- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/767/15
- Title:
- Hectospec Cluster Survey (HeCS)
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/767/15
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The infall regions of galaxy clusters represent the largest gravitationally bound structures in a {Lambda}CDM universe. Measuring cluster mass profiles into the infall regions provides an estimate of the ultimate mass of these halos. We use the caustic technique to measure cluster mass profiles from galaxy redshifts obtained with the Hectospec Cluster Survey (HeCS), an extensive spectroscopic survey of galaxy clusters with MMT/Hectospec. We survey 58 clusters selected by X-ray flux at 0.1<z<0.3. The survey includes 22680 unique MMT/Hectospec redshifts for individual galaxies; 10145 of these galaxies are cluster members. For each cluster, we acquired high signal-to-noise spectra for ~200 cluster members and a comparable number of foreground/background galaxies. The cluster members trace out infall patterns around the clusters. The members define a very narrow red sequence. We demonstrate that the determination of velocity dispersion is insensitive to the inclusion of bluer members (a small fraction of the cluster population). We apply the caustic technique to define membership and estimate the mass profiles to large radii. The ultimate halo mass of clusters (the mass that remains bound in the far future of a {Lambda}CDM universe) is on average (1.99+/-0.11)M_200_, a new observational cosmological test in essential agreement with simulations. Summed profiles binned in M_200_ and in L_X_demonstrate that the predicted Navarro-Frenk-White form of the density profile is a remarkably good representation of the data in agreement with weak lensing results extending to large radius. The concentration of these summed profiles is also consistent with theoretical predictions.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/819/63
- Title:
- Hectospec survey of SZ clusters (HeCS-SZ)
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/819/63
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We estimate cluster masses and velocity dispersions for 123 clusters from optical spectroscopy to compare the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) mass proxy and dynamical masses. Our new survey, HeCS-SZ (Hectospec Cluster Survey of SZ-selected clusters), includes 7721 new or remeasured redshifts from MMT/Hectospec observations of 21 SZ-selected clusters at redshifts z=0.05-0.20. We supplement the Hectospec data with spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and cluster data from the Cluster Infall Regions in SDSS project and the Hectospec Cluster Survey, our Hectospec survey of clusters selected by X-ray flux. We measure the scaling relation between velocity dispersion and SZ mass estimates from the integrated Compton parameter for an SZ-complete sample of 83 clusters. The observed relation agrees very well with a simple virial scaling from mass (based on SZ) to velocity dispersion. The SZ mass estimates (calibrated with hydrostatic X-ray mass estimates) are not significantly biased compared to dynamical mass estimates under the assumption of small velocity bias of galaxies compared to dark matter particles. Significant mass bias in SZ mass estimates could relieve tension between cosmological results from Planck SZ cluster counts and Planck CMB data. In principle, SZ mass bias and velocity bias of galaxies could conspire to yield good agreement, but the required velocity bias is {sigma}_galaxy_~0.77{sigma}_DM_, outside the range of recent models of velocity bias in the literature. More likely, SZ mass bias and velocity bias are both small, and the tension between SZ cluster counts and CMB data requires another explanation.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/441/685
- Title:
- HeI & HeII radial velocities of Sk 160/SMC X-1
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/441/685
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present new optical spectroscopy of the eclipsing binary pulsar Sk 160/SMC X-1. From the He I absorption lines, taking heating corrections into account, we determine the radial velocity semi-amplitude of Sk 160 to be 21/8+/-1.8km/s. Assuming Sk 160 fills its Roche-lobe, the inclination angle of the system is i=65.3+/-1.3{deg} and in this case we obtain upper limits for the mass of the neutron star as Mx=1.21+/-0.10M_{sun}_ and for Sk 160 as Mo=16.6+/-0.4M_{sun}.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/158/192
- Title:
- He II emission from Wolf-Rayet stars in MW & LMC
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/158/192
