- ID:
- ivo://ia2.inaf.it/catalogues/exomercat
- Title:
- Exoplanets Merged Catalogue (exomercat)
- Short Name:
- ExoMerCat
- Date:
- 12 Jul 2024 08:15:58
- Publisher:
- IA2
- Description:
- Exo-MerCat collects data from the NASA Exoplanet Archive, the Exoplanet Encyclopaedia, the Open Exoplanet Catalog, the TESS Objects of Interest Catalog, and the Kepler/K2 Objects of Interest Catalog. It automatically identifies duplicated entries in the data and selects the most precise measurements for all the available planetary parameters.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://ia2.inaf.it/tap/projects
- Title:
- INAF IA2 Project Resources TAP Service
- Short Name:
- ia2_projects_tap
- Date:
- 06 Sep 2024 06:59:08
- Publisher:
- IA2
- Description:
- INAF IA2 TAP service dedicated to projects and surveys that are not direct outcome of IA2 managed observatory/telescope archival efforts. Currently serving Exo Mer-Cat.
- ID:
- ivo://ia2.inaf.it/edu/inaf_oats/svas/C14/siap
- Title:
- INAF-OATs SVAS Educational Images SIAP service
- Short Name:
- svasC14siap
- Date:
- 13 Mar 2019 11:32:09
- Publisher:
- IA2
- Description:
- INAF-OATs SVAS Educational Images SIAP service. Le Stelle Vanno A Scuola (SVAS) proposes a modern tool to support teaching of astronomy, through the study and experimentation of its observation methods. SVAS offers to schools and teachers a remote laboratory with which carry out real observation sessions, managed in real time by the students under the supervision of the teacher, in the classroom, and of an astronomer, at the OATs, thanks to the telematic link between the school and the observatory. Students and teachers experience real astronomical observations, through the interactive participation to the different steps of planning, observing and acquiring the data. The project is addressed to 13-18 yr students. Every observation is previously planned together with the teachers, according to age and curriculum of the students, with the aim to maximize the results. The observing activity, lasting about 90 minutes and led by an astronomer of the OATs, can be done during the morning (observation of the Sun) or in the evening (observation of stars, nebulae, clusters and galaxies). SVAS involves the Astronomical Observatory of Trieste (OATs), the school (of every level) and the University of Trieste. SVAS is supported by the Consorzio per l’Incremento degli Studi e delle Ricerche dei Dipartimenti di Fisica e Astronomia dell’Università di Trieste and by the Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca.
- ID:
- ivo://ia2.inaf.it/vespa/tap
- Title:
- INAF-OATs VESPA Data Service Hub TAP service
- Short Name:
- ia2-vespa-tap
- Date:
- 19 Jul 2024 14:14:02
- Publisher:
- IA2
- Description:
- The INAF-OATs VESPA Data Service Hub's TAP end point. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the VO's premier way to access public data holdings. Tables exposed through this endpoint include: epn_core from the artecs schema, columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema.
- ID:
- ivo://ia2.inaf.it/hosted/laurino2011/tap
- Title:
- Laurino et al 2011 Catalog of WGE photometric redshifts for SDSS candidate qsos and galaxies
- Short Name:
- wgesdsstap
- Date:
- 06 May 2024 08:19:45
- Publisher:
- IA2
- Description:
- The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) has observed more than a quarter of the sky over eight years of operations, obtaining multicolor photometry and spectroscopy for ~ 1 million of galaxies. A catalog of photometric redshifts for ~ 2 millions quasars with magnitude r < 20.7 extracted from the SDSS DR7 dataset (D'Abrusco et al, 2009) is provided here. The photometric redshifts and the uncertainty of the estimates for each sources have been calculated using the Weak Gated Expert (WGE) method. The WGE (Laurino et al., submitted to MNRAS) is based on the exploitation of the spectroscopic redshifts for a subset of photometric sources and derives photometric redshifts through a combination of data mining techniques. This method can be applied to different classes of extragalactic sources and is scalable. A set of observational parameters used for the evaluation of photometric redshifts, the estimated photometric redshifts values and some of the most common observational parameters retrieved from the SDSS database have been included in the catalog for the sake of simplicity.
- ID:
- ivo://ia2.inaf.it/hosted/laurino2011/cqsophotoz
- Title:
- Laurino et al 2011 Catalog of WGE photometric redshifts for SDSS candidate quasars
- Date:
- 13 Mar 2019 11:56:43
- Publisher:
- IA2
- Description:
- The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) has observed more than a quarter of the sky over eight years of operations, obtaining multicolor photometry and spectroscopy for ~ 1 million of galaxies. A catalog of photometric redshifts for ~ 2 millions quasars with magnitude r < 20.7 extracted from the SDSS DR7 dataset (D'Abrusco et al, 2009) is provided here. The photometric redshifts and the uncertainty of the estimates for each sources have been calculated using the Weak Gated Expert (WGE) method. The WGE (Laurino et al., submitted to MNRAS) is based on the exploitation of the spectroscopic redshifts for a subset of photometric sources and derives photometric redshifts through a combination of data mining techniques. This method can be applied to different classes of extragalactic sources and is scalable. A set of observational parameters used for the evaluation of photometric redshifts, the estimated photometric redshifts values and some of the most common observational parameters retrieved from the SDSS database have been included in the catalog for the sake of simplicity.
- ID:
- ivo://ia2.inaf.it/hosted/laurino2011/cqsophotozOptUV
- Title:
- Laurino et al 2011 Catalog of WGE photometric redshifts (optical+UV) for SDSS candidate quasars
- Date:
- 13 Mar 2019 11:56:54
- Publisher:
- IA2
- Description:
- The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) has observed more than a quarter of the sky over eight years of operations, obtaining multicolor photometry and spectroscopy for ~ 1 million of galaxies, and the GALEX survey is the ultraviolet counterpart of the SDSS. A catalog of photometric redshifts (evaluated using optical and ultraviolet photometry) for ~150000 candidate quasars with magnitude r < 20.7, extracted from the SDSS DR7 dataset (D'Abrusco et al, 2009) and with GALEX counterparts, is provided here. The photometric redshifts and the uncertainty of the estimates for each source have been calculated using the Weak Gated Expert (WGE) method. The WGE (Laurino et al., submitted to MNRAS) is based on the exploitation of the spectroscopic redshifts for a subset of photometric sources and derives photometric redshifts through a combination of data mining techniques. This method can be applied to different classes of extragalactic sources and is scalable. A set of observational parameters used for the evaluation of photometric redshifts, the estimated photometric redshifts values and some of the most common observational parameters retrieved from the SDSS and GALEX databases have been included in the catalog for the sake of simplicity.
- ID:
- ivo://ia2.inaf.it/hosted/laurino2011/galphotoz
- Title:
- Laurino et al 2011 Catalogue of WGE photometric redshifts for SDSS galaxies
- Date:
- 13 Mar 2019 11:57:02
- Publisher:
- IA2
- Description:
- The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) has observed more than a quarter of the sky over eight years of operations, obtaining multicolor photometry and spectroscopy for ~ 1 million of galaxies. A catalog of photometric redshifts for ~ 32 millions galaxies with magnitude r < 21 extracted from the SDSS DR7 dataset (D'Abrusco et al, 2009) is provided here. The photometric redshifts and the uncertainty of the estimates for each sources have been calculated using the Weak Gated Expert (WGE) method. The WGE (Laurino et al., submitted to MNRAS) is based on the exploitation of the spectroscopic redshifts for a subset of photometric sources and derives photometric redshifts through a combination of data mining techniques. This method can be applied to different classes of extragalactic sources and is scalable. A set of observational parameters used for the evaluation of photometric redshifts, the estimated photometric redshifts values and some of the most common observational parameters retrieved from the SDSS database have been included in the catalog for the sake of simplicity.
- ID:
- ivo://ia2.inaf.it/planck/ercsc/ecc
- Title:
- Planck Early Release Cold Core Catalog @ IA2
- Short Name:
- PlanckERCSCecc
- Date:
- 13 Mar 2019 00:01:14
- Publisher:
- IA2
- Description:
- The Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue (ERCSC) is a list of all high reliability sources, both Galactic and extragalactic, derived from the first sky coverage. The data that went into this early release comprise all observations undertaken between 13 August 2009 and 6 June 2010, corresponding to Planck operational days 91-389. Since the Planck scan strategy results in the entire sky being observed every 6 months, the data considered in this release correspond to more than the first sky coverage. The source lists have reliability goals of 90% across the entire sky and > 95% at high Galactic latitude. The goals on photometric accuracy are 30% while the positional accuracy goal translates to a positional root mean square (RMS) uncertainty that is less than 1/5 of the beam full width at half maximum (FWHM). ref.: "Planck Early Results: The Early Release Compact Source Catalog" (ADS BibCode: 2011arXiv1101.2041P)
- ID:
- ivo://ia2.inaf.it/planck/ercsc/f857
- Title:
- Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalog (857GHz) @ IA2
- Short Name:
- PlanckERCSCf857
- Date:
- 13 Mar 2019 00:02:55
- Publisher:
- IA2
- Description:
- The Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue (ERCSC) is a list of all high reliability sources, both Galactic and extragalactic, derived from the first sky coverage. The data that went into this early release comprise all observations undertaken between 13 August 2009 and 6 June 2010, corresponding to Planck operational days 91-389. Since the Planck scan strategy results in the entire sky being observed every 6 months, the data considered in this release correspond to more than the first sky coverage. The source lists have reliability goals of 90% across the entire sky and > 95% at high Galactic latitude. The goals on photometric accuracy are 30% while the positional accuracy goal translates to a positional root mean square (RMS) uncertainty that is less than 1/5 of the beam full width at half maximum (FWHM). ref.: "Planck Early Results: The Early Release Compact Source Catalog" (ADS BibCode: 2011arXiv1101.2041P)
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