B and R CCD images and J NICMOS3 frames taken with the Calar Alto 3.5m telescope of the dwarf irregular galaxy UGC 685 are presented. The brightest part of the stellar population is resolved in B and R, very few also in J. The stellar color-magnitude diagram is discussed. An estimate of the distance to UGC 685 of 5. 5Mpc is derived based on the brightest blue supergiant stars. Most of the resolved bright stars show colors in the range -0.1<=B-R<=+0.7.
Detailed B and R surface photometry is performed for 139 faint emission-line galaxies (ELGs) and for 2 non-ELGs. They are a subsample of the ELG sample selected by Popescu et al. (1996A&AS..116...43P, 1998A&AS..133...13P) towards four nearby voids. We derived the isophotal and integral photometric parameters and radial surface brightness (SB) profiles. Our sample consists mostly of low luminosity (<M_B_>_med_=-17.7), small linear size (<d_25_>_med_=6.0kpc) (H_0_=75km/s/Mpc) and blue (<B-R>_med_=0.93) galaxies. About 83% of the studied ELGs belong to the class of Blue Compact Galaxies (BCGs); others are luminous Starburst Nucleus Galaxies (SBNs) and a few interacting pairs. 72% of the ELGs possess a single dominant H II region, while the remaining 28% show multiple knots. Furthermore 71% of the ELGs show regular outer isophotes, and the remaining 29% reveal disturbed outer morphologies.
We performed a kinematical analysis of the [CII] line emission of the BR 1202-0725 system at z~4.7 using ALMA science verification observations. The most prominent sources of this system are a quasar (QSO) and a submillimeter galaxy (SMG), separated by a projected distance of about ~24kpc and characterized by very high star formation rates, higher than 1000M_{sun}_/yr. However, the ALMA observations reveal that these galaxies apparently have undisturbed rotating disks, which is at variance with the commonly accepted scenario in which strong star formation activity is induced by a major merger.We also detected faint components which, after spectral deblending, were spatially resolved from the main QSO and SMG emissions. The relative velocities and positions of these components are compatible with orbital motions within the gravitational potentials generated by the QSO host galaxy and the SMG, suggesting that they are smaller galaxies in interaction or gas clouds in accretion flows of tidal streams. Moreover, we did not find any clear spectral evidence for outflows caused by active galactic nuclei or stellar feedback. This suggests that the high star formation rates might be induced by interactions or minor mergers with these companions, which do not affect the large-scale kinematics of the disks, however. Alternatively, the strong star formation may be fueled by the accretion of pristine gas from the host halo. Our kinematical analysis also indicates that the QSO and the SMG have similar dynamical masses, mostly in the form of molecular gas, and that the QSO host galaxy and the SMG are seen close to face-on with slightly different disk inclinations: the QSO host galaxy is seen almost face-on (i~15{deg}), while the SMG is seen at higher inclinations (i~25{deg}). Finally, the ratio between the black hole mass of the QSO, obtained from new X-shooter spectroscopy, and the dynamical mass of the host galaxy is similar to value found in very massive local galaxies, suggesting that the evolution of black hole galaxy relations is probably better studied with dynamical than with stellar host galaxy masses.
The present data is part of the Brussels nuclear reaction rate library (BRUSLIB) for astrophysics applications and concerns nuclear reaction rate predictions calculated within the statistical Hauser-Feshbach approximation and making use of global and coherent microscopic nuclear models for the quantities (nuclear masses, nuclear structure properties, nuclear level densities, gamma-ray strength functions, optical potentials) entering the rate calculations.
We present multicolor charge-coupled device (CCD) photometry for the eclipsing binary BS Cassiopeiae, observed on four nights between 2007 December and 2008 January. Using the Wilson-Devinney program, the photometric solution was derived from our BVR observations. Photometric results indicated that BS Cas is a W-subtype binary, whose mass ratio and overcontact degree are q=0.2834(+/-0.0010) and f=31.6%(+/-1.1%), respectively. Light curves of BS Cas present a typical O'Connell effect, which may be attributed to dark spot activity of the primary component.
