The AKARI Far-infrared All-Sky Survey Maps is produced with the participation of people from the following institutes: University of Tokyo, ISAS/JAXA, Tohoku University, and University of Tsukuba.
The image data in this release are produced based on the AKARI All-Sky Survey with 4 far-infrared bands at N60 (65 um), WIDE-S (90 um), WIDE-L (140 um), and N160 (160 um).
Bisei Space Guard Center (BSGC) is an optical telescope facility in Japan, operated by JAXA. It tracks near-Earth asteroids and space debris.
DARTS provides data observed by a 25 cm telescope from 2000 to 2002 and data observed by a 1 m telescope from 2007 to 2017.
HALCA VSOP (the VLBI Space Observatory Programme) Correlated Data
Short Name:
19 Oct 2021 07:12:04
The VSOP (VLBI Space Observatory Programme) mission was led by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, in collaboration with the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan with international collaboration with NSAS, CSA, JIVE and the world radio telescopes in 14 countries.
This mission provided a dedicated space radio telescope "HALCA" launched in February 1997, and carried out high-resolution observations at 1.6, 5.0, and 22 GHz with ground radio observatories to perform Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) on baselines of up to 2.6 Earth diameters. The observations are continued till 2003, and HALCA finished its operation in 2005.
This table records high-level information for the observations obtained with Hitomi. Hitomi was equipped with four different instruments that together cover a wide energy range 0.3-600 keV. Data were collected from six celestial objects (Perseus, N132D, IGR_J16318-4848, RXJ1856.5-3754, G21.5-0.9, and Crab) as well as black sky for a total of about one month of data in 2016.
IRSF (InfraRed Survey Facility) is located at Suhterland, South Africa and the survey project started since Nov. 2000 in the near infrared (J, H, Ks) bands. The facility (SIRIUS camera and 1.4-m IR telescope) is easy both for operation and data-reduction, owing to its simplicity. The instrument has been producing numerous scientific data every clear night for the last four and half years under friendly collaboration between Nagoya Univ-Kyoto Univ-NAOJ (Japan) and SAAO (South Africa).
MOIRCS (Multi-Object InfraRed Camera and Spectrograph) provides wide-field imaging and long-slit / multi-object (MOS) spectroscopic capabilities in the 0.9 ~ 2.5 µm spectral range under the natural seeing condition. The 4'?~7' field of view is covered by two Hawaii-2 2048?~2048 arrays with the spatial resolution of 0.117 arcsec/pixel.