- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/skyview/pspc1
- Title:
- PSPC summed pointed observations, 1 degree cutoff, Intensity
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The ROSAT PSPC surveys were generated by <i> SkyView </i> as mosaics from publically available PSPC observations. The surveys include all data available through March 1, 1997. This includes the vast majority of ROSAT PSPC observations. Filter observations and observations taken during the verification phase in 1991 were not included in either set. The details of the generation of the surveys are discussed in a <a href="https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/help/pspc_generation.html"> companion document</a>. Basically the counts and exposure from all observations were added and then an intensity map was generated as the ratio of the two. <p> The smaller cut-offs allow users to distinguish point sources in fields where a bright source may have been towards the edge of one observation and near the center of another. In these cases the source appears fuzzy due to the poor resolution of ROSAT near the edge of the field of view. This comes at the cost of a substantial reduction in the fraction of the sky covered. Counts and exposure maps are included for users who may need this information (<i>e.g.</i>, to do statistical analysis). <p> The global organization of the surveys is similar to the IRAS survey. Each map covers an area of 2.5&#176;;x2.5&#176;; with a minimum overlap of 0.25&#176;;. To cover the entire sky would require over 10,000 maps. However due to lack of coverage only approximately 4000-6000 maps are actually populated. Users asking for reqions where there is no ROSAT coverage may get a blank region returned. <p> Detailed information regarding the creation of the ROSAT suveys can be found in the <a href="https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/help/pspc_generation.html"> ROSAT PSPC Generation Document</a>. Provenance: Observational data from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, mosaicking of images done by <i>SkyView</i>.. This is a service of NASA HEASARC.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/skyview/pspc2
- Title:
- PSPC summed pointed observations, 2 degree cutoff, Intensity
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The ROSAT PSPC surveys were generated by <i> SkyView </i> as mosaics from publically available PSPC observations. The surveys include all data available through March 1, 1997. This includes the vast majority of ROSAT PSPC observations. Filter observations and observations taken during the verification phase in 1991 were not included in either set. The details of the generation of the surveys are discussed in a <a href="https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/help/pspc_generation.html"> companion document</a>. Basically the counts and exposure from all observations were added and then an intensity map was generated as the ratio of the two. <p> The smaller cut-offs allow users to distinguish point sources in fields where a bright source may have been towards the edge of one observation and near the center of another. In these cases the source appears fuzzy due to the poor resolution of ROSAT near the edge of the field of view. This comes at the cost of a substantial reduction in the fraction of the sky covered. Counts and exposure maps are included for users who may need this information (<i>e.g.</i>, to do statistical analysis). <p> The global organization of the surveys is similar to the IRAS survey. Each map covers an area of 2.5&#176;;x2.5&#176;; with a minimum overlap of 0.25&#176;;. To cover the entire sky would require over 10,000 maps. However due to lack of coverage only approximately 4000-6000 maps are actually populated. Users asking for reqions where there is no ROSAT coverage may get a blank region returned. <p> Detailed information regarding the creation of the ROSAT suveys can be found in the <a href="https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/help/pspc_generation.html"> ROSAT PSPC Generation Document</a>. Provenance: Observational data from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, mosaicking of images done by <i>SkyView</i>.. This is a service of NASA HEASARC.
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/skyview/pspc0.6int
- Title:
- PSPC summed pointed observations, 0.6 degree cutoff, Intensity
- Short Name:
- PSPC0.6Int
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The ROSAT PSPC surveys were generated by <i> SkyView </i> as mosaics from publically available PSPC observations. The surveys include all data available through March 1, 1997. This includes the vast majority of ROSAT PSPC observations. Filter observations and observations taken during the verification phase in 1991 were not included in either set. The details of the generation of the surveys are discussed in a <a href="https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/help/pspc_generation.html"> companion document</a>. Basically the counts and exposure from all observations were added and then an intensity map was generated as the ratio of the two. <p> The smaller cut-offs allow users to distinguish point sources in fields where a bright source may have been towards the edge of one observation and near the center of another. In these cases the source appears fuzzy due to the poor resolution of ROSAT near the edge of the field of view. This comes at the cost of a substantial reduction in the fraction of the sky covered. Counts and exposure maps are included for users who may need this information (<i>e.g.</i>, to do statistical analysis). <p> The global organization of the surveys is similar to the IRAS survey. Each map covers an area of 2.5&#176;;x2.5&#176;; with a minimum overlap of 0.25&#176;;. To cover the entire sky would require over 10,000 maps. However due to lack of coverage only approximately 4000-6000 maps are actually populated. Users asking for reqions where there is no ROSAT coverage may get a blank region returned. <p> Detailed information regarding the creation of the ROSAT suveys can be found in the <a href="https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/help/pspc_generation.html"> ROSAT PSPC Generation Document</a>. Provenance: Observational data from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, mosaicking of images done by <i>SkyView</i>.. This is a service of NASA HEASARC.
