This database table contains information about all EXOSAT publications in refereed journals that make use of EXOSAT data. Each entry is unique for every combination of publication and X-ray source. For example, a paper which discusses five X-ray sources will have generated five distinct entries in the database, each referring to a different X-ray source. Unlike EXOLOG, the EXOPUBS database also includes entries for serendipitous sources. In addition to standard database parameters such as source name, coordinates, object class, etc., the EXOPUBS includes the full reference (authors, journal, volume, page, year) and title of each publication. Note the information is not complete after the year 1991. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
High Energy Astrophysics Comprehensive Bibliography Catalog
Short Name:
07 Mar 2025
This bibliographic catalog is created by essentially matching scientific publications archived in the ADS with specific observations archived in the HEASARC. The papers can be refereed, unrefereed, or even arXiv preprints that have already been accepted or initially submitted for publication. Each observation in HEASARC's database tables has an ID parameter and each publication has a unique bibliographic reference code (bibcode), allowing a specific match to be made. The information in this table comes from correspondence from the author. This table is updated automatically shortly after the data is received. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .