We identified 24 SiIV absorption systems with z<~1 from a blind survey of 49 low-redshift quasars with archival Hubble Space Telescope ultraviolet spectra. We relied solely on the characteristic wavelength separation of the doublet to automatically detect candidates. After visual inspection, we defined a sample of 20 definite (group G=1) and 4 "highly likely" (G=2) doublets with rest equivalent widths W_r_ for both lines detected at >=3{sigma}_W_r__.
Using the quasar spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and with variable C IV absorption line systems, we measure the Si IV and N V absorption line systems. We obtain 50 variable Si IV absorption line systems and 39 variable N V absorption line systems. We find that the variations in most of the C IV, Si IV, and N V absorption lines are correlated with the changes in quasar continuum. In addition, a significant portion of the variable absorption lines are the consistent variations of multiple systems with large velocity separations. Therefore, the variations of the C IV, Si IV, and N V absorption lines could be mainly driven by the changes in quasar radiations, which cause changes in ionization states or column densities of absorbing gas. We also find that the variable C IV, Si IV, and N V absorption line systems can be divided into low-ionization systems and high-ionization systems. The former positively responds to the changes in the quasar's brightness, and the later is the oppositive case.
We present a visible-infrared imaging study of young planetary nebula (PN) Hubble 12 (Hb 12; PN G111.8-02.8) obtained with Hubble Space Telescope (HST) archival data and our own Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) measurements. Deep HST and CFHT observations of this nebula reveal three pairs of bipolar structures and an arc-shaped filament near the western waist of Hb 12. The existence of nested bipolar lobes together with the presence of H2 knots suggests that these structures originated from several mass-ejection events during the pre-PN phase. To understand the intrinsic structures of Hb 12, a three-dimensional model enabling the visualisation of this PN at various orientations was constructed. The modelling results show that Hb 12 may resemble other nested hourglass nebulae, such as Hen 2-320 and M 2-9, suggesting that this type of PN may be common and the morphologies of PNs are not so diverse as is shown by their visual appearances. The infrared spectra show that this PN has a mixed chemistry. We discuss the possible material that may cause the unidentified infrared emissions. The analyses of the infrared spectra and the spectral energy distribution suggest the existence of a cool companion in the nucleus of this object.
Massive black hole (MBH) seeds at redshift z>~10 are now thought to be key ingredients to explain the presence of the supermassive (10^9-10^M_{sun}_) black holes in place <1Gyr after the big bang. Once formed, massive seeds grow and emit copious amounts of radiation by accreting the left-over halo gas; their spectrum can then provide crucial information on their evolution. By combining radiation-hydrodynamic and spectral synthesis codes, we simulate the time-evolving spectrum emerging from the host halo of a MBH seed with initial mass 10^5^M_{sun}_, assuming both standard Eddington-limited accretion, or slim accretion discs, appropriate for super-Eddington flows. The emission occurs predominantly in the observed infrared-submm (1-1000{mu}m) and X-ray (0.1-100keV) bands. Such signal should be easily detectable by JWST around ~1{mu}m up to z~25, and by ATHENA (between 0.1 and 10keV, up to z~15). Ultra-deep X-ray surveys like the Chandra Deep Field South could have already detected these systems up to z~15. Based on this, we provide an upper limit for the z>~6 MBH mass density of {rho}{blackdot}<~2.5x10^2^M_{sun}_/Mpc^3^ assuming standard Eddington-limited accretion. If accretion occurs in the slim disc mode the limits are much weaker, {rho}{blackdot}<~7.6x10^3^M_{sun}_/Mpc^3^ in the most constraining case.
Molecular outflows from very low-mass stars (VLMSs) and brown dwarfs have been studied very little. So far, only a few CO outflows have been observed, allowing us to map the immediate circumstellar environment. We present the first spatially resolved H_2_ emission around IRS54 (YLW52), a ~0.1-0.2M_{sun}_ Class I source. By means of VLT SINFONI K-band observations, we probed the H2 emission down to the first ~50AU from the source. The molecular emission shows a complex structure delineating a large outflow cavity and an asymmetric molecular jet. Thanks to the detection of several H_2_transitions, we are able to estimate average values along the jet-like structure (from source position to knot D) of Av~28mag, T~2000-3000K, and H_2_column density N(H_2)~1.7x10^17cm^-2. This allows us to estimate a mass loss rate of ~2x10^-10M_{sun}_/yr for the warm H_2_component . In addition, from the total flux of the Br gamma line, we infer an accretion luminosity and mass accretion rate of 0.64L_{sun}_ and ~3x10^-7M_{sun}_/yr, respectively. The outflow structure is similar to those found in low-mass Class I and CTTS. However, the Lacc/Lbol ratio is very high (~80%), and the mass accretion rate is about one order of magnitude higher when compared to objects of roughly the same mass, pointing to the young nature of the investigated source.
We present the Spectroscopic Imaging survey in the near-infrared (near-IR) with SINFONI (SINS) of high-redshift galaxies. With 80 objects observed and 63 detected in at least one rest-frame optical nebular emission line, mainly H{alpha}, SINS represents the largest survey of spatially resolved gas kinematics, morphologies, and physical properties of star-forming galaxies at z~1-3. We describe the selection of the targets, the observations, and the data reduction. We then focus on the "SINS H{alpha} sample," consisting of 62 rest-UV/optically selected sources at 1.3<z<2.6 for which we targeted primarily the H{alpha} and [NII] emission lines. Only ~30% of this sample had previous near-IR spectroscopic observations. The galaxies were drawn from various imaging surveys with different photometric criteria; as a whole, the SINS H{alpha} sample covers a reasonable representation of massive M_*_>~10^10^M_{sun}_ star-forming galaxies at z~1.5-2.5, with some bias toward bluer systems compared to pure K-selected samples due to the requirement of secure optical redshift. The H{alpha} morphologies tend to be irregular and/or clumpy. About one-third of the SINS H{alpha} sample galaxies are rotation-dominated yet turbulent disks, another one-third comprises compact and velocity dispersion-dominated objects, and the remaining galaxies are clear interacting/merging systems; the fraction of rotation-dominated systems increases among the more massive part of the sample.
We aim to study the time evolution of the SiO maser lines in Mira-type and semi-regular variables at short timescales. We observed the SiO maser lines at 7mm and 3mm using the 40m Yebes antenna and the 30m IRAM telescope, respectively, with a minimum spacing of 1 day. We studied the semi-regular variables RX Boo and RT Vir and the Mira-type variables U Her, R LMi, R Leo, and chi Cyg.
We present the results of simultaneous time monitoring observations of SiO J=2-1 and J=3-2 maser emission for 10 late-type stars (8 Mira variables, 1 OH/IR star, and 1 supergiant) with the 14m radio telescope at Taeduk Radio Astronomy Observatory from 1999 January to 2001 February. The SiO v=1, J=2-1 and J=3-2 maser emission was detected at almost all observational epochs. The SiO v=2, J=2-1 maser was detected from 4 late-type stars (VY CMa, R Cas, Cyg, R Leo) and the v=2, J=3-2 maser was detected from 7 stars (R Aqr, TX Cam, R Cas, Cyg, W Hya, R Leo, IK Tau). The v=3, J=2-1 and masers were also detected from Cyg and TX Cam, respectively. Based on these observational data, line profile and peak velocity variations with respect to stellar velocity, antenna temperatures, and their ratio variations as a function of optical phase of central star were investigated. Description:
Fossil galaxy groups are speculated to be old and highly evolved systems of galaxies that formed early in the universe and had enough time to deplete their L* galaxies through successive mergers of member galaxies, building up one massive central elliptical, but retaining the group X-ray halo. Considering that fossils are the remnants of mergers in ordinary groups, the merger history of the progenitor group is expected to be imprinted in the fossil central galaxy (FCG). We present for the first time radial gradients of single-stellar population (SSP) ages and metallicities in a sample of FCGs We took deep spectra with the long-slit spectrograph ISIS at the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) for six FCGs.
The kinetic temperature of molecular clouds is a fundamental physical parameter affecting star formation and the initial mass function. The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), the closest star forming galaxy with low metallicity, provides an ideal laboratory to study star formation in such an environment. The classical dense molecular gas thermometer NH_3_ is rarely available in a low metallicity environment because of photoionization and a lack of nitrogen atoms. Our goal is to directly measure the gas kinetic temperature with formaldehyde toward six star-forming regions in the LMC. Three rotational transitions (J_KAKC_ = 3_03_-2_02_, 3_22_-2_21_, and 3_21_-2_20_) of para-H_2_CO near 218GHz were observed with the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) 12m telescope toward six star forming regions in the LMC. Those data are complemented by C^18^O 2-1 spectra.