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/skyview/rassback
- Title:
- ROSAT All-Sky X-ray Background Survey: Band 1
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- These maps present maps of ROSAT soft X-ray all-sky survey as presented in Snowden et al, ApJ 485, 125 (1997). The maps cover approximately 98% of the sky. These maps have had all point sources removed These surveys supercede the RASS0.25, RASS0.75 and RASS1.5 Kev surveys previously provided. Those surveys may still be invoked in SkyView using batch and jar tools but are not accessible on the Web page. <p> The seven maps correspond to ranges in the pulse height analysis of the photons detected. Since the energy resolution of the PSPC is poor, there is consider overlap between adjacent bands. <p> The energy range for the bands corresponds to: <table><tr><th>Band</th><th>Energy range (keV)</th></tr> <tr><td>Band 1</td><td>0.11 - 0.284</td><tr> <tr><td>Band 2</td><td>0.14 - 0.284</td><tr> <tr><td>Band 3</td><td>0.2 - 0.83</td></tr> <tr><td>Band 4</td><td>0.44 - 1.01</td><tr> <tr><td>Band 5</td><td>0.56 - 1.21</td><tr> <tr><td>Band 6</td><td>0.73 - 1.56</td><tr> <tr><td>Band 7</td><td>1.05 - 2.04</td><tr> </table> Note the substantial overlap between bands. Each photon detected is assigned to a band based on the pulse height analysis for that photon, but the energy resolution of the detectors is relatively poor. Also note that Band 3 was not included in the reference paper due to poor statistics and background modeling. <p> SkyView has several other sets of surveys derived from ROSAT data with substantially higher resolution and which include point sources. The RASS surveys are derived from the RASS all sky survey. These include count and intensity maps. The PSPC maps are dervived from the PSPC pointed observations which were combined by SkyView. The HRI survey is derived from a similar mosaicking of all HRI observations. Provenance: Max Planck Institute for Exterrestrial Physics (Garching FRG). This is a service of NASA HEASARC.
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/skyview/rass3
- Title:
- ROSAT All-Sky X-ray Survey Broad Band: Intensity
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The ROSAT All-Sky X-ray Survey was obtained during 1990/1991 using the ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC) in combination with the ROSAT X-ray Telescope (XRT). More than 60,000 X-ray sources were detected during this time. <p> SkyView has multiple surveys derived from the RASS data. The surveys whose RASS are counts and exposure maps from the survey. Previously The RASSBCK maps have had the point sources removed to show the diffuse X-ray background and are presended at lower resolution. <p> The full-resolution RASS surveys data are organized in 1378 fields each 6.4&#176;; x 6.4&#176;; covering the whole sky. Neighboring fields overlap by at least 0.23&#176;;.<p> Three bands are available through <i>SkyView</i> <UL> <LI> broad band (0.1-2.4 keV) <LI> hard band (0.5-2.0 keV) <LI> soft band (0.1-0.4 keV) </ul> Data was dowloaded from the <a href="https://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/rosat/survey/rass-3/main/help.html#ftp">MPE FTP site</a>. <p> The intensity maps are created from the exposure maps using the single exposure map available which is appropriate for the broad band images, so the intensities of the hard and soft bands are only approximate. Provenance: Max Planck Institute for Exterrestrial Physics (Garching FRG). This is a service of NASA HEASARC.