In the cooling process of a non-accreting neutron star, the composition and properties of the crust are thought to be fixed at the finite temperature where nuclear reactions fall out of equilibrium. A lower estimation for this temperature is given by the crystallization temperature, which can be as high as ~7x10^9^K in the inner crust, potentially leading to sizeable differences with respect to the simplifying cold-catalyzed matter hypothesis. We extend a recent work (Fatina et al., 2020, Cat. J/A+A/633/A149) on the outer crust, to the study of the crystallization of the inner crust and the associated composition in the one-component plasma approximation. The finite temperature variational equations for non-uniform matter in both the liquid and the solid phases are solved using a compressible liquid-drop approach with parameters optimized on four different microscopic models which cover the present uncertainties in nuclear modeling. We consider separately the effect of the different nuclear ingredients with their associated uncertainties, namely the nuclear equation of state, the surface properties in the presence of a uniform gas of dripped neutrons, and the proton shell effects arising from the ion single-particle structure. Our results suggest that the highest source of model dependence comes from the smooth part of the nuclear functional. We show that shell effects play an important role at the lowest densities close to the outer crust, but the most important physical ingredient to be settled for a quantitative prediction of the inner crust properties is the surface tension at extreme isospin values.
B-star rotational velocities in h and {chi} Persei
Short Name:
21 Oct 2021
Projected rotational velocities (vsini) have been measured for 216 B0-B9 stars in the rich, dense h and {chi} Persei double cluster and compared with the distribution of rotational velocities for a sample of field stars having comparable ages (t~12-15Myr) and masses (M~4-15M_Sun_).
Stellar physical properties of star clusters are poorly known and the cluster parameters are often very uncertain. Our goals are to perform a spectrophotometric study of the B star population in open clusters to derive accurate stellar parameters, search for the presence of circumstellar envelopes, and discuss the characteristics of these stars. The BCD spectrophotometric system is a powerful method to obtain stellar fundamental parameters from direct measurements of the Balmer discontinuity. To this end, we wrote the interactive code MIDE3700. The BCD parameters can also be used to infer the main properties of open clusters: distance modulus, color excess, and age. Furthermore, we inspected the Balmer discontinuity to provide evidence for the presence of circumstellar disks and identify Be star candidates. We used an additional set of high-resolution spectra in the H{alpha} region to confirm the Be nature of these stars. We provide Teff, logg, Mv, Mbol, and spectral types for a sample of 68 stars in the field of the open clusters NGC6087, NGC6250, NGC6383, and NGC6530, as well as the cluster distances, ages, and reddening. Then, based on a sample of 230 B stars in the direction of the 11 open clusters studied along this series of three papers, we report 6 new Be stars, 4 blue straggler candidates, and 15 B-type stars (called Bdd) with a double Balmer discontinuity, which indicates the presence of circumstellar envelopes. We discuss the distribution of the fraction of B, Be, and Bdd star cluster members per spectral subtype. The majority of the Be stars are dwarfs and present a maximum at the spectral type B2-B4 in young and intermediate-age open clusters (<40Myr). Another maximum of Be stars is observed at the spectral type B6-B8 in open clusters older than 40Myr, where the population of Bdd stars also becomes relevant. The Bdd stars seem to be in a passive emission phase. Our results support previous statements that the Be phenomenon is present along the whole main sequence band and occurs in very different evolutionary states.We find clear evidence of an increase of stars with circumstellar envelopes with cluster age. The Be phenomenon reaches its maximum in clusters of intermediate age (10-40Myr) and the number of B stars with circumstellar envelopes (Be plus Bdd stars) is also high for the older clusters (40-100Myr).
We have used recent Kurucz models and many standard stars to revise previous calibrations of the Geneva photometric parameters in terms of Teff, logg, and [M/H]. In addition, new parameters pT and pG were defined, which are the Geneva equivalents of Stromgren's a and r parameters and allow to estimate Teff and logg for stars with intermediate temperature (spectral type A0-A3). A fortran code (calib.f) has been written, which applies our calibration to stars measured in the Geneva system. A conspicuous change in slope appears in the grid d vs B2-V1. It seems to be linked with the onset of convection in the superficial layers of the star's envelope.