pure CO_2_ ice were recorded in the 4000 to 400cm^-1^ (2.5-25um) region at a resolution of 0.1cm^-1^ using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Accurate band positions and band widths (FWHM) of pure CO_2_ ice are presented for temperatures of 15, 30, 45, 60, and 75K. The focus of this spectroscopic work is on the CO_2_ (v2) bending mode, but more accurate data are also reported for the ^12^CO_2_ and ^13^CO_2_ (v3) stretching mode, and CO_2_ (v1+v3) and (2v2+v3) combination bands.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/832/126
- Title:
- RESOLVE survey: 21cm obs. with GBT & Arecibo
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/832/126
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the HI mass inventory for the REsolved Spectroscopy Of a Local VolumE (RESOLVE) survey, a volume-limited, multi-wavelength census of >1500 z=0 galaxies spanning diverse environments and complete in baryonic mass down to dwarfs of ~10^9^M_{sun}_. This first 21cm data release provides robust detections or strong upper limits (1.4M_HI_<5%-10% of stellar mass M*) for ~94% of RESOLVE. We examine global atomic gas-to-stellar mass ratios (G/S) in relation to galaxy environment using several metrics: group dark matter halo mass M_h_, central/satellite designation, relative mass density of the cosmic web, and distance to the nearest massive group. We find that at fixed M*, satellites have decreasing G/S with increasing M_h_ starting clearly at M_h_~10^12^M_{sun}_, suggesting the presence of starvation and/or stripping mechanisms associated with halo gas heating in intermediate-mass groups. The analogous relationship for centrals is uncertain because halo abundance matching builds in relationships between central G/S, stellar mass, and halo mass, which depend on the integrated group property used as a proxy for halo mass (stellar or baryonic mass). On larger scales G/S trends are less sensitive to the abundance matching method. At fixed M_h_<=10^12^M_{sun}_, the fraction of gas-poor centrals increases with large-scale structure density. In overdense regions, we identify a rare population of gas-poor centrals in low-mass (M_h_<10^11.4^M_{sun}_) halos primarily located within ~1.5x the virial radius of more massive (M_h_>10^12^M_{sun}_) halos, suggesting that gas stripping and/or starvation may be induced by interactions with larger halos or the surrounding cosmic web. We find that the detailed relationship between G/S and environment varies when we examine different subvolumes of RESOLVE independently, which we suggest may be a signature of assembly bias.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/162/150
- Title:
- Resolving circumstellar environment of MWC137 .II.
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/162/150
- Date:
- 14 Mar 2022 06:35:34
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Galactic B[e] supergiant MWC137 is surrounded by a large-scale optical nebula. To shed light on the physical conditions and kinematics of the nebula, we analyze the optical forbidden emission lines [NII] {lambda}{lambda}6548,6583 and [SII] {lambda}{lambda}6716,6731 in long-slit spectra taken with ALFOSC at the Nordic Optical Telescope. The radial velocities display a complex behavior but, in general, the northern nebular features are predominantly approaching while the southern ones are mostly receding. The electron density shows strong variations across the nebula with values spreading from about zero to ~800cm^-3^. Higher densities are found closer to MWC137 and in regions of intense emission, whereas in regions with high radial velocities the density decreases significantly. We also observe the entire nebula in the two [SII] lines with the scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer attached to the 6m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory. These data reveal a new bow-shaped feature at PA=225{deg}-245{deg} and a distance 80" from MWC137. A new H{alpha} image has been taken with the Danish 1.54m telescope on La Silla. No expansion or changes in the nebular morphology appear within 18.1yr. We derive a mass of 37_-5_^+9^M{sun} and an age of 4.7{+/-}0.8Myr for MWC137. Furthermore, we detect a period of 1.93d in the time series photometry collected with the TESS satellite, which could suggest stellar pulsations. Other, low-frequency variability is seen as well. Whether these signals are caused by internal gravity waves in the early-type star or by variability in the wind and circumstellar matter currently cannot be distinguished.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/806/109
- Title:
- Rest-frame optical spectra of 3<z<6 QSOs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/806/109
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the rest-frame optical spectral properties of 155 luminous quasars at 3.3<z<6.4 taken with the AKARI space telescope, including the first detection of the H{alpha} emission line as far out as z~6. We extend the scaling relation between the rest-frame optical continuum and the line luminosity of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) to the high-luminosity, high-redshift regime that has rarely been probed before. Remarkably, we find that a single log-linear relation can be applied to the 5100{AA} and H{alpha} AGN luminosities over a wide range of luminosity (10^42^<L_5100_<10^47^ergs/s) or redshift (0<z<6), suggesting that the physical mechanism governing this relation is unchanged from z=0 to 6, over five decades in luminosity. Similar scaling relations are found between the optical and the UV continuum luminosities or line widths. Applying the scaling relations to the H{beta} black hole (BH) mass (M_BH_) estimator of local AGNs, we derive the M_BH_ estimators based on the H{alpha}, MgII, and CIV lines, finding that the UV-line-based masses are overall consistent with the Balmer-line-based, but with a large intrinsic scatter of 0.40dex for the CIV estimates. Our 43 M_BH_ estimates from H{alpha} confirm the existence of BHs as massive as ~10^10^M_{sun}_ out to z~5 and provide a secure footing for previous results from MgII-line-based studies that a rapid M_BH_ growth has occurred in the early universe.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/455/1161
- Title:
- Rest frequencies of sub-mm spectrum of SiN
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/455/1161
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The submillimetre-wave spectrum of the SiN radical has been investigated in the laboratory using a source-modulation microwave spectrometer equipped with a negative glow discharge cell. SiN was produced in a SiCl_4_/N_2_ discharge plasma. Twenty-one new fine and hyperfine components up to N=17-16 were observed reaching a frequency as high as 740GHz. The new laboratory measurements provide much improved rest frequencies in the submillimetre spectral region useful for the identification of SiN lines in hot core sources and circumstellar shells.