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/skyview/hri
- Title:
- ROSAT High Resolution Image Pointed Observations Mosaic: Intensity
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This survey was generated from all available ROSAT HRI observations. Data were mosaicked into 1.1 degree tiles by SkyView. Exposure maps were generated for each HRI observation using the hriexpmap FTOOL. For each tile, all observations that might contribute to that tile were located and added to count and exposure map tiles. Exposures for each observation were calculated using a nearest neighbor interpolation of the center of the tile pixels to the exposure map pixels. Counts were computed by projecting the RA and Decs of each eligible photon into the appropriate tile pixel. Only photons with a PHA > 3 were included in the mosaic and within each observation only counts within the region where the exposure was greater than half the maximum exposure were included. Provenance: Data from GSFC and MPE. <i>SkyView</i> mosaic generated by SkyView.. This is a service of NASA HEASARC.
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/skyview/wfcf
- Title:
- ROSAT Wide Field Camera: F1
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This survey is a mosaic of images taken by the ROSAT Wide Field Camera and comprises of 12,743 seperates fields in each of two filters. Each field covers a region 2.6&#176;; x 2.6&#176;; with a 0.3&#176;; overlap. Currently, this data is not a complete coverage of the sky; regions near the northern ecliptic pole are currently not included. Provenance: University of Leicester. This is a service of NASA HEASARC.
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/skyview/rxte3_20k_flux
- Title:
- RXTE Allsky 3\-20 keV Flux
- Short Name:
- RXTE3_20k_flux
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer was launched at the end of 1995 and up to now (2004) it has been successfully operating for more than 7 years. The mission was primarily designed to study the variability of X-ray sources on time scales from sub-milliseconds to years. The maneuvering capability of the satellite combined with the high photon throughput of its main detector (PCA) and high quality of background prediction (thanks to PCA intrumental group of LHEA, GSFC) has also made it possible to construct maps of the sky in energy band 3-20 keV. During its life time RXTE/PCA has collected a large amount of data from slew observations covering almost the entire sky. <p> We have utilized the slew parts of all RXTE/PCA observations performed from April 15, 1996-July 16, 2002 which amounts in total to approximately 50,000 observations. The exposure time at a given point in the map is typically between 200-500 seconds. The observational period before April 15, 1996 (High Voltage Epochs 1 and 2) was excluded from the analysis because during that time the PCA had significantly different gain and dependence of the effective area on energy. The data reduction was done using standard tools of the LHEASOFT with a set of packages written by M. Revnivtsev (HEAD/IKI, Moscow; MPA, Garching).<p> <p> The survey has several features. It has strongly different exposure times at different points on the sky that lead to strong variability of the statistical noise on images. Because of that the only meaningful representation of images is the map in units of statistical significance. After the detection of a source flux can be determined from the map in the 'flux' units. Map resolution is determined mainly by the slew rate of the RXTE (<0.05-0.1&#176;;/sec) and the time resolution of used data (16 sec, Std2 mode of the PCA). Sources can be detected down to the level of ~6e<sup>-12</sup> erg/s/cm<sup>2</sup>, but at this level the confusion starts to play an important role. Details of the survey are presented in the paper of Revnivtsev et al. (2004). Provenance: High Energy Astrophysics Department, Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia; M PA, Garching, Germany. This is a service of NASA HEASARC.
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/skyview/sfd
- Title:
- Schlegel, Finkbeiner and Davis dust\ map survey
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The full sky 100 micron map is a reprocessed composite of the COBE/DIRBE and IRAS/ISSA maps, with the zodiacal foreground and confirmed point sources removed. Artifacts from the IRAS scan pattern were removed. The result of these manipulations is a map with DIRBE-quality calibration and IR AS resolution. Provenance: David J. Schlegel, Douglas P. Finkbeiner and Marc Davis, Princeton University and University of California, Berkeley. This is a service of NASA HEASARC.
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/skyview/skyview
- Title:
- SkyView Virtual Observatory
- Short Name:
- SkyView
- Date:
- 06 Apr 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- SkyView is a Virtual Observatory on the Net. Astronomers can generate images of any portion of the sky at wavelengths in all regimes from radio to gamma-ray. Users tell SkyView the position, scale and orientation desired, and SkyView gives users an image made to their specification. The user need not worry about transforming between equinoxes or coordinate systesm, mosaicking submaps, rotating the image,.... SkyView handles these geometric issues and lets the user get started on astronomy.