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We calibrated a technique to measure dust attenuation in star-forming galaxies. The technique utilizes the stellar-wind lines in Wolf-Rayet stars, which are widely observed in galaxy spectra. The He II 1640 and 4686 features are recombination lines whose ratio is largely determined by atomic physics. Therefore they can serve as a stellar dust probe in the same way as the Balmer lines are used as a nebular probe. We measured the strength of the He II 1640 line in 97 Wolf-Rayet stars in the Galaxy and the Large Magellanic Cloud. The reddening corrected fluxes follow a tight correlation with a fixed ratio of 7.76 for the He II 1640 to 4686 line ratio. Dust attenuation decreases this ratio. We provide a relation between the stellar E(B-V) and the observed line ratio for several attenuation laws. Combining this technique with the use of the nebular Balmer decrement allows the determination of the stellar and nebular dust attenuation in galaxies and can probe its effects at different stellar age and mass regimes, independently of the initial mass function and the star formation history. We derived the dust reddening from the He II line fluxes and compared it to the reddening from the Balmer decrement and from the slope of the ultraviolet continuum in two star-forming galaxies. The three methods result in dust attenuations which agree to within the errors. Future application of this technique permits studies of the stellar dust attenuation compared to the nebular attenuation in a representative galaxy sample.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+AS/106/559
- Title:
- HeII4686 line intensities of PN
- Short Name:
- J/A+AS/106/559
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have compiled the intensities of the HeII 4686 lines measured in Galactic planetary nebulae. We present a few observational diagrams related to this parameter, and discuss them with the help of theoretical diagrams obtained from simple model planetary nebulae surrounding evolving central stars of various masses. We determine the hydrogen and helium Zanstra temperature for all the objects with accurate enough data. We argue that, for Galactic planetary nebulae as a whole, the main cause for the Zanstra discrepancy is leakage of stellar ionizing photons from the nebulae.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/847/81
- Title:
- HeII photoionization rates of quasars
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/847/81
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The HeII transverse proximity effect-enhanced HeII Ly{alpha} transmission in a background sightline caused by the ionizing radiation of a foreground quasar-offers a unique opportunity to probe the morphology of quasar-driven HeII reionization. We conduct a comprehensive spectroscopic survey to find z~3 quasars in the foreground of 22 background quasar sightlines with Hubble Space Telescope/COS HeII Ly{alpha} transmission spectra. With our two-tiered survey strategy, consisting of a deep pencil-beam survey and a shallow wide-field survey, we discover 131 new quasars, which we complement with known SDSS/BOSS quasars in our fields. Using a restricted sample of 66 foreground quasars with inferred HeII photoionization rates greater than the expected UV background at these redshifts ({Gamma}_QSO_^HeII^>5x10^-16^s^-1^) we perform the first statistical analysis of the HeII transverse proximity effect. Our results show qualitative evidence for a large object-to-object variance: among the four foreground quasars with the highest {Gamma}_QSO_^HeII^ only one (previously known) quasar is associated with a significant HeII transmission spike. We perform a stacking analysis to average down these fluctuations, and detect an excess in the average HeII transmission near the foreground quasars at 3{sigma} significance. This statistical evidence for the transverse proximity effect is corroborated by a clear dependence of the signal strength on {Gamma}_QSO_^HeII^. Our detection places a purely geometrical lower limit on the quasar lifetime of t_Q_>25Myr. Improved modeling would additionally constrain quasar obscuration and the mean free path of HeII-ionizing photons.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/632/A24
- Title:
- HeI IR triplet measurements for M dwarfs
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/632/A24
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The HeI infrared (IR) triplet at 10830{AA} is an important activity indicator for the Sun and in solar-type stars, however, it has rarely been studied in relation to M dwarfs to date. In this study, we use the time-averaged spectra of 319 single stars with spectral types ranging from M0.0V to M9.0V obtained with the CARMENES high resolution optical and near-infrared spectrograph at Calar Alto to study the properties of the HeI IR triplet lines. In quiescence, we find the triplet in absorption with a decrease of the measured pseudo equivalent width (pEW) towards later sub-types. For stars later than M5.0V, the HeI triplet becomes undetectable in our study. This dependence on effective temperature may be related to a change in chromospheric conditions along theMdwarf sequence. When an emission in the triplet is observed, we attribute it to flaring. The absence of emission during quiescence is consistent with line formation by photo-ionisation and recombination, while flare emission may be caused by collisions within dense material. The HeI triplet tends to increase in depth according to increasing activity levels, ultimately becoming filled in; however, we do not find a correlation between the pEW(He IR) and X-ray properties. This behaviour may be attributed to the absence of very inactive stars (LX/Lbol<-5.5) in our sample or to the complex behaviour with regard to increasing depth and filling in.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/567/A15
- Title:
- Hen 2-260 emission line fluxes
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/567/A15
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We analysed the planetary nebula Hen 2-260 using optical spectroscopy and photometry. We compared our observations with the literature data in order to search for evolutionary changes. We also searched for photometric variability of the central star. Hen 2-260 was observed with the SAAO 1.0m telescope (photometry) and the SALT telescope (low resolution spectroscopy). We also used archive high resolution Very Large Telescope spectra and Hubble Space Telescope imaging. The nebular line fluxes were modelled with the Cloudy photoionization code in order to derive the stellar and nebular parameters. The planetary nebula shows a complex structure and possibly a bipolar outflow. The nebula is relatively dense and young. The central star is just starting O^+^ ionization (Teff~30000K). Comparison of our observations with literature data indicates a 50% increase of the [OIII] 5007{AA} line flux between 2001 and 2012. We interpret it as the result of the progression of the ionization of O^+^. The central star evolves to higher temperatures at a rate of 45+/-7K/yr. The heating rate is consistent with post-AGB evolutionary tracks for a final mass of 0.626^+0.003^_-0.005_M_{sun}_ or 0.645+/-0.008M_{sun}_ for two different sets of tracks from literature. The photometric monitoring of Hen 2-260 revealed non-periodic variations on a timescale of hours or days. There is no direct indication for central star binarity in the spectrum, nor for a strong stellar wind. The variability may be caused by pulsations of the star. The temperature evolution of the central star can be traced using spectroscopic observations of the surrounding planetary nebula spanning a timescale of roughly a decade. This allows us for precise determination of the stellar mass, since the pace of the temperature evolution depends critically on the core mass. The method is independent on the absolute age of the nebula. The kinematical age of the nebula is consistent with the age obtained from the evolutionary track. The final mass of the central star is close to the peak of the mass distribution for central stars of planetary nebulae found in other studies. The object belongs to a group of young central stars of planetary nebulae showing photometric variability.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/453/976
- Title:
- Herbig Ae/Be X-shooter observations
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/453/976
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Herbig Ae/Be stars (HAeBes) span a key mass range that links low- and high-mass stars, and thus provide an ideal window from which to explore their formation. This paper presents Very Large Telescope/X-shooter spectra of 91 HAeBes, the largest spectroscopic study of HAeBe accretion to date. A homogeneous approach to determining stellar parameters is undertaken for the majority of the sample. Measurements of the ultraviolet are modelled within the context of magnetospheric accretion, allowing a direct determination of mass accretion rates. Multiple correlations are observed across the sample between accretion and stellar properties: the youngest and often most massive stars are the strongest accretors, and there is an almost 1:1 relationship between the accretion luminosity and stellar luminosity. Despite these overall trends of increased accretion rates in HAeBes when compared to classical T Tauri stars, we also find noticeable differences in correlations when considering the Herbig Ae and Herbig Be subsets. This, combined with the difficulty in applying a magnetospheric accretion model to some of the Herbig Be stars, could suggest that another form of accretion may be occurring within Herbig Be mass range.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/439/129
- Title:
- HERES II. Spectroscopic analysis
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/439/129
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of analysis of "snapshot" spectra of 253 metal-poor halo stars -3.8<=[Fe/H]<=-1.5 obtained in the HERES survey. The snapshot spectra have been obtained with VLT/UVES and have typically S/N~54 per pixel (ranging from 17 to 308), R~20000, lambda=3760-4980{AA}. This sample represents the major part of the complete HERES sample of 373 stars; however, the CH strong content of the sample is not dealt with here.